Episode 5

(The episode opens with Everybody in the lab)

Tea: Wait, there's something I don't understand

Kamia: What is it?

Tea: If you and Kanisha are created how come she hasn't become full spirit

Kamia: That's because the part that keeps her human, her heart is still beating and because of that she is still part human, but my spirit is growing, so some unfortunate things might happen

Yami Yugi: Could it get in the way with her going to school?

Kamia: Probably, the other bad news, is I can't come out that often, my spirit may be growing, but her heart is still weak, so I have to go back

Yami Clara: Say, Kamia

Kamia: What do you want?

Yami Clara: You really want to be part of the duel monster world?

Kamia: Yes

Yami Clara (looking at Kumazaka): Maybe he could make it possible

Kumazaka: That could be a possibility, but that's a tall order

Yami Clara: I didn't ask for an excuse, I asked if it possible

Kumazaka: It's possible

Kamia (looks at Kumazaka): If you can make it possible, thank you, okay I must go

Yami Yugi: Goodbye

Yami Clara: Good riddance

Kamia: But, Before I change back (kisses Yami Yugi on the cheek)

Yami Yugi: Kamia!

(Yami Clara looked angry)

Kamia: See ya! (She starts glowing and her wings cover body)

(Kanisha fainted and landed in Tristan's arms)

Yami Clara: I guess, we should go too

Tea: Thanks

Yami Clara: Whatever

Yami Yugi: You know I will always help, Tea

(The ring and the puzzle glows, which turns Yugi and Clara back to normal)

Yugi: Is Kanisha alright?

(Kanisha open her eyes)

Bakura: If Kaima's right, she should be just fine

Kumazaka: But, is it true, that she truly forgive me

(Kanisha flies to Kumazaka and hugs him)

Kanisha: Why wouldn't I? You are my dad (flicks Kumazaka's forehead) but don't keep a secret that is this big from me again

Kumazaka: Fair enough

Joey: So, Kanisha, how do you feel?

Kanisha (while flying): I'm fine, for one I have wings and I figured I have a spirit of a duel monster inside me, extra cool

Clara: But, what happens now?

Kumazaka: Now, I try to figure out a way to sell the idea of making a card of Kamia, the question is how.

Clara: Why not send a picture of Kamia with a description of her history to Pegasus? Kanisha is an excellent drawer, it could work

Kumazaka: Let's try it, but maybe we should wait, until the afternoon, it's nearly midnight

Kanisha: Man, with everything that happened I forgot we still have school, we should go home

Bakura: But, how are you going to go home with those wings, won't people see you?

Kanisha: No problem

(Kanisha's body glowed and her wings disappear)

Kanisha (smiles): See

(The screen switches to the afternoon, where Kanisha is drawing Kamia from the tablet with her friends by her side, then she gives to her dad)

(Kumazaka sends it to Pegasus)

Pegasus: What's this?

(Pegasus looks at Kanisha's picture)

Pegasus: It seems I have found something very interesting, this artist is very unique, I think I will call her here.

(Kanisha, Tea, Tristan, Joey, and Clara are walking together)

Clara: So, how do you think it went?

Kanisha: I come well, unlike class I barely could stay awake

(The others agree)

Joey: Everything last night was crazy

Kanisha: I agree, I mean I discovered something about myself that I never knew

Yugi: Are you happy with it?

Kanisha: Absolutely, hey wouldn't it be cool if my soul could be transferred in a card, so I could b in the game

Clara: It would be interesting

Joey: Actually that could be really cool

(Kanisha heads home with her friends, when she sees the phone ringing)

Kanisha: Hello!

Kumazaka: Kanisha! Maximillion Pegasus called and he wants you to make the artwork for more cards including Kamia

Kanisha (smiles): Really?!

Kumazaka: Yes, he said a helicopter is coming

Kanisha: Helicopter?

Kumazaka: Sorry, I have to go (hangs up)

Kanisha: Dad! Dad! (Puts the phone back) great

Tea: What's wrong?

Kanisha: Pegasus wants me to make more cards of Kamia

Clara (smiles): That is great news

Kanisha: I guess so, but I never done something like that before

Clara: I'm sure, you will be fine, plus think of it this way, they would be your own special cards

Kanisha: That could be cool, and hey, maybe they would make them rare cards

Clara: (shrugs her shoulder) One could dream

(They head a helicopter, so they walk outside)

Kanisha: I guess that is my ride (smiles at her friends) see ya!

Clara: Bye

Tea: Good luck Kanisha

Kanisha (as she head to the helicopter): Thank you

(The helicopter flies off)

(The screen switches to Kanisha painting on a canvas)

Kanisha: You know this looks interesting

Kamia: I guess so, which card are you making this time?

Kanisha: A spell card, it's Kaima's wings, it protects other monster's from being destroyed, well on the winner's side

Kamia: You have a creative mind, you kinda remind me of myself

Kanisha: Hey, Kamia, What were you like back when you were human?

Kamia: Well, pretty much how I am now, except I was lonely

Kanisha: How come?

Kamia: People always thought there was something wrong with me, so they wouldn't let me have any fun, until I met him, he changed my life

Kanisha: You mean the spirit that lives in Yugi's puzzle?

Kamia: Yup, but tragedy hit and I died and became this spirit, but that was good news because as a spirit I was able to help many people

Kanisha: Well, you don't have to worry about being lonely because we're connected

Kamia: Thank you, you are so considerate

Kanisha (blushing a little): You're just saying that

Kamia: But, it's true

(The episode ends with Kanisha still drawing)