Chapter 8: Strings (18+ Only)

Recovering from the awkward situation earlier, Lex could not help but yawn as he listened in on the lectures of Ms. Javier. He had already heard this lecture a dozen times as he has also failed to advance in this class a dozen times due to him not being able to unlock his System.

He should probably report to the Professor that he has successfully unlocked his System. Not today, of course, but tomorrow after he has tried out his powers in the Red Light district.

Tonight, he has to go tonight.

he really could not wait until all the classes were over so he could continue on his plan. But for now, he could do nothing but yawn as his boredom started to reach its peak

Professor Janice Javier could only wish that she could say the same. Because for her, this was, perhaps, the longest lecture of her life.

She kept sneaking glances towards Lex as the warm feeling below her stomach remained constant.

She could feel it. It was a good thing that she wasn't wearing a skirt today, if she was, then something would already be dripping between her legs.

This… this is very inappropriate, she thought. Was she actually feeling something for her student!?

True, Lex is already past the age of consent, but it doesn't change the fact that he was a student!

No, why was she even thinking about the age of consent in the first place!? This is wrong, this is so wrong.

Janice could not help but release a stuttered breath.

Please, please let the class end already!

And, as if granting her internal shouts, the school bell rang.

"Class dismissed!"


Janice did not even look at her other students as she quickly ran out of the classroom, her legs slightly sticking into each other.

"What's wrong with teacher Janice?"

"Maybe she needed to poop?"


Lex could only chuckle awkwardly as he heard the younger student's taunts and jeers. If he knew it was actually his fault, he wouldn't be casually laughing right now.


Janice quickly rushed towards the nearest lavatory and entered one of the stalls. She quickly dropped her bags, not even caring if the floor was dirty.

She then hurriedly pulled down her pants… and there it was.

There were already streaks of liquid seeping from the edges of her underwear.

And then, very slowly, she pulled down her panties. Her whole body trembled as she released a tiny gasp. A part of her fully drenched underwear slightly clung to her most sensitive part, almost turning her legs into jelly.

The juices that came out from inside of her almost formed some sort of web.

Strings that were made out of her own lube spread as she finally fully pulled down her panties.

And without even waiting for it to land on her feet, she sat on the toilet, her breath stuttering endlessly.

'You look beautiful, Ms. Javier'

Lex's voice echoed inside her mind. The movement of his lips as he said so played like a movie in front of her.

And then slowly, her legs separated from each other, making an opening for her middle finger to slide down in between them.

She turned her head towards the ceiling, with Lex's voice still repeating inside of her.

Gently, with her pinky finger, she parted her lips, exposing the slightly engorged clitoris that was shying away. And then, with her middle finger, she gave it a light tap.

"Hhm!", a loud moan quickly came out of her breath. She had to cover her mouth with her free hand unless she wanted someone to hear her.

Once again, she tapped her clitoris, she did so several times until the extreme sensitivity became… pleasurable.

And once she was comfortable, the tap became a touch.

Her stifled moans became stronger as she began rubbing her clitoris, spreading her lips even slightly further.

Lex's voice still repeated in her mind. His smile, his skin… the feeling of her hand touching his face.

Beautiful. He told her that she was beautiful.

Ripples were starting to form beneath her as her juices kept on gushing out. The trails on her legs, even all the way to her butt have already left a mark on her skin.

Soon, her whole arm was moving. Another finger joined, sliding her clitoris in between her middle and ring finger.

"A...hmmm", she could no longer contain herself as she let go of her mouth, letting it express what it wanted freely.

Her free hand then gently grabbed her right breasts, pinching the nipples that were popping out of her shirt.

'You are beautiful'

Her moans became louder and louder as the only thing she could see was Lex's face.

'You look beautiful'

'Thank you'

"T-thank… aahh… you!", Janice could not help but cry as her entire body trembled. She quickly removed her hand from between her legs, as her lady parts have already become extremely sensitive.

Her whole body still fidgeted even as her arms already laid dead on her sides.

Her stuttered breathing became even more erratic as she realized what she had done.


A sense of guilt and shame started to creep inside of her mind. To a student!? Really!?

She quickly pulled back her panties and wore her pants before exiting the stall.

And there, just outside, was a student washing her hands in front of the mirror.

The two stared at each other through the mirror, neither even daring to utter a single word.

How long has she been there? Was the only thing that was in Janice's mind.

Well, she has been washing her hands for a full 15 minutes now.

"G-good afternoon", said the student.

"G-good afternoon", replied Janice as she stiffly walked outside of the lavatory.