
"It's the worst," General Eliosmekt declared with a hint of doom.

"Why do you say so"? Captain Kazaliur asked.

"Why? Are you too naive to perceive"? General Eliosmekt asked Captain Kazaliur. Captain Kazaliur intensified his gaze but replied with silence. "I suppose as an explorer the concept of time wasn't explored much in your training. No wonder you seem to lack knowledge regarding this, or else you… any one of you… would have stopped the catastrophe." General Eliosmekt noted.

"Catastrophe"? Violette Kane scoffed. "We did it to save earth, to save the entire universe from being wiped out by those parasitic leeches"! She snapped.

"You sure believed that's what you were doing, right"? General Eliosmekt hinted with discontent. "But let me ask you, did it actually end the way you wished for it to"? In a much lower voice he asked, "You know nothing changed from where you came from."