
"I am gonna kill JJ when I see him." It was the first thing Kane mumbled as she stared at the screen furiously.

"I thought the whole point of this mission was to save him." Vinah, who missed the facetious nature of the comment, asked. However the other humans who didn't miss the point spared Vinah a glance and looked at Kane with confusion.

"What's the matter"? Kane was asked by Stacey.

"He could have save it was her, but no"! Kane snapped. "Had to make us work"!

"Who is she"? Tom was the one to question her.

"She is Jo, I think. When we were masquerading as citizens the last time we were here, she was our neighbour." Kane huffed.

"Did he know that"? Wayne asked. "That she was your neighbour." 

"Yepp, she even greeted him when she came to 'our' house." Kane pursed her lips, unsure of where to direct her anger.