Chapter 15: Knife


Professor Janice and Lex were now inside a wcronald's. Finding themselves sitting awkwardly in silence as the both of them sip on their empty cup of soda.

The fries on the table remained unmoved, with the only movement on the table being their eyes which were constantly staring in and out at each other.

Janice's face was almost feverish as the red tint on it has not subsided even for a second. Everything happened so fast… and yet so slow. She was like an animal in heat as she… she…

Janice could only close her eyes as she tried her best not to remember what just happened inside her car.

"Uhm…J-janice?", Lex was the first one brave enough to break their awkward silence.

"W-what!? What is it!?", Janice flinched as she heard her name suddenly being called.

"S-sorry! S-should I call you Ms. Javier instead?", Lex said as his body stiffened.

"No! No, it's fine!", Janice shook her head numerous times. Considering the things they did in her car, Lex could call her darling and she would gladly answer his calls.

'D-darling!?', the blush on Janice's face grew even brighter with her silly thoughts, she could not help but cover her face with the cup of soda she was holding.

"Can… I have your mobile number?"

"What!? What for!?", suddenly being asked the question and being intruded with her thoughts, Janice once again revealed a loud voice. She could not help but wince as she saw Lex's perplexed eyes. Why was she so flustered!? She thought.

"I thought…", Lex could not help but sigh as he stopped his words. He then let out a huge breath, his expression turning serious.

"What I said before about taking responsibility, I was serious", Lex said in a straight voice, "So… why don't we go on a date?"

"...A date?", Janice finally started to calm down as their conversation was taking a normal turn.

She couldn't help but let out a tiny chuckle as she thought of something. A date, doesn't that usually come first before everything they have done inside the car?

They have already gone this far. So a date should be expected, was it not? But there was still the fact that Lex is a student of the academy, if they get discovered… then she will lose her job, and Lex would also surely get expelled.

But still, should… she give it a shot? To be with Lex? To feel his warmth inside of her again?

Her face once again started to redden. Of course, to feel like that again. Anything was worth it, she thought.

And so, with a smile, she nodded towards Lex.

"Also… I am sorry", Lex suddenly added as soon as Janice nodded, "My skill… I mean my System, I have already unlocked it… and I think it might be-"

"You have already unlocked your skill!? T-that's great!", Janice did not even let Lex finish what he was going to say. If she was out of her class, then that will make things a little bit less complicated between the two of them. But…

"But why are you apologizing?", Janice tilted her head.

"Hm?", Lex could not help but furrow his eyebrows. Didn't Janice hear what he said before they started raving like animals? That it was because of his skill that she was feeling whatever she was feeling?

Could it be that she didn't hear him? So… if she knew… will she still remain by Lex's side?

Lots of thoughts raced in Lex's mind, but the thing that prevailed was, "I...I am sorry for taking your first time", he was not going to say it. At least not yet.

"If… it's any consolation, it was also my first time", Lex said as he scratched his chin, "And… I am more than glad that it was with you, Janice"

Hearing these words suddenly coming from Lex, Janice could not help but widen her eyes as she blinked a couple of times. She then smiled and pinched Lex on the cheeks.

"For someone who is saying it is his first time, you do say some cheesy thi-"

Before Janice could finish her words, she felt a warm feeling on her lips as Lex suddenly kissed her.

She let out a stuttered breath as their lips slowly separated. She then stared at Lex's hidden eyes before she let out a happy smile.

"I-it's getting late, let me drive you back to the dorm", Janice said as she stood up from her seat. They needed to go home, before anything could happen again.

Lex nodded as he followed Janice out of the wcronald's.

"Thank you! Please come again!"


Hearing the server's words, the two could not help but look at each other and laugh at the same time.

The ride back to school was uneventful, nothing happened. They chose to stop a block away from the academy, afraid that someone might see them if they stopped just outside the entrance.

"L-Lex… this… remains between us, okay?", Janice let out a whisper as Lex was going out the car.

"Of course", Lex nodded as he looked at Janice directly in the eyes, "Uhm… I will call you?"

"O-only after school hours!", Janice quickly drove off as soon as Lex closed the door.

Seeing the car driving away, Lex could not help but sigh as he revealed a tiny smile. He then looked at his hand… and suddenly punched the concrete fence in front of him.

"Disgusting…", he whispered, "How could I use such an innocent woman like that…"

Lex repeatedly punched the fence, caving it in as he does so, "Disgusting… I am disgusting"

How… how could I do that, he thought.

'Just… Just for power!?' He once again looked at his hands and placed it on his face, slightly pulling his skin down.

He then looked at the little floating window that popped out in front of him.

[Base Lv. 13]

10 times. He leveled up 10 times.

'No, of course. For power', a wide grin slowly crept on his face, 'Everything for power'

He slowly gathered his breath as he started to calm down.

'I'm...i'm just tired. These thoughts will be gone tomorrow'

And so, with that thought, he walked back to the academy. Jumping over the wall, of course.

Walking down the hall to his dorm room, he could not help but once again reminisce of what just happened.

Janice Javier… who would have thought that something like that would happen between them. He just unlocked his system this morning, and yet he was already Level 13. How ridiculous was that?


His thoughts were then disrupted as he saw someone standing in the middle of the hall, just in front of his dorm room.

"...Arnold?", Lex squinted his eyes, but he was sure that the fat student in front of him was Arnold. Come to think of it, he still has not apologized for what happened earlier this morning.


But before Lex can even say anything, Arnold suddenly rushed towards him, wielding a knife in his hands.

It was too sudden and too unexpected that Lex was not even able to move.

Lex's eyes widened as he felt the cold steel of the blade on his stomach.

