Episode 6

(The episode opens with Kanisha looking in the mirror, showing her wearing a pink jacket, white shirt with a swirl on it, black jeans, and white shoes, while Kamia is watching her)

Kamia (as Kanisha passes the bed): You ready

Kanisha (putting on makeup): Yeah, I just hope I don't mess up on the speech

Kamia: You mess? That's impossible, you've practicing all day

Kanisha (grabs her bag): I'm glad you feel that way

Kumazaka: Kanisha, the helicopter is here

Kanisha: Well, here we go

(Kanisha runs out of the door and kisses Kumazaka on the forehead)

Kumazaka: Good luck

Kanisha: Thank you

(The screen switches to Kanisha riding on the helicopter, while looking down)

A voice: Uh, Kanisha

Kanisha (looks at the person): Yes?

(The person is revealed to be a woman who has long green hair, wearing a pink dress and pink heels named Ms. Tomimuro)

Ms. Tomimuro: No need to be nervous, I saw how hard, you were working and I know you will be fine

Kanisha: I'm glad, you believe that

Ms. Tomimuro: Also, where did you learn to paint?

Kanisha: My mother, she had true talent

Ms. Tomimuro: Sorry

Kanisha: It's okay.

(The screen switches to Kanisha walking into a room full of many fancy adults with Ms. Tomimuro, in the room there is chandeliers, tables full of food, and there she sees Maximillion Pegasus along with somebody else)

Maximillion Pegasus: Ah, Kanisha, you made it in time, I would like you to meet somebody

(Kanisha gasps to see Seto Kaiba with Mokuba)

Maximillion Pegasus: Kaiba, this is Kanisha Sukiyaki

Seto Kaiba: Sukiyaki, is Kumazaka your father?

Kanisha: Yeah

Seto Kaiba (thought): So, this is the daughter, he talks about

Ms. Tomimuro: Kanisha, it's time

Kanisha: Oh, well, I better get on stage

Kamia: Everything will be okay

Kanisha (thought): I hope so

(Kanisha walks up the stage)

Kanisha: I'm Kanisha Sukiyaki, and I'm here to represent (pulls the cover revealing the deck) a new deck painted by me, that centers around a duel monster you probably haven't heard of Kamia

(The screen shows to Yugi, Tea, Bakura, Tristan, Joey, Kumazaka, Clara, and many others watching Kanisha's speech off the TV)

Kanisha: She was a great warrior, fighting for what is good and right, my father found the tablet of hers and I knew she had to be made into a card, so I did.

A voice: Did you really paint all of them on your own?

Kanisha: Yes

A voice: Have these cards been proven to work functionally on a duel disk?

Kanisha: Yes, I tested them personally, I can do a demonstration

(Ms. Tomimuro brings Kanisha a duel disk)

Ms. Tomimuro (whispers): Good job

Kanisha (whispers): Thank you

Kanisha (puts on a duel disk): Now (picks a card from the deck) I summon Flower's dragon (a dragon made of flowers appear)

(The crowd cheers)

(The screen shows to other people talking and Kanisha's friends smiling)

(Kanisha smiles)

(The screen switches to Kanisha being given the deck by Maximillion Pegasus)

Maximillion Pegasus: These cards are owned by you now, we have the blueprints, so we will make many more

Kanisha (smiles): Really? Thank you!

Kamia: Good job

Ms. Tomimuro: Let's go

Kanisha: Bye!

(The screen switches to Kanisha being dropped off to see Clara, Yugi, Joey, Tristan, and Tea by her house)

Clara: Welcome back

Tea: Good job on the speech

Joey: Yeah, I couldn't believe it, when I say you on the TV

Yugi: Were you nervous?

Kanisha: For a little bit, but I'm fine now

Tea: So, what happens now?

Kanisha: Who knows?

Clara: I have an idea (reveals tickets)

(The screen switches to them riding on horses, Clara is riding on hers: Ross, Kanisha's horse is Dreamer, Tristan's horse is Blue Moon, Joey's horse is Rainlight, Tea's horse is Esazia, and Yugi's horse name is Darkmane)

Kanisha: I'm surprised, how good you are at riding horses

Clara: Are you kidding, it was easy

Tea: Speak for yourself, I nearly fell off four times

(Kanisha giggles)

Joey: This is simple

Tristan: Yeah

Yugi: I didn't think I would be able to keep up

Clara: Yugi, you have to have more confidence in you and the horse

Kanisha: Good point

Clara: That reminds me, Kanisha,

Kanisha: Yeah

Clara: Before that guy that said he is a friend of your father's, did you know him?

Kanisha: I saw a picture of him, in my father's lab, but I never met him in person

Clara: Odd

Yugi: Yeah,also he seemed really interested in that tablet

Kanisha: Yeah.

(The episode ends with them riding on the horses)