Commander Nexer derived lots of samples from Kazaliur's body before the Commander finally allowed him to leave. Kazaliur was familiar with the place, therefore he didn't need much guidance on his way to his quarters. On his way he noticed all the things that were the same as the last time, and things that were different.
In his initial days as an intergalactic explorer, he, along with his Captain from that time, has visited this place. The founder of this planet, Commander Zato, was an old acquaintance of Kazaliur's former Captain, and therefore in a manner of speaking Kazaliur was familiar with this place from around the time of its inception.
His crew had already settled in and so was Kazaliur by the end of the day. A day here on planet Zato was comparatively shorter than Earth, given that Zato was closer to it's own star than earth. However, being a much bigger player it possessed thirteen moons. While earth had one, Kazaliur's own planet, ZMR-47, had none.
To welcome their guests, everyone was invited into the giant dining hall for dinner. The food here was highly rich in silica, which provides strength to most of the species seeking refuge on this planet. The food didn't have any taste, which didn't bother most of the Zimerians, but as for Kazaliur who had spent the last couple of days on earth, had developed a taste for the creative foods humans made.
If only there was a way to replicate the same. But, Zato didn't have as much resources to make such food. This planet was still evolving to support life on supporting lifestyles of various life forms. Zato had technological advancements, thanks to Commander Nexer, but it was still lacking in many other areas.
They spent the next couple of days in Zato, getting comfortable as the days passed by. Since Commander Nexer's reports were yet to arrive, Kaaliur had to stay back waiting for the results, "Captain, how long before we continue on our journey"? Chief Makaizul asked him.
"Nexer is yet to figure out what is wrong with me. Until he does, I guess we are stuck here" Kazaliur replied bluntly.
"Is it really impossible to be done at ZRM-47?" Chief Makaizul insisted. "Wouldn't our planet have the best facilities to cure you?"
"Perhaps" Kazaliur mumbled, "But when I return to my planet, I want to be healed. As you know, this would be my last exploration throughout the galaxy. I want it to be perfect" Kazaliur expressed.
"Sir, you explored and collected Data on a planet that was once thought dangerous to our life forms. Our mission is already pretty perfect" Chief Makaizul pointed out.
Kazaliur didn't reply to him, instead dismissed him and decided to pay his own friend a visit. Heading for the commander's room, he rang the bell on the door. "Ahh, what a perfect time to visit me" Commander Nexer spoke.
"Well, I was hoping you could tell me how long it would take for the results," Kazaliur asked, getting right into the point. Beating around the bush was never his strong suit anyways.
"This is a huge planet, Captain Kazaliur , of which I am solely responsible for since the demise of Commander Zato. I simply cannot abandon my responsibilities because of your request to figure out what is wrong with your biology" Commander Nexer informed him.
"My apologies," Captain Kazaliur blurted. "But I think my crew is starting to get impatient"
"Well, if you want to recover completely they might need to be comfortable. Or they should return without you. With the damage you have, you will need months before you can recover fully" Commander Nexer declared, making Captain Kazaliur freeze in his spot.
"How bad is the degree of damage?" He asked after taking a moment to process.
"It's not about the degree of damage, it's the type of damage," Commander Nexer explained, getting up from his chair. "The oxidative damage your cells have encountered has compromised most of your bodily functions. In fact, theoretically speaking it's impossible for you to heal on your own. I might have something that could help, but it is still unclear at this point. Let's just say a few more days in Earth, and you would have become visibly sick, needing medical attention"
"So, the damage is caused by oxygen" Captain Kazaliur blurted, more to himself than to Commander Nexer.
"Yes and No" Commander Nexer sighed. "Have a seat" he invited Captain.
"I was going through the reports that I had received, and it turns out while oxygen is the main culprit, there is something else."
"Another element"? Kazaliur prompted.
"More like waves" Commander clarified. "What I mean is that, not just the oxygen, but the electromagnetic waves possibly generated by the star of that system, 'The sun' had a negative impact on your physiology as well"
"Maybe that's why Zimerians don't survive on earth any longer. The environment is toxic on a whole different level" Captain Kazaliur nodded.
"Precisely" Commander declared. "Which brings me back to my next discovery. I ran genetic tests, to detect variations from other Zimerians, and from the data I had in my system. Like you mentioned, there is mutations"
"So we have evolved?" Kazaliur asked, with a hint of glee.
"No Captain,"Commander Nexer paused, "you have". Captain Kazaliur frowned at the statement. "The degree of mutation is pretty high, as if it's not a mutation. Rather, a cross" Commander Nexer deduced.
"As in"? Kazaliur could take the hint, but he had to ask just in case.
"Your genes are not entirely Zimerian. Which means there is a possibility you are half Zimerian" Commander Nexer declared.
"And what would my other half be"? Captain Kazaliur asked.
"As for that I have no idea" Sighed, Commander. "The genetic material didn't match with anything I had ever seen. I have data on almost every species I have encountered. The rest of your genetic material, is still unknown to me." Commander declared.
"But, I assume, whatever it is, must be the reason for your tolerance to oxygen. It must be the reason why you could survive on planet earth" Commander declared.
"So how do I figure out what species that other half is"? Captain Kazaliur asked with anticipation.
"I am afraid I can't help you with that. I have heard you are retiring soon. Maybe you can dig into the past afterwards". Commander suggested.
"Unfortunately, digging into the past is not for Zimerians" Dejected, Captain Kazaliur mumbled.
"Then it's a good thing you're not a full Zimerian" Commander Nexer declared coyly.