episode 11

(A wave of rainbow aura takes Yugi, Clara, and Kanisha)

Tea: Yugi!

Tristan: Clara!

Demi: Kanisha!

(The screen switches to Clara, Yugi, and Kanisha outside)

(Clara and Yugi almost hit the ground, so Kanisha catched them)

Yugi: Thanks Kanisha

Clara: Yeah, thank you

Kanisha: Your welcome

Kamia: Be cautious, there's something here

Yami Yugi: It feels powerful

Yami Clara: It has negative energy

A voice: I guess you mean me

(Kanisha, Clara, and Yugi looks shocked as they turn around)

(A person who has silver hair, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, with bat wings named Neith)

Neith: I'm glad to see you all, I've been trapped here for so long

Clara: Do we (her ring glows)

Yami Clara: Neith, is that you?

Neith (eyes widen): It was your soul that I sensed, which means

(Yugi's millennium puzzle glows)

Yami Yugi: Clara, you know her?

Yami Clara: You will too, once your memories return

Neith: Wait, I also sensed Kamia

Kanisha: She's inside me, protecting my heart

Neith (smiles): That sounds like something she would do. Can I at least talk to her for a moment, I'll put a protection charm around your heart.

Kanisha: Sure

(Her necklace glowed)

Kamia: Neith (tears coming down) I thought we (hugs Neith) lost you

Neith: You softie (hugs Kamia) I missed you too, what are you two just standing there for?

(Yami Yugi and Yami Clara join the hug)

(The screen switches to Demi, Kaliti, Joey, Tea, and Tristan with other people)

Demi: Kanisha, please be safe

Kaliti: Kamia is with Kanisha, she will be fine

Tea: Plus Yugi is with her along with Clara

Joey: Don't worry, their fine

Tristan: You're right

Yasufumi: Let's hope so, but what about (looks at Iwasone)

Iwasone: No matter, how many of you there are, you cannot defeat me

Natsumo: I wouldn't be so sure

Iwasone: Well, look who's back, it's the traitor helping the enemy again.

Natsumo: Yes, I will battle you

Iwasone: Oh, you sure?

Natsumo: Of course, after all, you must be defeated

Iwasone: But, why just you, how you and (points to Yasufumi) Yasufumi (evil eyes) after all both of you were tricked by me to help me create a machine (points to a giant glove) like this

Yasufumi: If you insist

Natsumo: Yasufumi, you must be cautious, he has soul cards

Yasufumi: I know, but I won't give him a chance to use them

(Iwasone chuckles evilly)

Iwasone: That's a big promise coming from you, let's duel

(Duel disks appear on Yasufumi and Natsumi's hand)

Iwasone (evil smile): You know the rules

Natsumo: We do

YasufumI: Yeah

(The screen switches to Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, and Kamia with Neith)

Neith: It's good to have everybody back together

Kamia: I agree, but I can't stay that protection spell won't last

Neith: I understand, it would be interesting to know the person you are protecting

Kamia (smiles): She is a lovely girl.

Neith: She has to be, after all I haven't seen this smile in a while.

Kamia: Makes sense, I was trapped for a long time, but now that I share a body with Kanisha, day by day we became great friends and began to care deeply about each other

Neith: What a beautiful bond, I wish (tears coming down)

Kamia (looking worried): Neith?

Yami Clara: Great, you useless spirit you made her cry.

Kamia: I'm sorry

Neith: Don't, seeing you all here, brought me to tears

Kamia: Oh, Neith

Neith: That reminds, you have to help me free the poor souls Iwasone has captured

Yami Yugi: Of course

Kamia: That goes without saying

Yami Clara: We are all ancient spirits

Kamia: We need to get back to that place where all our friends are.

(A purple/black aura surrounds Yami Clara, Yami Yugi, Neith, and Kamia)

Yami Clara: Dark spirits

Kamia: This is bad, I have to switch back, sorry everybody

Yami Yugi: It's okay

Keith: Yeah protect your friend

Kamia: Thanks for being understanding

(The necklace glows)

Kanisha: So, what now?

Yami Clara (as yellow balls of light appears in arrow form): Golden arrows

(Yami Clara's golden arrows hit some of the dark spirits)

(The other dark spirits roared)

(Kanisha spins as her wings glows, then blue balls of lights in the form of rings that destroyed more dark spirits)

Yami Yugi: My turn, Kanisha, I'm using another one of your monsters.

Kanisha: That's understandable, you don't have many light attribute monsters in your deck

Yami Yugi: I fuse Curse of Dragon with Flower's dragon

(A glowing pink aura reveals a man who has silver hair, wearing a green cloak with white stripes holding a moon crest scepter)

Yami Yugi: To summon Moon's wisdom. Moon's wisdom, Full moon attack

(Moon's wisdom release a surge of white aura from his scepter, wiping out the rest of the dark spirits)

Neith: Their all gone

Kanisha: Great, then we need to head back.

Neith: I got that (Hands glows)

(A wave of rainbow energy surrounds them)

(The screen switches to Yasufumi and Natsumo facing Iwasone)

Iwasone: I'll go first, I summon Yatzo the witch

(A ball of lights forms a woman who has green hair in a ponytail, wearing a black silk coat unzipped, white dress holding a scepter, then sits on it and it acts like a flying broom)

Iwasone: Flower Chains

(Pink aura turns into chains, that surrounds Yasufumi and Natsumo)

Natsumo: Uh oh!

Yasufumi: These chains

Tea: Could these attacks affect them in real life?

Joey: That's crazy

Demi: Maybe not, remember how Kanisha's cards work in this timeline

Joey: True.

(The chains give off an electric shock that hits Yasufumi and Natsumo)

Himari: Dad!

Chihara: It's okay.

Iwasone: Whenever my turn starts, you will get shocked and lose 100 of your life points

(Episode ends with Natsumo and Yasufumi looking at Iwasone intensely)