Sweet Morning (2)

To use the word Happy is an overstatement. Just by looking at Cedric's face, you can say that he was having a bad morning. A really very bad morning.

Yule, who was the very cause of Cedric's bad morning just sat at a couch while looking around the secured house.

" So tell me, Why did you rush off here when you couldn't even be sure that I am here? " Cedric started. Desperately in need of the questioned man across him.

Yule stopped wandering his eyes and stared directly at Cedric's glaring dark brown eyes.

" I felt that you're here. So i came here then called to make sure. "

Hearing the short response he got, Cedric's anger erupted. Clearly done with the shit he got in his morning.

" You should've have called me first!!! " he shouted not minding on how loud he is. Sure that he wouldn't wake the sleeping people upstairs as the rooms are sound proofed.

" I did called you. "

" NO! Before you go here! You should've called me first! "

" I needed a new battery. "

" Y-You could've stayed where you are! or borrow someone else's phone! "

" I don't remember your number. "

" Ughhh!!!! "

Cedric's face turned red, not wanting to ask the other a question again.

He leaned on the couch, calming himself down for a minute before asking more questions.

" Yule, you know it's dangerous.... "

" ....I know. "

" Then why still come here? "

" I know how to fight. "

" That's not what I meant Yule. I know that you know how to fight, but still it's dangerous... "

" .... I'm worried. "

Cedric who heard the man's response softened. He sensed that his friend was genuinely concerned about him. Making him feel quite guilty for shouting at him earlier.

Standing up from his seat, he walked towards the sad big guy across him. Squatting down in front of the guy to make his friend's downcast eyes look at him.

" I'm sorry... I was just afraid that something might happen to you... I was worried too you know. " he said while holding Yule's clenched hands. Sincerely worried for the boy in front of him.

Yule unclenched his hands to hold the older guys hands. Smiling slightly as he was happy to know that his most cherished friend was sincerely worried for him.

" Promise me that you will never do it again. " Cedric said, not wanting to see his friend make a rash decision again.

" ...I promise "

The two were just staring at each other's eyes after making a promise. Clearly in their own world. Not noticing the 3 pair of eyes that are watching them above the stairs.

Until the only girl in the house let out a squeaky voice or squeal out of excitement.

The staring duo were startled then looked at where the voice came from. Landing their eyes on Cyrus and Adrien who were eyeing them teasingly, beside a squealing baby girl.

" Yule, Bro, You should do that in your room after making us breakfast. "

The teased men were blushing while Cyrus and Adrien are laughing carrying a giggling Zoe.

Yule and Cedric stood up from their positions, then started to enter the kitchen leaving the laughing trios behind.

" Stop laughing or no breakfast for you guys. " Cedric warned. Loud enough for the others to hear.

" Good morning to you too... " Adrien teased. Still laughing with other two while entering the kitchen.

Zoe who was once carried by Adrien, ran towards Yule. Tugging his black coat on while giggling cutely.

Cedric who saw Zoe's act, smiled fondly while going back to cooking half of the remaining eggs and bacons.

Before chatting with each other, Cyrus introduced Adrien and Yule to each other. Then proceeding on chatting or exchanging informations with each other. Until breakfast was served.

They started eating in silence, sometimes glancing at one another.

After their delicious breakfast. They moved to the living room and continued their chat and trade.

They were just in their own worlds, just doing what they intend to continue. Until a certain bang and yell caught the attention of little Zoe who's near the front door.

Intrigued by the unfamiliar sounds, Zoe opened the front door. Which caught the attention of Cedric.

" Zoe? What's wrong?? "

Yule, Cyrus and Adrien also turned their attention to Zoe. Approaching her too like Cedric. Upon moving closer to the open door. They heard bangs and yells from people(?).

' Survivors?! '

Adrien moved closer, opening the door wider. Hearing the sounds clearly.

" Yule?! I know you're in there! So open the fucking door! "

All of them except Zoe looked at Yule. Seeing his thick eyebrows furrow, they already knew it was bad news.

Cedric who was annoyed by the possible outcome of the attention grabbing noises, let the few words he wanted to say from earlier.

" My morning is fucked up! "