Chapter 7: Professor Janice

Lex could not help but curse as he stared at the floating window in front of him.

What… are these skills!? He thought that the Sausage system would at least give him decent skills, but this?

Ability to control his bodily fluids?

Mind control?

His Active Skills seem like the kind of skills that will get him to jail, both in the prison for normal humans, and for System holders.

Controlling his bodily fluids? Was it like making a sword out of his sweat?

No, maybe this could be a cool skill as well. If it was a sword made from his blood…

No! Anything but that. Blood equals pain, and that was the first thing he wanted to avoid in the first place.

Then… he suddenly remembered one of those old cartoons from New Tokyo, they have been trending lately.


Lex could not help but widen his eyes as he imagined himself controlling tentacles and killing monsters with it. Tentacles that were made out of his sweat… or even worse, his-

Lex once again could not help but shake his head. It seems everything that has to do with his System will lead to something perverted.

Coercion? He did not even want to think about it.

His eyes then reached the end of the list as all of his attention was placed on the last skill that he had on the Skill Tree. Even with all the ridiculous skills that he had, it stood out the most because of the question (?) mark it had for a level. What does this even mean?

The [Gift of Eros].

Able to increase the System's level by touching one's sexual organ with foreign organic fluids? Any organic fluids? So even animals… or even the creatures from the portals will do? Just the thought of it made Lex's whole body to shiver.

'Expand', he thought as he wanted to see more info on the skill.

[Additional Info: The higher the level of the source of the Foreign Organic Fluid, the bigger the EXP you will get.]

Lex could not help but place his hand on his chin. Should he apply as a Bagger for a high level portal once he is able to?

Then when while he is there, he should get the blood of a high level beast and pour it onto his-

Before he could complete the thought, he snapped himself out of it. Was he really that desperate to gain strength for the thought to even cross his mind? This was bad.

Ever since he unlocked his System, he seems to think of nothing but to get stronger.

But this all but confirms it, then. He gains experience once his… sausage makes contact with foreign bodily fluids.

He touched the money he had in his pocket. Does this mean that he did not need to go to the Red Light district now to solicit a prostitute?


Of course he should go.

Even more so now that he knows that he really could get stronger through it.

Money? What's that?

He will spend it all just to get stronger.

Speaking of spending… he still had a skill point left from unlocking his System.

But looking at his current active skills again, he did not know where to use them. Should he use it to unlock [Fluid Manipulator] ?

The other skill, [Coercion], doesn't really sit well on his tongue. To manipulate other people, how was that any different from bullying them and forcing them to do things they do not want to do?

He wants power so he could defend himself, not to hurt other people.

Maybe he should just save it for now, and use it when he needs to? That seems to be the best way to approach this, was it not?


Lex's thoughts were instantly disrupted as the door to his dorm room opened hastily.

"Ah shit! Lex!? You're back!?"

A male student barged inside the room, only to be surprised by Lex being there. Behind him, was a woman, presumably a student.

Lex doesn't really know anymore with how many women this male student has brought to their dorm room.

The male student could not help but let out a pronounced sigh as he saw Lex in the room, his head lowered in disappointment.

"I guess we have to postpone the tour to my lovely room", the male student said as he kisside the woman on the hand.

"This…", the woman kept glancing away as he saw that there was someone else in the room, "I-it's alright. I will take my leave"

"I am sorry, love", the male student fixed his platinum-colored hair, "Let's embark on this journey next time"

One would think, were girls allowed in the boy's dormitory?

Of course not. But the male student that was currently showing off his philanderer lifestyle in front of Lex was Arman, his roommate for 2 years, and also the son of the richest family in the city.

Arman could just basically pay the guards to let anyone inside. This Academy, if it wasn't obvious enough, was an unfair place.

Nurture future System Holders? Fuck that. Lex experienced this "nurture" first hand.

Only strength and status mattered here, because only strength and status can clear a Portal. If you do not prove yourself as someone useful from the start, they won't even take a second glance at you.

"Ah, man", Arman let out a half-hearted smile as he sat on his bed, "I thought you would be gone for a while when I heard you fell from the roof, man"

"Should I ask the school to transfer me to a single room?", Arman sighed, "Ack! They would probably deny it again"

Lex watched as Arman kept on nodding by himself. He should probably leave the guy by himself.

"You can call her back", Lex said as he stood up from his bed, "I am leaving for my System class anyway"

That's right, even if he already had a way to make himself stronger, he should still not neglect his classes. His parents paid for him to be here, after all.

"Really!?", Arman's eyes flashed as he stood up laughing, "You're the best, man!"

Arman then tapped Lex on the arms as a way of saying thank you. Lex, however, could only grit his teeth as the burn on his arm was hit.

Arman quickly rushed towards the door, shouting for her lady companion that was still walking down the hallway. As soon as the woman heard the shout, she hurriedly rushed back to Lex and Arman's room to spare herself from the embarrassment of someone noticing her.

"D-don't shout!", the woman shouted herself as she got near the door.

The one who wanted to shout the most, though, was Lex. He just started to distract his mind from the pain on his arms, but now it has returned again, with seemingly no plans on dissipating, causing him to sweat profusely.

He must get out of this room before someone notices his grimacing expression. He hurriedly exits out the room, which causes him and Arman's female companion to bump into each other..

Lex could only inwardly curse as he felt the arms on his pain intensify.

The woman, however, released a silent moan as soon as Lex's sweat touched her face.

"S-sorry", a stuttered whisper came from Lex's mouth.

"I-it's… okay", said the woman softly as her face started to redden.

Lex did not really notice any of this as he nodded and quickly walked away. He really should level up soon so he could increase his Defense stat.

Lex stopped by the nearest lavatory, cursing and screaming in silence from the pain he was feeling in his arms.

It took a whole minute for him to calm down and finally get to the classroom. And as expected, it has already started as he could hear someone talking on the other side of the door.

"Excuse me for being late", Lex said as he opened the door to the class. And inside, were children. 15 children, with no one going above the age of 9.

Yes, his classmates for the System class- students who have not yet unlocked their System.

"Ah! The big brother is back!"

Lex quickly placed his index finger on his lips, jokingly shushing for the children to keep quiet.

"Mr. Laurel, I thought you would not be joining us today"

"I already feel well, Ms. Javier", Lex slightly bowed as he looked at the woman in front of the class, Professor Janice Javier.

Ms. Javier was one of the younger teachers in the academy. And she looked how you'd expect a serious professor to look. Almond-shaped eyes, slightly hidden by her glasses, a professional haircut all pulled back by a bun. The lines on her neck that were further amplified by her smooth and tanned skin.

And one can't hide the fact that her breasts were also of a… substantial size.

"Mr. Laurel, are you okay?"

"You… are very beautiful, Ms. Javier"


Lex's eyes instantly widened as he realized that he blurted out his internal thoughts. He could only glance away, not knowing how to escape this awkward predicament.

"E-ewww…", a whisper could be heard coming from Lex's young classmates.

"Are you still unwell from the accident?", Ms. Javier said in a calm voice as she placed her hand on Lex's forehead, which was still minutely covered by his sweat.

That was probably a mistake.

The moment her palm touched Lex's slightly sweet forehead, the only thing that remained calm was her face, but everything else was in turmoil.

She could not help but to sneakily swallow hard as a warm feeling suddenly started to form below her stomach.

"I-i'm fine. Thank you, Ms. Javier", replied Lex smiled as he hurriedly excused himself to his seat.

"!!!", Ms. Javier's eyes could not help but widen as she felt her chest tightened momentarily as soon as she saw Lex's smile.

She was trying her best to stop her body from trembling as the warm feeling below her stomach became hotter. To the point that she was already feeling something damp crawling in her underwear.

But of course, Lex was completely oblivious of what was happening. If only he spent his time in reading in detail one of his passive skills, [Walking Aphrodisiac], then he probably would have evaded being touched by anyone, by all means.

[Walking Aphrodisiac] is highly effective against virgins.