Possibilities and Additions


Me, Cyrus and Adrien are asking Yule some questions about what he have been through the Apocalypse in the living room.

" Were you part of a military group or a civilian group for the first week? " Adrien started. Pumping up the curiosity from me and Cyrus.

Yule shifted his position to a seemingly more comfortable position before answering.

" I was. " he said. His low voice containing irritation and coldness making us more curios about what happened to him.

But with his cold reply, Adrien seemed to hesitate to ask more. Seeing his hesitation, Cyrus glanced at me. Prompting me to ask more questions instead.

" ...I won't ask if it makes you uncomfortable so I'll ask this instead. " I said making the air of hesitation from Adrien die down to Curiosity. " Do you have any new information that you didn't discuss with us earlier? "

" Yes. There is a very high possibility that the zombie may evolve with intelligence. " Upon hearing the new information, a cold sensation ran through my back.

So far, the zombies we have dealt with don't have any intelligence. Not even a speck of it. They all seemed to be only after their flesh. Just mindless flesh eating monsters. But for them to evolve some intelligence, it is scary.

" H-how are you sure about that? " the very question left my mouth.

" I saw one. "

His reply made me anxious. Cyrus and Adrien's faces also have the same the expression I have.

" W-what did it do for you to be so sure? " Adrien's voice was shaky. It was evidence that he was scared and anxious like the rest of us.

" It climbed stairs. "

We gasped. Once again, we we're scared. The new information Yule had given them was very valuable but also very scary.

Zombies weren't supposed to know how to climb up on stairs. They were so dumb that they practically stumble or crash on the stairs, and that was an advantage for us survivors.

" This is bad. "

We went silent when suddenly, my eyes caught Zoe. She was opening the door.


" My morning is fucked up! "

Those were Cedric's last words before going back inside the house, to get some weapons. Followed by the rest. Going out again while ushering Adrien and Zoe to stay inside in case of more unfortunate events.

" Do you know who's outside? " Cyrus asked. Readying his sharpened knives as they stepped out the house.

" Survivors from the base. " Both the Bennett Brother's nodded.

As they went near the banged gate. Both Brother's glanced at Yule to let him be the one to open the gate and greet the fellow survivors.

Yule unlocked all of the locks, opening the gate a little to see the people outside fending off the zombies. After seeing the situation, he opened the gate, wide enough for two persons to get out.

The three stepped outside the gate before attacking the zombies with three more survivors.

The other survivors namely, Uriel, Caleb and Allison were startled by their entrance for a moment. They were fascinated by their moves in killing the zombies, especially the tall lean guy who practically massacred everything. To be Brought to reality by the said tall lean guy or Cedric's yell.


Afraid by the lean guy's wrath, the three of them followed his words and killed the remaining zombies on their sides.

Cedric's anger from the interruptions on his morning plus the informations he got, were moved to the zombies. The scene of the morning massacre they have happening again.

The scene was so groggy and bloody. All you could see are zombies being slain, stab, sliced or killed.

When the last zombies head was dropped. The three survivors were pulled by the Bennett's inside the house. Leaving Yule to close and lock the gates and front door.

Adrien and Zoe walked down from the stairs as they saw new and old faces on the living room. Zoe ran towards Cyrus and Cedric with Adrien, checking if their are any bite or wounds on their bodies. Also checking Yule when he entered.

When there was no wounds or bites found, all of their attention were moved to the three teens standing across them.

Yule who knew the teens, asked the supposedly leader of the teens with his low voice.

" Uriel, What are you guys doing here? "

The three flinched especially Uriel at the older guy's question.

Seeing their reactions, Cyrus stepped forward. Worried that they may not answer as they looked too nervous.

" Let's stop the questions. For now, let's welcome them. "

Adrien who knew Cyrus's intention, also stepped towards the new additions in their group. Moving his body close behind Cyrus. Before saying his welcome to the teens.

" Welcome to our small group and family... "

Hearing the words the Adrien said, as if magic everyone in the house warmed up. The tension in the air breaking like it was not their to begin with.