episode 12

(The episode opens with Yasufumi and Natsumo facing Iwasone)

Iwasone: I'll go first, I summon Yatzo the witch

(A ball of lights forms a woman who has green hair in a ponytail, wearing a black silk coat unzipped, white dress holding a scepter, then sits on it and it acts like a flying broom)

Iwasone: Flower Chains

(Pink aura turns into chains, that surrounds Yasufumi and Natsumo)

Natsumo: Uh oh!

Yasufumi: These chains

Tea: Could these attacks affect them in real life?

Joey: That's crazy

Demi: Maybe not, remember how Kanisha's cards work in this timeline

Joey: True.

(The chains give off an electric shock that hits Yasufumi and Natsumo)

Himari: Dad!

Chihara: It's okay.

Iwasone: Whenever my turn starts, you will get shocked and lose 100 of your life points

(Natsumo and Yasufumi looking at Iwasone intensely)

Iwasone: I set two cards and end my turn.

(The rainbow wave appears revealing Yami Clara, Yami Yugi, Kanisha, and Neith)

Demi and Kaliti: Kanisha!

Joey: Yugi!

Tea: Clara

Himari: Their back

Kanisha: Hey guys, this is (points to Neith) Neith

Neith (smiles): Nice to meet you

Iwasone: Hate to interrupt, but

(Chains surround Kanisha, Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, and Neith, then they get thrown into cages)

Kanisha: Seriously!

Yami Clara: Don't worry

(Neith's hands glow and destroys the cages)

Kanisha: You know there's a more polite way to say 'don't interfere with our duel'

Yasufumi: I can't believe they are so calm

Yami Clara: Don't think we forgot about (points to Yasufumi) you

Yasufumi: Still haven't forgiven me

Yami Clara: I don't forgive easily, you have to earn it.

Yasufumi (looks at Kanisha and Yugi): And you two?

Kanisha: I'll forgive you, if you win this duel

Yami Yugi: I feel that is fair.

Yasufumi (thought): Tough coming from teenagers

Iwasone: So, you won't interfere?

Neith: I respect other people's wishes, even though you nearly killed a vessel of one of my friends

Demi (confused): Friends?

Neith: Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm a spirit from Egypt, just like the three in these vessels

Yami Clara: It was a surprise to see her, not that I'm happy about.

Neith: Hostile as ever

Kamia: You have no idea.

Yasufumi: Let's continue this duel

Natsumo: Agreed, I summon a Redta token (card glows, the light reveals a red glob that forms a circle with spikes) which allows me to summon two more tokens (two red globs appears) I sacrifice these three tokens and summon Redta the dragon of destiny (the red glob turns into a red dragon that has flowers around it along with some spikes) and with that I put it in defense mode and ends my turn.

Yasufumi: Good job, my turn I summon Kurai the magician of mysteries

(A golden aura that forms a man who has short blond hair, wearing a purple cloak holding a scepter that has a question mark on top of it)

(The man winks)

Yasufumi: And I equip him with the soul stone

(A gold aura forms revealing a gold stone that becomes a necklace, which appears around Kurai)

Yasufumi: Kurai attack Yatzo, Soul blast

(Out of the the stone came a surge of white aura that destroys Yatzo)

Iwasone: Hmmm, you striked some of my life points, don't let go of your head.

Yasufumi: I set three cards and I end my turn.

(The machine starts to glow)

Chihara (looking shocked): What's going on?

Kanisha (moves everybody that is near the machine): Back up

(A purple aura comes out of the machine)

(The aura forms a man who has long purple hair, wearing a white trench coat, black shirt, black pants, and boots)

The man (smiles and his eyes glow): My name is Ankoku, ancient spirits come

(Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, Kanisha, and Neith move)

Kamia: Kanisha stop

(Kanisha flies from Ankoku)

Kanisha: Huh? What happened?

Yugi: Other me, wake up

(Yami Yugi stops)

Clara: And you call me pathetic

Yami Clara: How dare you (looks at Neith) Neith, stop

(Neith stops)

(Kanisha grabs Neith and flies away with her)

Neith: Thank you, Kanisha.

Kanisha: No problem

Ankoku: Your bonds with your vessels are truly strong, no matter, I'll suck the souls out of your cards

(Ankoku's hands glow and white aura comes out of the card)

Ankuko: I feel the power

Kamia: Those poor souls.

(Kanisha's wings glow and she releases white aura that form a ring and those it at Ankoku)

(Ankoku fell down)

(Kanisha smiles)

(Iwasone, Natsumo, and Yasufumi back from Ankoku)

Ankoku (looks at those three): You three were the ones that help free me and for that I thank you

(Ankoku's body glows, then Iwasone, Natsumo, and Yasufumi's body glow and turn into cards)

Chihara: Honey!

Himari, Aito, and Chiko: Daddy!

Ankoku: Don't worry, their souls are at peace

Chihara (looking at Ankoku): What have you done?

Ankoku: You're right, You should join them

(Chihara, Himari, Aito, and Chiko's body glow and they turn into cards too)

Yami Yugi: That's enough

Ankoku: Not quite, there's still regular people that I need put their spirits to rest

(Ankoku sends a verge of purple aura towards Demi and Kaliti)

(Kanisha gets in front of Demi and Kaliti protecting them)

Demi: Kanisha, thanks

Kaliti (takes Demi's hand): Let's move

Ankoku: You can't keep this up forever

Kanisha: I will not let you hurt my friends (her wings glow and sound waves of white aura hits everywhere)

Ankoku: So, you are that powerful.

Yami Yugi: everyone, you should go, this could get dangerous

Yami Clara: We can handle him.

Tea: No!

Joey: We're not leaving you behind this time

Demi: We don't want to worry about you all again

Kaliti: Kanisha, please don't send us away.

Kanisha: Just be cautious, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you

(Demi and Kaliti hug Kanisha)

(Neith touches her heart)

Ankoku: So, ancient spirits, you want to work against me?

Yami Clara (with a bow and arrow): Yes

(Golden aura surrounds Yami Yugi)

(Blue aura surrounds Kanisha)

(Two swords appear in Neith's hands)

(Neith's aura reveals a giant purple snake)

(Episode ends with them looking at each other intensely)