Chapter 16: Classroom of the Dead


Arnold's whole body was trembling uncontrollably as he thrusted the knife he was holding straight towards Lex's stomach. He repeatedly released tiny gasps as he whispered,

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry", stuttered breaths were coming out of his mouth as his tears started to fall on his face, "They asked me to do it"

"It's your fault!", Arnold's voice started to get louder as his snot started to flow to his mouth, "It's your fault for fighting back!"

After Lex ran from the lavatory and injured one of Ray's men, they took their anger out on him. And after that, they handed him a knife. They ordered him to stab Lex, if not, their beatings were going to get worse.

"You… are blaming this on me?"


Hearing a cold voice coming from the one he just stabbed, he could not help but take a step back, letting go of the knife in the process.

A loud clanging noise echoed throughout the hall as the knife instantly fell to the ground with even a hint of resistance.

"Y-you…", Arnold's whole cheeks trembled as he pointed at Lex's stomach. Even though the moon was their only source of light in the hallway, he was still able to see that there was not even a hint of blood on his stomach, not even a scratch. Only a torn shirt to prove that the knife was truly sharp, ""

"You will kill me…", Lex's cold voice pierced his ears, "Just… because they said so?", Lex said as he slowly crouched to the ground.


Seeing Lex pick up the knife from the ground, Arnold quickly moved his feet and turned back. But before he could run...


He found himself not wanting to move as he heard Lex's voice. Even as Lex was slowly approaching him while carrying his knife, Arnold did not move.

His whole body trembled, but for some reason, he did not want to move as he waited for Lex to approach him.

"You think… this is my fault?"

Arnold once again heard Lex's whispers as he slowly approached him.

"Was it… because I was weak? That you thought you could kill me?"

They were whispers, and yet it felt like Arnold could hear Lex right beside his ear.

"E-eek!", Arnold could not help but snort as Lex was now directly right in front of him. Lex slowly raised the knife and casually planted it on Arnold's quadruple chin.

His fats jiggled as he felt the cold steel on his skin. His whole body began to sweat, almost emitting some sort of smog from his body.

"Here you go"


But contrary to his expectations, Lex suddenly smiled as he handed him the knife. His eyes could not help but widen in disbelief.

"I forgive you", Lex said.

"W-what?", Arnold still could not believe it.

"I forgive. So take your knife and walk away", Lex repeated his words, still a smile on his face, "Let's forget this ever happened, okay?"

And without even replying to Lex, Arnold grabbed the knife and proceeded to run as fast as he could with his heavy weight.

Lex continued to stare at Arnold's back until it disappeared into the darkness. He then held his stomach.

If he hadn't already increased his vitality, then he probably would have been dead by now, or even worse, he would have been in pain.

" much pain…", he whispered.

Again and again. The years of bullying and torture once again cycled inside Lex's mind as his silent whispers filled the empty hall once again.


Morning came, and once again, light bathed the academy.

"You think he's dead?"

"Tch. I doubt it, there will already be news around the school"

"That fat pig probably chickened out"

"You think he even knows how to use a knife with those fat hands of his?"



Inside a classroom, Ray's group were currently chatting quietly with each other. Trying to contain their laughter as they imagined Arnold running around while swaying a knife.

The door then opened, with Lex entering the classroom. The group's chatter instantly stopped as they looked at Lex walking, alive and well.

"See? I told you he chickened out!"


The group were finally unable to contain their laughter as their voices resounded in the room, garnering the attention of the other students that were already there.

"Oi, Sausage Lover, why aren't you greeting us?", Ray clicked his tongue as he noticed Lex not even caring about them.

"Oi, Ray is calling you!"

One of his friends grabbed Lex by the wrist, trying to pull him towards their group, but in a weird turn of events, his friend slid on the floor as he was the one that was casually dragged by Lex.

But Lex, as if nothing even happened, did not even look at them as he took his seat on the corner of the classroom.

"Y-you!", Ray was about to rush towards Lex, but a professor came in before he could do so.

'Just because you gained a little strength, you dare get cocky in front of me!?', Ray thought as he stared ominously at Lex.

"Okay future Holders, settle down", the professor placed his books on the table, "Now, the results of the- who are you?"

But before he could even start his class, a fat student suddenly barged inside the room.

It was Arnold.

"Excuse me, do you need something?", the professor said with a cold voice, obviously annoyed by being interrupted during his lecture.

But the fat student just ignored him, instead, he walked in front of the class… and slowly stripped.

"W-what are you doing!?"

The students that were in front let out gasps of disgust as they saw the fat man stripping in front of them.

"Oi...oi", Ray and his group, however, could not help but gulp nervously as they stared at Arnold and his body full of burnt marks. But their fears were realized as Arnold suddenly pointed at their group.

"I have been continually harassed by Ray and his friends", Arnold said in a somewhat monotonous voice.


Whispers instantly filled the room as the students all looked towards Ray and his group.

"They threatened me to suck someone's dick. They burned me everyday. They used me as a punching bag. They forced me to drink toilet water filled with pee"


Suddenly, the fat student retrieved a knife from his pocket.

"Student… Give me the knife, calm do-"


Before the professor can even approach Arnold, blood sprayed profusely towards the students that were unlucky enough to be sitting on the front.

They all jumped back from their seats, trying to avoid the blood that was gushing out of Arnold's neck.

Once the professor recovered form his shock, he quickly rushed towards Arnold, pushing him on the floor. But still, even with the professor pinning him down, Arnold somehow continued to stab himself repeatedly, as if a zombie.

"N-no!", the professor yelled, "Someone call for a healer now! Call Dr. Agnes! Just call anyone!"

"F-fuck… fuck"

Ray and his group looked at each other. Ray then looked at the other students, some of them holding their cellphones up, recording everything that was happening.

If any of them recorded what Arnold just said just now… then they were fucked.

And then, Ray's eyes wandered to a particular student, who was still calmly sitting on his desk. But Ray's whole body shivered as he looked at the face of the calm student, only to find that the student was actually staring at him.

It was Lex.

Lex was looking at him, the corners of his mouth slowly lifting to the sides…

Until it turned into a smile.

[Coercion Lv. 0 -> Lv. 1

Basic Info: Able to control the minds of another creature for a period of time once their bodily fluids have come in contact with your sausage. ]

[Base Lv. 3->13 EP: 69/1300, System Lv. 2 EP: 0/200

STR: 11-> 15 | 3 (Atk: 40+0)

AGI: 1 | 2 (Speed: 1.19)

VIT: 1 -> 30 | 4 (Max HP: 162, Def: 24+0)

INT: 1 | 2 (Max SP : 28, MAtk: 5+0)

HP Regen: 6 SP Regen: 1

Status Points left: 2]