episode 9

(The episode opens with Joey, Tea, Demi, Kaliti, and Tristan)

(Kaliti looks shocked)

Demi (looks at Kaliti): What's wrong?

Kaliti: Don't you feel it?

Demi (touches her heart): Kanisha

Tea (confused): What's wrong?

(Demi and Kaliti runs back to the school)

Joey: Something must've happened (runs) let's go

Tristan (while following Joey): They must have a strong bond with Kanisha.

(The screen switches to Joey, Tea, Demi, Kaliti, and Tristan walking in a room, where they see Kanisha, Clara, and Yugi on the floor)

Joey: Yugi wake up, Yugi! Yugi

(Yugi slowly opens his eyes)

Clara (getting up): What's up with all the yelling?

Tea: Clara, are you alright?

Clara: She's gone

Tea (looking confused): Who?

Clara: The spirit that normally takes over me

Yugi: Mine is gone too

Kanisha (weakly): Mine is too.

Demi: Oh no, doesn't that mean.

Kanisha (weakly): Without Kani (coughs) I'll die

Kaliti: No, there has to be a way to help you.

Kanisha (weakly): The only way is to time travel to the future.

Kaliti: But, that's impossible

Yugi: Maybe it's possible, Kanisha, your spirit is put in your cards, they way harness some powers

Kanisha (weakly): I guess it's worth a try.

(Yugi reaches into Kanisha's deck and smiles)

Yugi: Kanisha, can I summon this card?

Kanisha (smiles) (weakly): Of course, I trust you

Yugi: I summon Tania the time witch

(The card glows and a woman who has long blond curly hair, wearing a red dress, black cape, red boots and is holding a scepter that has a lock on the top of the scepter)

(The woman smiles at Yugi)

Yugi: Tania, future spin.

(Tani spins her scepter in the air)

(The scepter glows and a portal opens)

(The portal sucks Kanisha, Demi, Yugi, Tea, Joey, Triston, Clara, and Kaliti in)

(The portal opens again)

(Yugi, Team Joey, Tristan, Clara, Demi, and Kaliti land on the ground)

(Tania catches Kanisha)

Kanisha (weakly) (looks at Tania): Thank you

(Tania smiles)

Demi: Oh boy

(Everybody looks around and see a wrecked town that looks abandoned)

Kaliti (looking worried): Is this really the future that guy is from?

(Tania nodded)

(The screen switches to Yasufumi and Iwasone together in a room)

(Iwasone releases balls of light and put them into a machine that looks like a giant glove)

Yasufumi: I kept my promise, now you need to keep yours.

Iwasone: Of course, your family has been freed, you can live a happy life with them.

Yasufumi: Thank you

Iwasone: No, I should thank you after all you gave me very three very special souls.

Yasufumi: You mean those souls from ancient times

Iwasone (with three balls of light floating above him): Exactly, they hold very special powers.

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Clara, and Yugi's eyes widen as the balls of light glow)

Kanisha (weakly): Did you feel that?

Clara: It was them

Yugi: Our other selves

Demi (looks at Kanisha): Where?

(Kanisha points to a building that's in the middle of the wrecked town)

Kaliti: That seems easy to get to

Demi: Idiot, you're going to jinx us.

Kaliti: You can't be serious

Kanisha (weakly): Guys, there's no time for that.

Demi: Right, sorry

Kaliti: I'm sorry too, let's go

(Everybody runs towards the building)

(The screen switches to Yasufumi walking to a dungeon that has five people in it)

(Yasufumi reveals that he is 29, he has short brown hair and blue eyes)

A girl: Dad!

(The 6-year-old girl has long brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak. Her name is Himari)

Yasufumi (smiles): Everybody!

(A 22-year-old woman who has long blue hair, wearing a green cloak named Chihara)

Chihara: Honey, you're alright?

Yasufumi (smiles): Yes

A man: You fool! You gather souls from the past for him, do you realize what you did?

Yasufumi: I saved you all

A man: You doomed humanity, that's what you have done, do you realize once he put those souls in that machine, he will go into the past and we will cease to exist

(A 30-year-old man who has short brown hair, wearing a red cloak named Natsumo)

(Yasufumi and Chihara looked shocked)

Natsumo: Oh, he didn't tell you, what a shame

Chihara: Honey!

Yasufumi: But, why? With those souls, he could just fix this timeline

Natsumo: That was my thought at first, then I remembered that told me there is spiritual energy in a certain area that protects this place from being tampered with

Himari: Is this energy really that negative?

Natsumo: You don't know the half of it

(Alarms go off)

Yasufumi: What's going on?

(A tv screen shows Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Kanisha, Demi, Kaliti, and Joey running through the hallway)

Yasufumi: It's those kids, but how?

Himari (points to Kanisha): Is that girl?

Chihara: It's Kanisha!

Natsumo (looks shocked): And Yugi Mutou the king of games

Himari: No way!

Yasufumi: They must've used Kanisha's cards that have spiritual energy in them

Natsumo: You didn't foolishly give the ancient spirits that reside in them to Iwasone, did you?

(Yasufumi looked nervous)

(Natsumo hits his face with his hand)

Himari: We have to save those souls, let us out.

(Yasufumi unlocks the door and opens the door)

Natsumo: Let's go before something bad happens.

(Yasufumi, Chihara, and Himari follows Natsumo along with two others)

(The two others reveals a 11-year-old boy who has long blue hair, wearing red/white cloak named Aito and another boy who is 10-year-old, who has short brown hair, wearing a blue cloak)

Natsumo: I know the perfect shortcut

(Natsumo and the others cuts a corner)

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Yugi, Clara, Tea, Joey, Demi, and Kaliti)

Kaliti: We should be close, you (looks at Kanisha) said it's just around the corner, right?

Kanisha (weakly): Yes, but (eyes almost closes)

(Kania disappears)

Demi (catches Kanisha): Are you okay, Kanisha?

Kanisha (weakly): Seems my energy is running out.

Clara: Then, we need hurry

Tea: That door, must be the one we need to find

Yugi: Let's go

Demi: Kanisha, please don't close your eyes.

Kanisha (weakly): Don't cry, after all, I'm still (closes her eyes0

Demi (tears come down): Kanisha!

(Everybody looks worried)

Kaliti: We need to hurry

(They reach the door)

(Episode ends)