Chapter 30: Enhancer S-Class

"I am sorry, are you okay!?"

Lex could not help but blink a couple of times as he stared at the fist that was planted on his cheek. He then slowly turned his eyes at the owner of the fist, a male student who seemed a little bit younger than him.

Was he… getting bullied already, again, on his first day at this new class? His eyebrows shook as he released a heavy breath. No. He will never allow himself to be bullied again.

His gaze on his eyes turned cold as he slowly raised his hand, but before he could do so, the student retracted his hand and retreated.

"Are you alright!?", a female student then approached him and quickly grabbed his face, "'re not even injured?", the female student's eyes widened as she stared at Lex's unscathed face.

Lex quickly retracted his face as he stared at the female student, she wasn't affected by the [Walking Aphrodisiac] is she?

But seeing as there were no changes in her expression, it would seem not.

He really needs to do something about his Passive Skill, it would be troublesome if someone accidentally touches him while he was covered in sweat.

"Pft. Why would he be wounded", the male student who punched him scoffed, "He didn't even flinch from my 25% Omega Super Powered Punch!", he said as raised his fists in the air, looking at it with his eyes filled with melancholy.

Lex… Lex was baffled. So he wasn't being bullied?

"S-sorry, we tried to stop him but he suddenly rushed towards you", the female student sighed, "But seeing as you're alright… you're the new addition to the class?"

Lex looked around, there seemed to be only 6 people total in the class, some not even wearing their uniforms.

"This… is the Enhancer Class-S?", Lex turned to the female student in front of her.

"Sure", the female student nodded.

"My name is Angela", the female student said as she reached her hand. Lex made sure to wipe his hand first before shaking Angela's hand. Noticing this, Angela could not help but tilt her head, her short bleached hair swaying in the process.

"The guy that hit you is-"

"Mark, Mark the Omega Fists", he said as he once again raised his fist in the air. For some reason, he had a lot of bandages wrapped around both his arms, does he have some kind of injury?

"That is Yassi", Angela motioned to the only other female in the class. Like Angela, Yassi's hair was also colored, flaming red, similar to Emily, the prostitute that Lex almost solicited.

" W'sup", Yassi nodded her head.

"That one brooding in the corner is Jared", she pointed at the huge guy with a beard in the farthest seat. That's a student!?

"Hm", Jared hummed as he made the peace sign.

"This guy Levi", she pointed at a male student with long wavy hair, his face full of piercings. That's allowed in the academy!?

"Hello there", Levi winked as he greeted Lex.

"And the last one is Jeff", Angela took a breath as she pointed at the last student, who also sported wavy hair, but much shorter than Levi's.

"My name is Jeff", he said.

"And that should be us", Angela clapped her hand, "What about you? What's y-"

"Why are you guys still not dressed yet!?"

Before Angela could finish her question, a woman entered the class and pushed Lex to the side.

"G-good morning, Ms. Diana!", Angela bowed and the rest of the students also stood up from their seats, "We heard a new student was coming in, so we wanted to welcome him!"

"New student?", Diana quickly turned around. But as soon as she saw who it was, her eyes widened instantly as it stared at the new student's lips.

"R-right...", Diana cleared her throat, "Have you introduced yourself to the class yet, Lips?"

"I… I mean Lex!", Diana once again cleared her throat as she slightly took a glance at Lex's lips. This wasn't good, she was starting to remember what happened yesterday.

"N-no, not yet", Lex stuttered.

"Then what are you waiting for!?", Diana stepped backward as she signaled for Lex to introduce himself, trying her best to avoid meeting his eyes, of course.

"Uhhmm…", Lex looked around with an awkward expression, "My name is Lex Laurel. N-nice to meet you all!", he said as he slightly bowed.

"So you've only unlocked your skill!?", Mark quickly raised his bandaged arm.

"Y-yes", Lex stuttered with the sudden question.

"You didn't flinch earlier, is that a skill?", this time, it was Angela who asked the question.

"It's a Pas-"

"How much Vit do you have? And how much pain can you take?", Levi asked with a sheepish voice as he licked his lips.

"N-not much", Lex could not keep up with the barraged of questions, this was probably the most a student has ever talked to him at school.

"Are you really level 1!?"


"Of course he is", this time, it was instructor Diana who answered for him, "But not for long, here you go, boy"

Diana then handed a small pouch towards Lex. Curious, he quickly looked at the contents of the pouch.

Lex's eyes almost popped out from his face as he saw the 3 shining green crystals it held. That was right, Diana owed him 3 crystals.

"Absorb it later… I… I can teach you if you don't know how", Diana looked to the side, "Now go get dressed!", she then hurriedly left the room.

"Get dressed?", Lex was once again at a loss...

...What exactly was happening?