Episode 2

(The episode opens with The picture revealed to be Kanisha riding red eyes black dragon and a temple behind her)

Joey: Hey, I have that card

Kanisha (smiles): You do?

Joey: Yeah, I won it in duelist kingdom

Kanisha (with sparkly eyes): Could I see it?

Joey: Sure, but I would have to get from my bag, which is home

Kanisha: Is my dad here?

Tea: He just left, he said he would bring food

Kanisha: Then, let's go before he comes back, how about traveling around check out some places

Clara: But, shouldn't you be resting?

Kanisha: I'm fine, nothing is wrong, besides I sneak out all the time when this happens because of dad's disappearing act

Clara: Seriously, everytime

Kanisha: Yeah, he's at least gone for the whole night, with that in mind, can we go?

Clara (with her finger on her chin): Well

Triston: We can't leave you all alone

Kanisha (smiles): Yes

(The screen switches to Kanisha wearing a orange shirt, black pants, and white shoes holding a purse)

Clara: I can't believe you didn't pick a single skirt

Tea: That rainbow one, looked really cute

Kanisha: I hate skirts, especially short ones

Joey: Your uniform

Kanisha: I mean, when I'm not going to school (walks ahead

Clara: I didn't think she was the type

Tea: Me either, I guess I was wrong.

(Screen switches to them walking, Joey has his deck)

Clara: Say Kanisha

Kanisha: Yes?

Clara: Do you have a crush on anybody?

Kanisha: I don't know what that has to do with anything, but yeah

Tea: Sweetheart from your old school

Kanisha: As if, he barely even talks about romance, the chances of him liking me like that slim to none

Joey: Why's that?

Kanisha: He's totally clueless, he wouldn't know love if it hit him.

Yugi: Are you sure, he's just pretending?

Kanisha: I wish (clenched her fist) I would (red aura around her) kill him

(Everybody looked unnerved)

Kanisha (smiles): Sorry about that

Tea (puts around Kanisha's shoulder): It's okay, I understand, love can be difficult

Kanisha: That is an understatement (sighs)

(Clara looks at a store)

Clara: Anybody want some ice cream?

Kanisha: Yeah, maybe that could cool me down

(As they walk up to the store, they see students from another school)

A girl: Did you hear about that creepy school?

Another girl: Yeah, it's been around forever, yet nobody has ever been seen there

Kanisha: What school is that?

The first girl: It's the Bear Valley High School

Triston: Oh, I heard of that school, most people believe it's haunted

The second girl: Yeah

Kanisha (laughs): Haunted, are you serious? That's absolutely ridiculous.

The first girl (looking serious): Then how come nobody comes out

Kanisha: Maybe it's a special school, that doesn't want their students to socialize, at least not during the day, has anybody stayed at night

The second girl: Why would anybody do that?

Kanisha (smiles): For the thrill, the rush, to prove the truth

Tea: But, what if somebody did and they didn't make it out?

Kanisha: Tea, don't tell you are falling for this as well

Tea: Maybe a little

Kanisha: (sighs) and to think I was going to ask you to help me prove the truth, but I guess (shakes her head) not (walks into the store)

The first girl: She's not serious, is she?

Clara: I know that look she is very serious, I'm going to help her (looks at her friends) you want to come along?

Yugi: Of course

Triston: Leave no friend behind

Clara: Tea?

Tea: But, there really could be ghosts

Joey: Come on Tea, we've faced worst

Clara: And we will be staying right beside each other

Tea: Fine, I'll come.

(While inside Kanisha is talking to Bakura)

Yugi: Is that?

Triston: Bakura!

Joey: He doesn't seem to have that millennium necklace on him

Yami Yugi: We should still be cautious

Yugi: Right

Clara (walking past her friends): What are you all waiting for? (Waves) Hey Kanisha.

Kanisha: Hey Clara, to think I would meet one of my classmates here.

Clara: Hello, Bakura

Bakura: Hello, Clara, where's everyone else

Clara (seeing them in a lime): Getting ice cream

Kanisha: So, you really were at Duelist Kingdom as well

Bakura: Yeah, it was really crazy

Kanisha (confused): Why?

Bakura: This is probably the best place to discuss that.

Kanisha: Okay (gets up and takes Bakura's hand) then let's go somewhere else

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Bakura, Tea, Triston, Yugi, and Clara in Kanisha's room)

Kanisha: Alright, my dad isn't home, and the sun isn't down yet, so tell me

Tea: Tell you what?

Kanisha: What happened at the Duelist Kingdom? That has all of you so quiet, please tell me.

Bakura: Okay, but it may hard to believe

Joey: To be honest, I hardly believe it myself

Yugi: You see the reason I entered Duelist Kingdom was because of one certain person, Maximillion Pegasus, he stole my grandpa soul, I saved him and won

Kanisha (eyes widen): Right, Yugi Mutou, I remember hearing about you. Wait, did you say the creator of duel monsters, Maximillion Pegasus stole your grandpa's soul, how was that possible?

Joey: With Millenium eye of his

Kanisha: Millenium eye?

Yugi: You see Pegasus, Bakura, and I each have Millenium items (shows his Millenium Puzzle)

Kanisha: This looks Egyptian

(Everybody looked surprisingly at Kanisha)

Joey: How did you know?

Kanisha: Because one time, my grandma took me to an Egyptian Exhibit, and I notice all of them have an eye like that (pointing to Yugi's puzzle) one

Clara: Now, that I think about it, those hieroglyphics I seen do have an eye above it

Kanisha: And Egyptian items, they have magical powers, what does your puzzle do?

Yugi: I switch places, with a spirit that lives inside this puzzle

Kanisha (smiles): No way! Did you put this puzzle together all by yourself?

Yugi: Yeah

Kanisha (looks at Bakura): You had an item too, does it do the same as Yugi's

Bakura: Kinda, but this spirit was evil, he trapped me, using my body to cause other people pain

Kanisha: Say no more, anything else, I should know

Tea: There's this place, a horrible place

Yugi: Called the shadow realm, where souls can be trapped by certain people with these Millenium items, our first time. It was the evil spirit in Bakura's Millenium ring

Kanisha: A ring (drawing in her notebook) could you describe it?

Bakura: Round like a circle with an arrow like sharp ends, I could wear it like a necklace.

Kanisha: Interesting, question (looking at Yugi) do you know your spirits name?

Yugi: No, and he doesn't either

Kanisha: So, it's a he, what's he like or better yet, could you switch with him or do you have to be in a duel?

(Yugi's puzzle glows)

Kanisha (looking shocked): What's happening?

Tea: Their switching

(Yugi switches to Yami Yugi)

Kanisha (shocked): Did you see that, is it me or is he taller, his hair is different?

Joey: Now that you mention it, I started to notice that as well

Kanisha: Do you really, not know your name?

Yami Yugi: Unfortunately I don't nothing from my past, except that it has something to do with Egypt.

Kanisha: I knew it, maybe you're the spirit of a Pharaoh, or maybe a sorcerer, nah. Wait, when Yugi was battling it was you, wasn't it?

Yami Yugi: Yes, I always switch him

Kanisha: Fascinating, it's so cool, it's very nice to meet you, spirit.

Yami Yugi: You too, you know I'm surprised that you noticed my appearance.

Kanisha: Why? Anybody would notice (laughs) unless you are blind

(The others look at Kanisha)

Kanisha: You all didn't notice?

Tea: Not really, until that event

Kanisha (puts her hand on her mouth): I'm sorry

Joey: It's cool

Clara: I noticed that one time, I saw him duel before I joined the school

Kanisha: Really?

Yami Yugi: The sun is down

Kanisha: That's right, we should go (looks at Yugi) are you going to change back, or are you going to stay that way?

Yami Yugi: I'll appear, if dangerous appears

(The puzzle glows and Yugi is back)

(The episode ends with Kanisha, Clara, Bakura, Tea, Triston, and Joey heading out the door)