
"Why can't I go? I have been there! They might be willing to help me if I am there." JJ argued.

"I agree." Xander shrugged. "But we will be visiting Watron from Zato. Your condition is too unstable to cross the wormhole. Already time is unstable, repeated passing through the wormhole can cause major repercussions, for you". Xander declared.

"You don't really believe what General Eliosmekt said, do you?" JJ asked. "That I am having such episodes because of the broken timeline."

"" Xander wondered, out loud.

"I could hear him back then. I was just unable to move at that time" JJ admitted.

"Look, it's too early to rule out any possibilities. But, we will find a way to help you, okay"? Xander tried to console JJ. "Do you know anyone in Watron whom we should approach. Who might be willing to help us?" Xander asked. 

"Um…" JJ thought for a moment. "There is this place in Watron, Hamarbaria-"