Further Issues

Captain Victor Kane and Thomas Wilde (Tom) conversed with each other as they walked towards the center. After a whole minute of silence Thomas spoke, "Can I tell you something"? He took the silence from the other as a sign of affirmation. "I lost my parents when I was young. If I were given a chance, I would like to reconnect with them."

"Why don't you? 2244 is past for you" Captain Victor Kane pointed out despite not missing out the subtext of the sudden confession.

"Cause they died in the Fire incident in Calibut Industries in 2240." Tom explained. "A little earlier and I think I would have made the cut" he declared. "But, that's not why I mentioned it."

"I know why you mentioned it," Captain Victor Kane clarified. "I respect your sentiments, but my daughter is different. She likes to focus on the task at hand."

"Maybe because she was raised by your look-alike," Tom suggested.