Chapter 28: Diana Williams

Diana Williams, born from a Filipino woman and an Englishman.

Her father, like her, was a System Holder. So he was not present much in her childhood, only remembering snippets.

As a mix, there was a certain discrimination against her when she, herself, was still a student attending the academy. With Earth's declining population, it became unpopular for people of different races to have children.

It was erasing the original bloodlines and history of the people, they said.

But unlike Lex, no one was able to bully her. She unlocked her System at the age of 8, and no one dared to mess with her as soon as she did so. If there were anyone that tried to even look at her funny, she would fuck them up.

Sure, sometimes she loses, but she was fierce enough for no one to want to try fighting her again.

But Diana… There was one thing Diana was unable to do during her time as a student.

That was to fall in love.

She tried to confess her love once, sure. But the student quickly threw his wallet at her and ran away, shouting that that was the only money he had. With her headstrong personality and notorious reputation, no one wanted to be friends with her.

She was beautiful, and her body even if it was a bit muscular, was surely adored by many… so why… Why did no one want her!?

And so, at the ripe age of 27, Diana has been single since birth, with only her left hand to accompany her loneliness.

But now, back to the present, Diana found herself in a very peculiar situation.

She was sprawled on the floor, her eyes as wide as they can be while her heart beats aggressively.

She then quickly covered her face and folded her legs as she remembered what just happened.

As soon as Lex got on top of her, her whole body trembled as a warm feeling slithered its way below her waist. And when Lex's crotch accidentally rubbed onto her pants, her legs, like they had a life of their own, locked Lex into place.

Her whole body turned hot, but she tried her best not to show it. It came to the point that she was deliberately loosening the grip on her legs so that Lex could push his hips up, only for her to pull him back.

This happened several times, Lex's crotch humping and sliding in between her legs. It felt good, it felt really good.

It became harder and harder for her to hold back her moans as the feeling in between her legs became hotter and hotter.

Until finally, she bit her lip as she felt a gush come out from inside her.

It was short, but she was sure of it… she came.

Diana could not help but grit her teeth as she remained covering her face. Was she so deprived as to… as to do that to a student!?

But Lex… Lex felt so good that she couldn't stop herself.

"M...Ms. Diana?"

Her whole body trembled as she felt a hand touching her shoulder. She slowly moved her hand away, only to see Lex looking at her with a concerned face.


Diana quickly sat up as she tried her best to avoid Lex's gaze. Her face, like molten lava. How… was she even supposed to face him now after what she had done?

But maybe, maybe he didn't notice? Diana then slightly took a glance at Lex again, but her eyes instantly widened as she saw Lex's pants, which were very clearly, wet.

'He definitely noticed!', Diana quickly turned her head back as she cursed internally, 'Fuck...shit...fuck!'

"Is there anything wro-"

Before Lex could finish his words, Diana suddenly stood up… and quickly ran outside of the gym without even looking back.

"What… was that all about?", Lex could not help but furrow his eyebrows as he turned his attention towards his wet pants.

'I guess… I was lucky?', he thought. For something like this to happen, what were the chances of that?

But wait, what about his 3 Green Crystals!?

He was about to chase after instructor Diana, but he felt a sudden chill climb through his neck as a cold voice pierced his ears.


Lex gulped as he slowly turned his head towards the voice, and there, he saw Janice.

A huge scowl plastered on her face, enough to reveal the big fangs on the side of her lips.

But then, as Janice's eyes turned towards Lex's very wet pants, her scowl instantly turned into a frown, and slowly, it turned into a pout.

"T-this…", Lex was at a loss as to what to do. Janice… Janice should be considered as his lover now, right?

Surely, seeing your lover in the kind of entanglement Lex was in earlier would truly break someone's heart.

What… was he supposed to do in this kind of situation?

He tried to rack his brain as much as possible, but there really was only one thing he could do in this situation.

And so, with a gulp, he slowly walked towards Janice.

"I'm sorry", he whispered.

"T-", Janice was about to say something, but before she could even utter a word, she felt her mouth occupied as Lex suddenly kissed her on the lips.

"!!!", Janice wanted to push Lex away, but she found herself struggling to even budge Lex by an inch. She looked to both her sides, trying to confirm if anyone else was in the gym. But after confirming that they were alone, she closed her eyes as she sucked in and wrapped Lex's tongue, allowing her mouth to be completely explored and ravished.

However, if she only used her ears, or if she wasn't so engrossed by the warm feeling in her body, she would have noticed…

...that Diana was still on the other side of the door, completely witnessing what they were doing.