(The episode opens with Kanisha, Bakura, Clara, Tea, Triston, and Joey looking at a school on a hill at night)
Kanisha: So, that is Bear Valley High School?
Triston: Yup
Clara: Everybody have their flashlights?
(Everybody shine their flashlights)
Joey: Alright, let's go
Kanisha: Yup, and no chickening out
(They head into the school and start searching)
Kanisha: So, where should we look first?
Clara: How about we split up, I go with Yugi, Bakura goes with Joey, Triston and Tea go with Kanisha.
Kanisha: Odd teams, but whatever
(They split up)
Kanisha: So, How about we check out the gym?
Triston: Okay
Tea: Wait, you aren't going to go to the scariest place?
Kanisha (with her hand on her shoulder): Tea, it's a school, the scariest places you will find is the cafeteria, the bathroom, and maybe the janitor's closet.
Triston: True.
Kanisha: So, let's see what true terror hides in here.
Triston: You know, you seem surprisingly calm
Kanisha: I'm not easy to scare, despite being the shy type
Triston: Ever had a boyfriend?
Kanisha: (looks at Triston with a smile): That's a bold thing to ask, no I haven't, ever had a girlfriend?
Triston: No, I did have a crush
Kanisha: Interesting, question Tea
Tea: Yeah
Kanisha: Is Yugi and Clara an item?
Tea: You could tell?
Kanisha: Yup, do you have somebody you like?
(There was a crash)
Tea: What was that?
Kanisha: It came from over there
(Kanisha, Triston, and Tea run through the hallway and sees Joey and Bakura with a bunch of pots on the floor)
Tea: What are you doing?
Joey: Trying to check out the refrigerator, I thought they may have left something from cooking class
Kanisha: I should've known (laughs)
(Clara scream)
Tea: That was Clara.
(Kanisha, Tea, and Triston run and enter the health room)
Kanisha: What is happening?
Yugi: Nothing just a skeleton
Kanisha: Where's Clara?
(Clara appears from behind the desk)
Clara: I guess, I got surprised
Kanisha: Happens to many people
Clara: Yup
Kanisha: So far, this place is a dud, let's check the cafeteria, then go
Tea: I agree
(They head to the cafeteria)
Kanisha: Well, this is the last place to check, everybody stay together
Everybody: Okay
(Kanisha checks in the kitchen with Clara, Yugi, and Bakura)
Bakura: Nothing seem out out of the ordinary
Clara: (sniffs) (backs up) just bad smells
Kanisha: I knew this would be a cliche
Clara: Then, why come?
Kanisha: For bonding, I guess next time, let's pick the mall
(Tea, Triston, and Joey check under the tables)
Tea: Yup, Kanisha was right
Triston: Nothing to see here
Kanisha: Wait, I just thought about it, the library!
Clara: Because of old horror movies
Kanisha: We're basically in a cliche already, why not check there
Tea: I'm up for it
Bakura: Well, let's go
(The screen switches to Everybody check the library)
Kanisha (looking at books): Well, I will say, they have an impressive collection
Tea: So, no secret tunnels or anything?
Kanisha (above the stairs): Not up here
Yugi: Not here either
Joey: Well, this was a waste of time
Clara: Well, not necessarily we got to check out a school, nobody would
Kanisha: Yeah (pulls out a camera) and I took pictures
Tea (shocked): How long have you had that?
Kanisha: The whole time, oh well
Bakura: Wait, I see something behind this shelf
Kanisha (smiles): Really? (Rides down the rail and heads to the bookshelf)
(Kanisha looks behind the shelf and sees a tunnel)
Kanisha: I don't believe it, it's an actual tunnel
Clara: Really? (Looks behind the shelf) It's true
(Kanisha and Clara nod at each other, then pulls the bookshelf and sees stairs that leads to the tunnel)
Kanisha: Yes, a real discovery!
Clara: Weird, why have this under the school?
Tea: Yeah, it is suspicious.
Joey: Hey, where did Bakura go?
(They look around and see Bakura is gone)
Kanisha: I'll look for him
Clara: But, the mystery
Kanisha: (throws the camera to Clara) Take the pictures for me (runs up the stairs)
Clara: Okay, let's go
(Clara, Yugi, Triston, Joey, and Tea headed down the stairs)
(Kanisha checks through the library)
Kanisha: Bakura, are you here? Bakura! (Button hit) Huh? (The floor opened) Oops! (She fell)
(Kanisha ended in a dark room)
Kanisha: What just happened?
Bakura: You hit the button the floor too?
(Kanisha shines the light on Bakura)
Kanisha: Oh thank goodness, you are safe, but where are we?
Bakura: This may sound odd, but I think we are in the museum
(Kanisha sees displays and a statue of Dark Magician)
Kanisha: Interesting, I wonder if that tunnel there, anyway let's try to get out
Bakura: I tried, the door is locked
(Kanisha pulls on the door, but nothing)
Kanisha: We really are trapped, hang on (backs up, then kicks the door down)
Bakura: You know Karate?
Kanisha: Not fully, but I did build up some muscle
Bakura: Okay, shall we go?
Kanisha: Wait! Look
(Kanisha points to a stone tablet)
Bakura: Seems like a legend of a great warrior
Kanisha: It's fake
Bakura (shocked): How can you tell?
Kanisha: The way it looks, it's not ancient, it was made by thieves, I know because my old friend's dad worked with the police force and he has a keen eye for fake jewelry and this tablet is definitely fake. Which is probably why it is here
Bakura: You know Kanisha, you are different from how you describe yourself
Kanisha: What can I say (smiles) when I'm with friends I ask differently
A voice: What are you kids doing here?
(Kanisha and Bakura jump as they see the security guard)
Kanisha: Sorry, we accidentally stumbled here
Bakura: Yeah (points to the wall)
A security guard: Oh, the trick tunnel.
Kanisha: Yup
A security guard: Okay, are there more of you coming?
Kanisha: If so, they should be here already, where do those tunnels lead
A security guard: A laboratory, well at least that's what I've heard
(Kanisha takes Bakura's hand and enters the tunnel)
Bakura: Are you sure, this is a good idea?
Kanisha: Absolutely!
(Tea, Triston, Clara, Joey, and Yugi see a bright light)
Yugi: Guys, I think that's the way out
Clara: Finally
Tea: You said it
(They run through and instead of seeing the outside, they instead find a lab)
Tea: I guess not
(Episode ends)