
JJ shook violently on the ground gathering everyone's attention. Seeing him like that was a bit unnerving cause neither knew what to do about it.  Stacey appeared near him and stuffed a piece of clothing in his mouth in a way that won't choke him, but will be effective for its purpose. "My mother was epileptic. We used to do this when she had seizures so she wouldn't bite her tongue."

JJ shook violently a few more times before he lay still on the ground. "Is he epileptic"? Xander wondered out loud.

"We have never seen something like this happen to him for the entire time we knew him," One of the members from JJ's troop informed everyone.

"He can still be," Stacey shrugged.

"Maybe that's why he stole from the drugstore"? Kane suggested. "To refill his prescription"?

"It's possible," Xander shrugged. "We have no way of knowing for sure until and unless he opens his eyes and talks to us."