First Survivors

"Kane, you would be needed here. You're literally the Captain here. An impromptu leader of humans"! Xander argued as he tried to catch up with Violette. 

"Shut up," Kane rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, not my style." Xander declared. 

Kane halted abruptly causing Xander to collide with her, "like you said, I am the Captain. Maybe you should abide by my decision." 

"Okay, but why are you so insistent"? Xander asked.

"You are not just going back to earth. You are going back to the earth that it used to be. It's not as easy as it looks like" Kane shrugged.

"I can manage". Xander affirmed.

"The chatty you can manage without a companion for God knows how many days on earth"? Kane snapped.

"Well, you aren't exactly the perfect candidate for a companion either". Xander snapped back. Kane gave Xander a blank stare which led Xander to gulp his own saliva. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just".