episode 13

(The episode opens with the machine starts to glow)

Chihara (looking shocked): What's going on?

Kanisha (moves everybody that is near the machine): Back up

(A purple aura comes out of the machine)

(The aura forms a man who has long purple hair, wearing a white trench coat, black shirt, black pants, and boots)

The man (smiles and his eyes glow): My name is Ankoku, ancient spirits come

(Yami Yugi, Yami Clara, Kanisha, and Neith move)

Kamia: Kanisha stop

(Kanisha flies from Ankoku)

Kanisha: Huh? What happened?

Yugi: Other me, wake up

(Yami Yugi stops)

Clara: And you call me pathetic

Yami Clara: How dare you (looks at Neith) Neith, stop

(Neith stops)

(Kanisha grabs Neith and flies away with her)

Neith: Thank you, Kanisha.

Kanisha: No problem

Ankoku: Your bonds with your vessels are truly strong, no matter, I'll suck the souls out of your cards

(Ankoku's hands glow and white aura comes out of the card)

Ankuko: I feel the power

Kamia: Those poor souls.

(Kanisha's wings glow and she releases white aura that form a ring and those it at Ankoku)

(Ankoku fell down)

(Kanisha smiles)

(Iwasone, Natsumo, and Yasufumi back from Ankoku)

Ankoku (looks at those three): You three were the ones that help free me and for that I thank you

(Ankoku's body glows, then Iwasone, Natsumo, and Yasufumi's body glow and turn into cards)

Chihara: Honey!

Himari, Aito, and Chiko: Daddy!

Ankoku: Don't worry, their souls are at peace

Chihara (looking at Ankoku): What have you done?

Ankoku: You're right, You should join them

(Chihara, Himari, Aito, and Chiko's body glow and they turn into cards too)

Yami Yugi: That's enough

Ankoku: Not quite, there's still regular people that I need put their spirits to rest

(Ankoku sends a verge of purple aura towards Demi and Kaliti)

(Kanisha gets in front of Demi and Kaliti protecting them)

Demi: Kanisha, thanks

Kaliti (takes Demi's hand): Let's move

Ankoku: You can't keep this up forever

Kanisha: I will not let you hurt my friends (her wings glow and sound waves of white aura hits everywhere)

Ankoku: So, you are that powerful.

Yami Yugi: everyone, you should go, this could get dangerous

Yami Clara: We can handle him.

Tea: No!

Joey: We're not leaving you behind this time

Demi: We don't want to worry about you all again

Kaliti: Kanisha, please don't send us away.

Kanisha: Just be cautious, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you

(Demi and Kaliti hug Kanisha)

(Neith touches her heart)

Ankoku: So, ancient spirits, you want to work against me?

Yami Clara (with a bow and arrow): Yes

(Golden aura surrounds Yami Yugi)

(Blue aura surrounds Kanisha)

(Two swords appear in Neith's hands)

(Neith's aura reveals a giant purple snake)

(They are looking at each other intensely)

(Yami Clara sends a bunch of arrows to Ankoku)

(Ankoku's dark aura swallows the arrows)

Clara (shocked): Didn't see that coming

(Neith slices the dark aura)

(Yami Yugi sends white towards The dark aura that came as the millennium puzzle)

(Kanisha sends a giant ball of light towards the dark aura)

(Ankoku looks defeated, then smirks)

Kanisha: This guys is a tough nut

Ankoku: If that's all you got, it won't go well for you

Yami Yugi: We still have energy

Ankoku: That's great, I wouldn't want this fight to be boring.

(Ankoku releases dark wings which attacks Kanisha and makes her crash to the wall)

Kamia: Are you okay?

Kanisha: Yeah

(Kanisha gets back up takes Yami Yugi's hand, then red/yellow aura is released)

(The aura hits Ankoku making him looking even weaker)

Kanisha: Of course

Yami Yugi: Combined powers

Yami Clara: I guess that makes sense why it would be stronger.

(Yami Clara and Neith are side by side, and a pink/orange aura releases)

(The pink/orange aura hits Ankoku)

Ankoku (thought): How are they weakening me?

(Kanisha, Neith, Yami Clara, and Yami Yugi releases a rainbow aura which turns Ankoku to dust)

(Neith has a rainbow dress)

(The rainbow aura spreads all over the city and the city looks new)

Neith: The city is brand new.

Kanisha: That must mean the souls are returned

Neith: Indeed, and it wouldn't have been possible (looking at Kanisha, Yami Clara, and Yami Yugi without you all)

Kanisha: It was nothing

Yami Clara: If we let the future get messed up, we couldn't be viewed as good and plus the past could look worse

Yami Yugi: We are always happy to help

(Kanisha gets out a card that glowing and Tania appears)

Kanisha: Tania, backwards blast

Neith: So long friends

Yasufumi: Sorry about everything

Yami Clara: Whatever

Kanisha: Forgive and forget

(They all enter through a time portal)

(The screen shows Kanisha, Clara, Yugi, Tea, Joey, Tristan, Demi, and Kaliti come out of the portal and land in the school)

Kaliti: Are we back?

Yami Clara: It would appear so

Yami Yugi: Which means we can switch back

Demi: Doesn't it ever get awkward you two switching with Yugi and Clara for a long time

Yami Clara: Not really

Yami Yugi: Our partners use it.

Yami Clara: Enough talk, I'm done for the day

(Yugi's puzzle and Clara's ring glows)

(Yugi and Clara are back to normal)

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Clara, Yugi, Tea, Joey, Tristan, Demi, and Kaliti walking)

Kanisha: Seriously, I can't believe all of that happened to us.

Kaliti: I know you nearly dying, us going to the future.

Demi: That was the most adventurous day we had.

Joey: I'm surprised that's what the future looked like I expected flying cars, robots, etc

Tea: Joey, you watch too many scifi movies

Tristan: I saw some robots hiding the restaurants, when we passed by.

Kanisha: Now, that I think about it I saw one person fly way in a car.

Clara: That future was unique

Yugi: Kanisha, are you sure you're okay

Kanisha: Yeah, my heart is beating healthy and happy (puts Yugi's hand on her heart) see

Yugi (blushes): Okay

(Clara looked at Yugi angrily)

(Yugi stops blushing)

Kamia: You may have caused some tension

Kanisha: Oops!

Demi: Well, at least in the end the future has been saved.

Joey: Yup

(Episode ends)