
Kane stared at the pale woman in front of her, trying to catch her breath, fighting for every second of life, only failing as her condition detiorated. She had only been here for a day, and she was already so lifeless. "How did you end up here"? Kane asked. It seemed Jo wanted to share, but she didn't have much means of sharing that information.

Taking a look around herself, she switched off her disguise, "Do you know who I am?" Kane asked, as herself.

Jo shook her head lightly, but then nodded, sending her mixed signals. "You know me… somewhat"? Kane suggested to which Jo nodded, clarifying. Kane could tell the feelings emanating from the woman in front of her, making Kane truly overwhelmed at this situation. To avoid any detection, Kane switched back to her original disguise, with no reaction from Jo except maybe her struggling to breathe worsened.