Episode 7

(The episode opens with Kanisha looking at her deck with her friends)

Clara: These cards are perfect for you

Kanisha: Thank you

Yugi: How about a duel?

Kanisha: With Who?

Joey: That's a good question, let's determine it with a game of Rock Paper Scissors

Kanisha: Okay

Tea: Wait, before we start, Kanisha are you Kamia still connecting well?

Kanisha: Yeah, why do

Kumazaka: Kanisha, phone for you

Kanisha: Hold that question

(Kanisha walks out the room)

Clara: Why did you ask that?

Tea: I was just curious

Yugi: It's too bad, Kamia can't really spread her wings, otherwise Kanisha dies

Joey: Yeah, she was trapped for so long

Yami Clara: Who cares she was the one who wished to help people, now she got what she wished for

Clara: That's harsh

Yami Clara: You shouldn't be concern about her, she chose that path for a reason and you can see that those two are perfect for each other

Clara: How can you tell?

Yami Clara: It's the way, they smile

Clara: Makes sense

(The screen switches to Kanisha downstairs on the phone)

Kanisha: Yes.

A voice: Hey girl, how's the new house?

Kanisha: Kaliti!

(The screen shows a girl who has curly pink hair, wearing a green dress with a purse)

Kaliti: So, you haven't forgotten me

Kanisha: I would never, girl, you said you would call when you are in town (jumps) are you?

Kaliti: I am

Kanisha: No way! Where are you?

Kaliti: At the mall

Kanisha: Stay there, I'm going to meet you

Kaliti: Are you sure? You weren't doing anything

Kanisha: Nothing important, just stay there

Kaliti: Wait, I saw your speech

Kanisha: Oh, you did?

Kaliti: Yeah, that's so cool, oh and Demi is with me

(The screen shows a girl who has curly blue hair, wearing a red shirt, black pants, and white shoes)

Demi: Hey girl

Kanisha: It's going to be a gal's night

Kaliti: You know it!

Demi: Did you make some new friends?

Kanisha: Of course, and you won't believe who

Kaliti: Stop leaving us in suspense, tell us

Kanisha: Yugi Mutou

Demi: You mean the new king of games?

Kanisha: Yup

Kaliti: That makes sense, We are in Domino City, his hometown

Demi: You have to bring him here, please

Kanisha: Okay

Kaliti: And that surprise better be good

Kanisha: It will be, bye

Kaliti: Bye

Demi: See you later

(Kanisha runs upstairs with a big smile)

Clara: What happened?

Kanisha: My friends are here

Tea: That's great

Kanisha (getting her purse): I told them to wait at the mall. (Looks at Yugi) can you come with me?

Yugi: Me?

Kanisha: I told my friends that we are friends, so can you come?

Joey: What are we, chop liver?

Kanisha: I didn't mean to make it sound like that. Of course, they would want to meet all of you

Clara: And we would love to meet them

Kanisha (whispers): Clara, be careful around Demi she is a love hound, if she see you making lovey dovey eyes at Yugi, she will never let you go

Clara (whispers): Got it

Kanisha (smiles at everyone): Ready to go

Tea: What about your deck?

Kanisha: Right

(Kanisha gets her deck and safely tucked it in her purse)

(The screen switches to Demi and Kaliti waiting at the entrance of the mall, then they see Kanisha running to them and hugs them)

Demi: Always the hugger

Kaliti: Seriously, why are you always taller than me?

Kanisha (lets her friends go): Can't help it (smiles)

Demi (looks at Yugi): Hello

Yugi: Hi

Clara: Hello

Demi (looks at Clara): Hey, how are you?

Clara: Good, what's your name?

Demi: I'm Demi

Kaliti: And I'm Kaliti

Yugi: I'm Yugi

Tea: I'm Tea

Joey: I'm Joey

Tristan: I'm Tristan

Clara: And I'm Clara

Kanisha: Isn't this great?

Kaliti: So, Kanisha, where is that surprise ?

Demi (looks at Yugi): Say Yugi, could I get your autograph?

Yugi: Sure

(Demi gives Yugi a notebook, Yugi writes his name, and Yugi gives it back)

Demi (shaking Yugi's hands): Thank you

Kanisha: Oh, and about the surprise, let's head somewhere special

(The screen switches to Bear Valley School)

Demi: Kanisha, you know I hate scary places

Kanisha: Don't worry, we check no ghosts

Tea: Trust us

Demi: Okay

(They walk inside the school)

Kaliti: Okay, we are alone

Kanisha: Perfect

Demi: You know, it isn't as scary as I thought to (looks at Joey) thanks for carrying you

Joey: No problem

(Kanisha's eyes glow, then angel wings appear from behind her back)

Kanisha: It worked (smiles)

Kamia: I told you

(Kanisha smiles)

Demi: What? How?

Kanisha: Cool, right?

Kaliti: Totally Awesome! How did you get those wings?

Kanisha: You wouldn't believe me, but I'll tell you anyway

(The screen switches to Demi and Kaliti looking shocked)

Demi: No way!

Kaliti: You have a spirit of a duel monster inside you

Demi: I can't believe it

Kanisha: It's true

Kamia: Kanisha, I sense something odd inside here

Kanisha: Like what

Kaliti: Are you talking to the spirit?

Kanisha: Yeah, and she said something is here

Demi: I knew it ghosts

Kanisha: That's not it

Kamia: But, it is something evil

Kanisha: What kind of evil? Nevermind that was a stupid question

(Clara's ring and Yugi's puzzle glowed)

Yami Yugi: We should be cautious

Yami Clara: You all should leave, except Kanisha, even though that nuisance is inside her, she could prove to be not totally useless

Kanisha: A bit harsh

Tea: But, we can't leave you here

Kanisha: We'll be fine

Demi: It might be an evil spirit, what could regular humans do about it

Kanisha: Yugi and Clara share bodies with spirits from Egypt

Kaliti: Things get crazier and crazier

Demi: Fine, we will go

Kanisha: Be safe

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Yami Clara, and Yami Yugi walking through the hallway)

Yami Clara: This feels like a lame horror flick

Kanisha: Totally, except I don't think any horror movie has two people that have spirits from Egypt inside them, not to my knowledge

Yami Yugi: Kanisha, you seem to gotten used to your wings

Kanisha: Yeah, Kamia helped

Yami Clara: I don't get how you can get used to having a spirit inside you, so quickly

Kanisha: How long, did it take Clara to get used to it?

Yami Clara: A very long time, she was so afraid, it was so pathetic

Kanisha: Okay, what about Yugi?

Yami Yugi: Yugi was somewhat aware of me, but we didn't officially connect until we were at the finals of duelist kingdom

Kanisha: Really? So, you mean all the times you were dueling you were all on your own, not that much talking in-between thought

(Yami Yugi shakes his head)

Kanisha: Too bad, I guess you do need to remain focus

Yami Yugi: Tell me Kanisha, you never get to show us, your cards, could you?

Yami Clara: Is this really the time for that?

Kanisha: Nothing (looks at the library) it's there (flies off)

Yami Clara: I sense it as well

Yami Yugi: Wait up!

(They head to the library, where they see a bunch of students laying around as something drains them)

Kanisha: Stop that! Who are you?

(The figure reveals to have black hair, wearing glowing earrings, black cloak, and black shoes)

The figure: Ancient spirits, I didn't think we would meet so early

Kanisha: Early

The figure (looks at Kanisha): And it seems one of them has been fully developed

Kanisha: What do you mean?

(The figure starts to drain Kanisha, Yami Yugi gets in the way protecting Kanisha. Yami Clara help the students)

(The episode ends)