
Captain Victor Kane found his way to the chamber and waited for the inmates (?) to notice him. The first one to do so was Captain Seige, the oldest man of the crew. "Captain Kane" he declared. "Is that really you"? He found himself asking as he noticed how the other man didn't suffocate in the absence of oxygen.

"Yes, it's me, Captain Seige. Victor Kane." Captain Victor Kane declared.

"How did they bring you here? Were you abducted as well"? Captain Seige asked, skeptical of Captain Victor Kane's identity.

"I was." Captain Victor Kane declared. "By the Lysserions"

"Wait, so you believe these bas***ds"? Captain Seige scoffed.

"I don't have any reason not to," Captain Victor Kane declared. "The Lysserions tried to attack me, and if it weren't for these people, I would be dead." He added.

"I don't believe you. You are not our Captain Victor Kane. He would never side with some petty aliens who tried to abduct us" Captain Seige argued.