Chapter 29: Start of a New Life...Maybe

Diana Williams was currently inside the faculty room and has been staring at the empty air for almost an hour since she arrived in school. She couldn't even sleep a wink from what happened yesterday.

She panicked as she didn't want Lex to see her flustered expression, but what she saw after completely neutralized her. She returned to the gym after she left so awkwardly because she forgot to take the files of the students from Janice, only to find her… only to find her mouth being ravaged by Lex!

Her body once again soon turned hot as her face became red.

She could not help but caress her lips as she remembered how Lex and Janice's tongue intertwined. W...was that how couples usually kiss? Did it not usually just involve the lips?

Wait, couples… Are Janice and Lex a couple!? But Lex is a student and Janice is a teacher. But why else would they be doing that if they weren't? This… This is truly scandalous! She screamed internally, trying to forget the fact that she, too, has done something indecent with Lex.

"Ms. Diana?", while she was currently lost in thought, someone called for her.

What… should she do in this situation? Should she confront Janice? No, that would be too awkward to talk about. Talk to Lex then?

"Ms. Diana?"

That's right. He's a lot younger than her, so she should listen to her, right? Listen… to her. She suddenly imagined Lex listening to her orders, licking her all the way from her feet, then slowly climbing up to her legs, until finally, Lex's tongue reached in between her legs and-

"Ms. Diana!"

"N-no, not there!"

Diana quickly stood up in shock as someone shouted her name, blurting out her thoughts in the process.

"Where… should I place it then?"

Diana slowly turned her volcanic head to see who was calling her, and to her surprise, it was Janice. Did… she realized that she was watching them yesterday!?

"P-place what!?", Diana stuttered.

"The papers, you forgot to take it from me yesterday after you… ran", Janice squinted her eyes as she looked at Diana's flustered face, "Are you okay?"

"Ah!", Diana slightly winced, "Yes, please just place it on the desk. T-thank you"

Diana turned to her desk after she thanked Janice, but after a few seconds, she noticed that Janice was still behind her.

'No… did she actually know that she was watching them!?'

"Do… you need something else?", Diana awkwardly said as she turned once again towards Janice.

"The 3 Green crystals you promised Lex", Janice whispered, "You will be giving it to him, right?"

Diana could not help but release a sigh of relief. 'So, it was about that', she thought.

"No worries", Diana chuckled, "I always keep my word", she said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Okay", Janice nodded her head, she then turned around, but before she could even take a single step, she once again looked at Diana, "What happened yesterday between you and Lex… was inappropriate. I will keep it a secret, but please don't do that again to a student", Janice whispered, "E-especially to Lex"

'Inappropriate!?', Diana could not help but scream internally, 'You're the one whose mouth was being ravaged by Lex!', thought Diana, who came just by Lex's pants rubbing on hers.


'This… what will I even say?'

Lex had been standing outside a door for quite a while, he wasn't really the type to meet new people. And with his history of being ostracized and bullied, excitement was the last thing he would feel when meeting new people.

But it was different now… he had strength. And with the gruesome video that was still leaking even now, the people that bullied him should be gone from school by now. It was, in a way, the start of his new life.

And so, gathering his wits and courage, he entered the classroom.

"Hello, is this the classroom for Enhancer Cla-"

But as soon as he entered, he saw someone rushing towards him. He couldn't even react due to the suddenness of the situation as he felt a slight tingling sensation on his left cheek.


"Mark! I told you to stop doing that! W-we're so sorry, are you okay!?"

Lex slowly focused his eyes towards his left…

...Did someone just punch him?