After Adrien's welcome, They sat down at the living room, introducing each other while the warm atmosphere that Adrien made is still there.
Everyone are glancing at me weirdly, especially after Cedric's grim face turned to a smiley one. Seriously his mood swings are on a different level. Cyrus is also being more touchy than usual, holding my waist with his left hand. The Additions in front us are also too smiley, it's as if I had done something good. Yule also had a very creepy small smile on his face. None of us are talking and it was honestly a comfortable silence until Zoe jumps at me, answering my question of their strange behavior.
" Bwothew, we'we family wight? Awe they awso pawt of Zoe's family? Awe they? " she asked, excitement evident in her squeaky voice. The guest's eyes lighting up with hope in their eyes when they heard her.
' oh '
Now that I think about it. Are they like this because of what I said a while ago (?), because I said we're a family?
" Of course, Zoe. We're a family now, that means they are also going to be part of Zoe's family just like Adrien. " Cyrus proudly said, putting Zoe on his lap. I unconsciously elbowed Cyrus after seeing Cedric looked at Cyrus with a questioning look.
" Cy, let's wait for Cedric to decide that. For now, let's start the questioning. " I moved my attention to Uriel, Caleb and Allison who are smiling at me widely. " So, Where are your..... parents? " I know that this question may vary from good or bad depending on their situations, that's why I asked them carefully. I was just curious.
Looking at them, their smiles seemed to be a bit forced now. Uriel, who was said to be the leader hesitantly answered my question while rubbing his fidgeting hands together.
" p-parents committed suicide after knowing about the Apocalypse....."
It looks like my question is too much.
" ....I'm an orphan.... " Caleb muttered under his breath, but it was loud enough for us to hear.
Zoe who's face we're once happy crumbled. She stayed silent with us after seeing our moods.
Allison hesitantly answered after sensing our lowered moods. Her smiled turned into an awkward one. Letting out a nervous laugh he proceeded on answering.
" .... My parents were confirmed to be Zombies now...and ummm....if y-you want to know about my family, m-my brothers situations are unknown. I couldn't contact them.... "
Deep silence.
It was very silent. My question was really too much. Maybe I shouldn't have ask.
' I made a mistake '
As the silence in the house prolonged. Adrien's mind was in rambles. He was blaming himself for asking. Everyone in the room stared at him, noticing the big changed of emotions on his eyes and body. He was shaking.
Cyrus grabbed Adrien's hand, in the pretence of assurance which made Adrien smile a little.
" Umm.... Mr. Adrien we're okay now. You can ask us more questions if you want. " Allison said. Wanting to lighten up the mood for the better.
" Yes, we're fine now. We mourned and promise our parents to survive for them instead. " Yeah, but instead of lighting up the mood, it kind of made the opposite effect.
" Uriel! We're really fine now, and Uriel means good in his words. "
" Okay. Can I ask how did you know Yule and why did you follow him here? "
" Oh! We knew Sir Yule from the group because he's a great fighter. He's very reliable and strong too so we thought that maybe we should follow him until we're strong enough with our selves. And yeah... " Allison started.
" We followed him here after our group split. " Caleb continued.
" Huh? Why did your group split up? " Cedric asked, glancing at Yule for a sec and then look back at the three youths.
" Didn't Sir Yule already told you? " Cedric mouthed a 'no' before Allison explained once again. " Oh. The Police we were accompanied with 'accidentally' bumped with their superiors on their road to get some foods yesterday. So they were told to go to the Military base with us. "
" Heh! Yeah~ 'accidentally'. " The Bennett's and Adrien looked at Caleb who snorted. " They accidentally bumped, when the truth is they called them on the first day of the Apocalypse. I mean, Can you really call something like that 'accidentally'? "
" So what really happened? "
All of them sighed, even Yule sighed. Making Cedric, Cyrus and Adrien smell some big trouble.
" On the first day, they monopolized our phones because they needed to contact someone but they made it seem like the network is not working and never gave us our phone unless it's battery or sim is already broken, and because of the circumstances in a Apocalypse the people trusted there words. " Caleb explained. He's pissed off remembering the bastards that tricked them. So was the other three who were in the now splitted group.
" We almost believed them, but we caught them on the third night...." Allison said. " Mostly, Caleb caught them. "
" They were caught while they were planning on using some of us as meat shield until their superiors come as they planned. "
" Sir Yule was there with me. "
" We were hiding at that time, but we clearly heard them said ' Prepare for the possibilities of zombies with intelligence. If someone is bitten, Kill them without hesitation.'. We also saw them kill one of those so called zombies " Caleb scowled and irked as he explained what he saw.
" At the base and on our way here. " Yule stated.
" Yeah, they are evolving. Slowly but surely. "
As they spoke about the zombies evolving more. A chill ran through their spines. Even the already asleep Zoe felt it.
' It's getting more dangerous '