
The first thing Kaze felt was cold. Even for a thick skinned being like Kaze, this was cold. He opened his eyes, tried to recall the events that led him to this moment. He vaguely recalls being at the gunpoint of a nuclear weapon, before things turned dark for him. Did the woman fire? Was that how it affected Kaze?

Kaze looked around himself to find out that he was stuck in a small metallic cage, with nothing, not even air passing through with it. Thank goodness his sensors worked in the dark, or else he wouldn't be able to see anything. 

Also lucky of him, air was necessary for his survival. If anything the low oxygen content in the cell was helping him recuperate. He could feel… that he wasn't suffocated anymore. But alas, this tiny cell couldn't be his permanent home here. He needed to escape earth. But how? 

Kaze put his hand in his ears to look for the comms, to see if ZIA had any ideas for him, but surprisingly he didn't find any. Obviously his phone was missing as well, thus disconnecting him with not just ZIA, at the moment, but with everyone as well. Kaze couldn't believe that in a matter of a few hours everything had changed. He had been careful for months, only for it to lead to this moment.

But he was not the only one playing. The IAEA was playing him as well. They were observing him, but they never intended to let Kaze go, or negotiate a peace deal. Since he crash landed on earth, he was automatically labelled as enemy. He couldn't possibly believe how unclassified aliens suffered mercilessly in the hands of IAEA. 

Amongst his own thoughts he heard a few whispers coming from the outside. "But sir I tried everything. None of our weapons worked. We couldn't even get a single cut on him"! From the looks of it, it sounded like it was Captain McKinley. "Not even the dissociator works on him, and so we can't determine his species".

"Find me a way then. I do not want him to keep wandering about any further. He has caused enough problems, enough repercussions for his stay. Eliminate him, before he becomes a much bigger concern". A deep male voice, seemingly someone who was Captain McKinley's superior, spoke. Kaze heard fading footsteps before the entire thing was silent once more.

So that's why Kaze was still alive. The fact that they couldn't kill him yet. It was a strange irony, they couldn't find a single way to kill him.. and yet if they wait long enough Kaze will perish himself. He snorted.

He didn't know how long he was there, all by himself and alone, but he imagined many ways they'd try to kill him. In their planet they had artificial oxygen chambers to carry out execution, but that was from barbaric times. Their planet had evolved into such a civilized society that they didn't need methods of execution anymore.

As for the oxygen, it didn't affect Kaze as expected. Must be due to ages of mutation accumulating in their species. Nevertheless, he was still vulnerable to oxygen. What seemed confusing to him amidst everything was that the dissociator or whatever it was didn't work. Kaze imagined he'd go back to looking like himself now, but he was surprised to find out that wasn't the case.

What went wrong? He wondered. At this point he'd ask ZIA's assistance, but she was unavailable. What he feared more, that the earthlings would manage to contact the rest of his crew and would target their ship next. From what he could gather, humans could be cruel, or at least the IAEA members were. All he could do was hope for his people's safety, while giving up on his life.

After a certain while he heard a clunking noise coming from outside. Were they here again? Should he pretend to be unconscious? Kaze considered for a moment, but then realised if they were to kill him they'd not give a damn if he were conscious or not.

"Put your hands up! Where I can see them" Came a threat. Soon one of the metal doors slid to reveal a barred door, on the other side of which stood heavily armed soldiers in a completely protective body suit. Kaze stared at the bunch of soldiers and reluctantly Kaze raised his hands. He might survive if they fire, but..how long?

The barred doors slid as well, slowly. The soldier didn't say anything, just pointed his gun in a direction, as an order to follow it. On his way out of whichever building he was currently in, he noticed something. He noticed a few movements in the upper wing, which appeared secluded otherwise. 

He was taken from many corridors, none of which he recognized until he reached the destination, the hub of IAEA. It appeared that every line, every corridor, every wing emerged from here. It also appeared like the power source of the entire place. 

Wait a second, did they plan to electrocute him? To kill him with the maximum power in the entire area. But, won't that disrupt the power flow of the entire place? He wondered.

That's when an idea struck him, a crazy, reckless, suicidal even, but an idea struck him. And thus he lowered his hands...