episode 8

(The episode opens with The figure draining Kanisha, Yami Yugi gets in the way protecting Kanisha. Yami Clara help the students)

Yami Clara: Hurry, all of you

A girl: Thank you

(Yami Clara smiles)

Kamia: Kanisha, are you okay?

Kanisha: Yes (her body glows) I feel my energy returning

Kamia: That's because of me

Kanisha: Done strain yourself too much

Yami Clara: Don't worry about that useless spirit, she will be fine

Kamia: She's right, just worry about fighting this evil.

(Kanisha gets up)

(The figure stops)

Kanisha: What do you want?

The figure: To gather energy

Yami Yugi: Gathering energy?

The figure: Yes, and you three energy's is enough

Yami Clara: You think you can possibly drain us, yeah right

The figure: Sure, draining spirits is different from draining humans, which is a good thing that all of you spirits inhabit the bodies of mere humans, and I already had a taste of one of you spirits; tell me how come (looking at Kanisha) why she isn't acting different like you two

Kamia: It noticed

The figure: Maybe the spirit is protecting something

Kamia: Oh no!

Kanisha: So what if she is, you aren't taking my friend away

The figure: Oh and you are going to stop me

Kanisha: Absolutely

Yami Yugi: Not just her

Yami Clara: We will be held as well, after all he said spirits, which means he is challenging all of us

Yami Yugi: And we don't back down from a challenge

Kanisha: Right, but how do we defeat him?

Yami Clara: We must figure out how he is draining the students and destroy that

(The figure reveals a golden card)

Kanisha (confused): A card?

Yami Clara: That isn't an ordinary card it's full of evil energy

Yami Yugi: That must be what is causing it

Kanisha: Then, let's destroy it

The figure: I'm afraid it isn't that easy

Kanisha: What do you mean?

The figure: This card can be destroyed by a person of pure light and none of you have that energy

Yami Yugi: You are wrong, we will destroy that card

The figure: Oh! Do you truly believe that?

Yami Yugi: Yes

The figure: Then, I'll take on your little challenge, but to makes things interesting (raises a red card)

(The red card shines and brings out chains)

(The chains hook to Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, and Kanisha)

Yami Clara: Interesting tactic, make our dueling style equal

The figure: Indeed, but before we start, I never introduced myself, I'm Yasufumi Okagawa and I'm from the future

(Yami Clara, Yami Yugi, and Kanisha looked shocked)

Yasufumi: Nice to meet you all

(The screen switches to Kaliti, Demi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan looking at the school from the outside)

Demi: I'm worried

Kaliti: I hope Kanisha is okay

Tristan: She'll be okay

Joey: Yeah, after all he has Yugi by her side

Tea: And Clara

Joey: And together they are unstoppable

(The screen shows Yami Clara with Dark Magician girl, Yami Yugi with Dark Magician)

Yasufumi: What interesting monsters and (looks at Kanisha) you?

Kanisha: You will be surprised (holds a card) I summon Kania the guardian of Earth

(A bright light shines and a woman who has four black ponytails, white skin, wearing a green necklace, brown goggles, a green/brown dress, green boots, grows two tails, and an orb in her hand)

Yasufumi: Interesting, you're that girl that created those rare cards, they are very popular in my timeline

Kanisha: Then, this will be fun (smiles)

(A red lightning comes from Yasufumi, which shocks Kanisha, Yami Clara, and Yami Yugi, this makes them almost hit the wall)

(Dark Magician catches Yami Yugi, Dark Magician girl catches Yami Clara, and Kania grabs Kanisha)

(Yasufumi looks shocked to see a person beside him)

(The person shows a person who has a red cloak)

The person: I was wondering why it was taking you so long just to collect a few souls.

Yasufumi: Iwasone, I just found some fantasticating souls that would be perfect

(The person/Iwasone looks at Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, and Kanisha)

Kanisha (looking at Iwasone): He must be the leader.

Iwasone: Let me judge what kind of souls they have.

(The person reveals his glowing red eyes and looks at Kanisha first)

Iwasone (smiles): A strong soul around her heart.

Yasufumi (whispers): So, that's what your spirit is protecting

Yami Yugi (thought): This is bad

Iwasone: Well, let me save you the trouble.

(Iwasone touched the chains making blue aura come out of Kanisha, red aura come out of Yami Clara, and Yami Yugi, then becomes balls of light)

(The balls of light get sucked into Iwasone's platinum card)

Iwasone: Now, let's go.

Yasufumi: Yes, sir

(A portal opens)

(Yasufumi and Iwasone enter the portal)

(Episode ends with Clara, Yugi, and Kanisha unconscious on the floor)