(The episode opens with Tea, Triston, Clara, Joey, and Yugi see a bright light)
Yugi: Guys, I think that's the way out
Clara: Finally
Tea: You said it
(They run through and instead of seeing the outside, they instead find a lab)
Tea: I guess not
Joey: Seems we ended up in some type of laboratory
Kanisha: Cool, the security guard was right
Bakura: Seems so
Triston: Where did you two come from?
Kanisha: A tunnel
Clara: I'm glad, nothing bad happened
Tea: Agreed, now let's go
Kanisha: Wait, this place looks familiar
Clara: Yeah, I saw it in a magazine (snaps her fingers) 'Top Lab'
(Kanisha turns on the light, then looks shocked as she sees a tube, an Egyptian tablet, a long desk with lots of papers, a chalkboard with a picture of a human and a duel monster)
Tea: Okay, this is weird.
Kanisha: Yeah (looks down and sees a picture of her when she was little) it's me
Clara: Does that mean? (Looks at Kanisha) Is this your dad's lab?
Kanisha: My dad is a scientist?
Bakura: Kanisha, Isn't this that tablet from the museum?
Kanisha: It is
Kumazaka: Is somebody there?
Kanisha (whispers): We got to hide
Clara (whispers): Why?
Kanisha (whispers): Too be honest, I don't want to be caught here, let's go
(Just as they started to leave Kanisha touches her chest, and fell to her knees)
Clara: Kanisha, are you okay?
Kanisha (breathing hard): It hurts, can't move
Joey: Let me help you
Kanisha: No, maybe I shouldn't hurt myself further
(Kumazaka appears in a white lab coat, goggles along with a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. He takes off his goggles and looks at Kanisha)
Kumazaka: Kanisha, What are you doing here? It's dangerous
Clara: Sorry, sir, we were exploring tunnels, when we ended up here, and now Kanisha is in pain
Kumazaka: I was afraid of this
Kanisha (weakly): What do you mean?
Kumazaka: Sweetie, it isn't a disease or any illness
Tea: That's a lie, then what is causing this pain
Kumazaka: Everybody, Kanisha isn't human
(Everybody gasped)
Kumazaka: Well, not fully human
Bakura: How is that possible?
Joey: Of course, she is human,
Kumazaka: No, she is only part human
Yugi: Then, what is the other part is she?
Kumazaka: I know it may be hard to believe, but she is part duel monster
Clara: What?
Tea: Sorry, sir, did you say duel monster
Kumazaka (helping Kanisha): Sweetie, you need to go in the tube
Kanisha (weakly): Is it safe?
Kumazaka: True, it is
Kanisha (weakly): Fine
(Kumazaka stabs Kanisha with a needle that makes her pass out)
Clara: Kanisha!
Joey: What's the big idea?
Kumazaka: It would be too dangerous to put her in there (as he puts Kanisha in the tube)
while she is awake
Clara: What do you mean, she is part duel monster? That's impossible, I mean I know duel monsters existed back in Egypt, but they were just spirits of people, how could she possess a spirit like that
Kumazaka: You see, a long time ago, I was traveling all around the Earth, finding strange and bizarre stuff people couldn't explain, I stumbled into Egypt, there I found a tablet of a great warrior that was unstoppable.
Bakura: So, you found this tablet, you didn't steal it
Kumazaka: No, but a colleague of mine, tried to, for money purposes. In order to stop him, I made a look alike, and it seems to fool everybody.
Yugi: Before you said Kanisha is part duel monster, if that is true, is it because of that tablet
Kumazaka: It is indeed, you see while I was an explorer, I am also a scientist, I loved experimenting, but my time had to be shortened since I was taking care of Kanisha. At first, everything was fine, even though both missed Christina, my wife, we were getting through okay, but an accident happened, and the doctors were saying there was nothing they could do. I couldn't believe it, so I tried to find a way to help her.
(A flashback shows Kumazaka rambling through papers, then sits down and reads the hieroglyphics on the tablet)
Kumazaka (voice over): I thought reading it to her, would be nice, but as I read it something strange happened
(The flashback shows a spirit of a woman smiling at Kumazaka)
Kumazaka (voice over): I couldn't believe it, it was a real spirit, she was smiling, so full of spirit. But, as she looked at Kanisha, her expression changed, she asked me what happened, I told her.
Yugi: So, the spirit, just appeared?
Kumazaka: Yup, I thought if she appeared, maybe, the spell that was on the back of the tablet could actually work, so I hooked the tablet to Kanisha by my machine, but I didn't calculate on one thing
(The flashback shows a machine hooked to Kanisha who's unconscious and the tablet)
Clara: What is it?
(The flashback shows Kanisha waking up and angel wings on her back)
Kumazaka: The spirit fused with her and caused a mutation, the power inside immediately became unstable, in order to calm her, I had to erase all her memory
(Present, Kumazaka touching the tube)
Kumazaka: This tube would suppress her powers, but as she grow, her powers are growing, I cannot contain it anymore
Triston: Then, unfuse them
Kumazaka: I tried, I called to the spirit and even said the spell nothing work
Clara: Maybe I could try to help (looks at Yugi) or should I say we can help
Kumazaka: How?
Clara: You see (shows her wing) my ring has magical powers that let me switch with a spirit
Yugi: As does my puzzle, our spirits existed when that tablet was created, maybe they could get the spirit to come out
Tea: It could work
Kumazaka: Please help her
Clara: Ready Yugi
Yugi: Yeah
(Clara's ring and Yugi's puzzle glows. Clara's hair is longer and her eyes become sharper)
Yami Clara: Finally she let me out, hello
Yami Yugi: Hello
(Yami Yugi and Yami Clara look at the tablet)
Yami Clara: That is Kamia.
Yami Yugi: I feel I remember her from somewhere
Yami Clara: You should, she was one of the bravest warrior, not as brave as me, but she was a worthy opponent and a friend of yours
Yami Yugi and Yami Clara (touch the tube): Come out, spirit Kamia
(The tube begins to shake)
Tea: What's happening?
Kumazaka (looking shocked): Kanisha!
Yami Yugi: Wait!
(Kanisha comes out the tube with a pair with Crystal wings)
Kamia: Finally I am free
Yami Clara: Oh yes, I haven't missed that voice
Kamia (looking annoyed): Oh, it's you
Yami Clara: So, you are stuck in a human body too, I guess your spirit is still a nuisance
Kamia: Why you
Yami Yugi: Now. Getting in-between Kanisha and Yami Clara) Now. (Looking at Kanisha) Kamia, we called you to ask if you could separate your spirit from Kanisha.
Kamia: I cannot, Sorry
Yami Yugi: Why not?
Kamia: Because the girl will die without me, you see her body has been infected and my spirit is protecting it, if I seperate she would die and now that my power had full recovered, her, I have finally cured her.
Kumazaka (tears come down): So, she is safe? And to think if I had did my plan she would've died
Kamia (looks at Kumazaka): You are the one that freed me and also the on that fuse with Kanisha
Kumazaka: Yes.
Kamia: Thank you
Kumazaka: Why?
Kamia: If you haven't freed me, I wouldn't have been able to help somebody and would've been forgotten, you seen unlike the other tablets, I haven't been made into a card, so my spirit was going to be destined to be alone
Yami Yugi: I'm sure, our paths would've passed
Kamia (smiles): I agree
Yami Clara: Well, then that means we came out for nothing
Yami Yugi: Not necessarily, I got to see an old friend
Kamia: I've missed you
Kumazaka: Kamia, since you are connected to Kanisha, can she hear us?
Kamia: Yup, and she forgives you
Kumazaka: Thanks
Tea: But, what happens now?
(Episode ends)