
Kazaliur never had expected to find out such drastic information about himself. The planet where he is from, things are pretty systematic. Children are raised by an institution instead of their parents, which means people barely know who their parents are. Never was he interested in finding out who his parents were, but, thinking that he might not be a full Zimerian, he wondered otherwise. 

How should he have known? The powers he possessed, the way he appeared, everything about him screamed Zimerian, then how come his genetics show he was also something else. Could the tests demonstrated by Commander Nexer be wrong?

Amidst his thoughts as he walking down the corridor, his stride was interrupted by a little girl/ Muinor who appeared in front him. Kazaliur stared at her in awe. As far as he was aware, Muinors were an extinct species. And yet her shiny grey skin and a pointed skull ensured she was a Muinor. "You…" he wanted to ask her, to confirm her ethnicity, but he didn't dare, not to scare off the kid.

"You're the Captain of the new aliens" She spoke bravely. Her species had a comparable size to Zimerians, and their solar systems were quite close, therefore originating from the same Galaxy. But still, being young she was quite tiny, and therefore Kazaliur squatted down to talk to her.

"As I am. What brings you here…little girl"? He asked.

"I am Quetama," She introduced herself. "I am the last of my kind, just like Commander Nexer." They way she spoke with confidence amazed Kazaliur. Quetama was indeed very brave. "Commander Nexer brought me here, after Marack (her home planet) collided with our moon" she said flatly, anticipating Kazaliur's question.

"How did you survive the collison"? Kazaliur couldn't help but ask.

"I was visiting another planet with my uncle." She declared flatly. "What are you doing here? You are a Zimerian right"? She asked him directly.

"Yes," Kazaliur smiled. (metaphorically, since his face actually couldn't smile).

"I am here to heal. In my adventure I happen to have damaged my body" Kazaliur declared.

She took a few steps closer to him and touched his hand, which she could barely reach. Kazaliur frowned at what she was trying to do before she withdrew her hand. "You went to earth? Even we can't survive there" She whispered. Kazaliur's eyes glowed a bit more for a second until he realised that Muinors were telepaths. Since she was a little girl, she needed tactile contact to work as a medium of telepathy. Well grown, well trained Muinors didn't require any medium as such. They can tell you your entire history by just looking at you. In fact, lying or even tricking someone wasn't a thing on their planet. 

"What can I say, the earth was full of surprises," Kazaliur smiled. You said you were here with your uncle, is he here?".

"My uncle isn't here. He had to go back urgently and perished when our planet died" She explained. "I told you, I am the last of my kind. Maybe that's why commander Nexer adopted me," Quetama whispered. Kazaliur blinked, unsure of what to say to her. This little girl had suffered greater tragedy that he could have ever possibly imagined, and yet she was here, recalling her past like it was no big deal. Unlike Zimerians, Muinors explore their emotional side, which is why her plain statements were surprising. 

"So you are commander Nexer's daughter. I am his friend" Kazaliur said softly.

"I know, I saw," Quetama mumbled. "Well, it was nice meeting you. I need to go, Commander has called for me" She gave him a slight bow and left. 

Kazaliur stared at her as she vanished into the edge of the hallway. This is what he loved about exploring, it can always surprise you. You can find things you didn't know existed, and get challenged on your information on a daily basis. 

He returned to his chambers and decided to call a meeting. When everyone was there, he began his announcements, "Due to a recent mishap, our schedule has been delayed a lot already. As you know, earth has caused significant damage to my body,recovering from which is still a thin chance" He declared. The crew mates stared at each other, shocked to hear their captain. "However, there might be something that Commander Nexer can help me with, but that will take a long time. Waiting here with me makes no sense, I suggest you return to ZRM-47, as soon as possible. You have all the data I have collected, it will be enough.

"With all due respect sir, we are a crew," Chief Makaizul said. "We must stick together. A ship will always need it's Captain, and Syverzius needs you Captain"

"I can appoint another Captain," Kazaliur prompted.

"No sir. Every ship has its own Captain. Syverzius will always be yours" Chief Makaizul answered. "Besides, Zato isn't so bad, and it's vast. We can explore this place for our duration of stay".

Kazaliur thought for a moment before saying, "fair enough. I want everyone's opinion. Who wants to head back? Raise your hands" Kazaliur ordered.

Not a single Zimerian raised their hand. They didn't share telepathy, but they sure did share the same sentiment of camaraderie. "I guess we will be staying here then" He sighed and dismissed everyone.