Every year

"It's really not a good day for walk Richie!"

A lonely figure was walking down the footpath without raising his head. His tall slim body looked so frail in the snow, one would feel sympathetic seeing him.

Alex shouted again " Bro, you will get sick. It's really cold today!"

Seeing the figure moving further and further without responding he could only sigh and give up.

"Return before dinner. Anyways I will ask warden to save your share." He shouted again.

Richen didn't turn or replied anything, he couldn't. He raised his hand in thumps up and hurriedly moved further away from his friend. He knew he was being selfish. He could feel the care his friend was giving him, but he couldn't face him. At least not today.

Alex saw his friend moving farther. He shook his head and turned his face to the big iron gate and comforted himself, 'at least he was wearing warm clothes.'

Shook his head and went through the gate inside the huge building.

He entered his dorm with a face disappointment shown clearly. As soon as he entered he saw his 4 roommates staring at him. Seeing him coming alone they couldn't help but be disappointed too.

"You couldn't bring him back this time either?" The question sounded more like a complaint.

Alex looked at the asian guy who said this, he couldn't help but feel more down.

"You can't blame Alex like that Yuan, it's not like he doesn't try. If you have so many problems why don't you try." The guy sitting cross-legged on floor said angrily.

"It's not like I'm blaming him, I just asked. After all Richen is closest to him." Tang Yaun retorted grumpily, he would never agree to what his brother Tang Yujin said.

"Isn't it same every year, Richie would prefer going in this storm outside rather than staying in dorm with us and talking about what actually is bothering him." the guy standing by the window spoke.

Alex saw his roommates or should say his friends worried about Richen and couldn't help but think about him,

'Richie, you always make all five of us worry about you today don't you know? It's not just me who cares about you Richie, we all worry about you.'

"Oye Alex, can't you help me in shutting these people, or do you just want to stand there and watch the show."

Alex was woken from his thoughts when heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw frustrated looking guy sitting on his bunk bed and shouting at him. Alex was about to say something when the door was slammed open by a guy who was panting like he ran for his life.

"A...huff....Alex...huff huff..."

All five of them looked at the guy who was staying by their room door, he was panting heavily.

"Drink water first, and calm down." The guy standing beside window came to the boy and said.

The guy waved his hand rejecting the offer, trying his best to regain his breath. He looked really impatient.

In few seconds he regain enough strength to speak at least, " Richen....Something happened to Richen, he f...."

Before he could finish his sentence 5 figures ran past him in the direction to the building entrance.

The guy shouted " Miss Mary is standing by iron gate, she called taxi for you guys."

He closed the door of their room which was left ajar by them in hurry and kept the key in his pocket. 'I knew this would happen, I will text one of them later and tell them to get key from me later. I hope Richen is fine.' He shook his head and returned to his room.

Alex was the first to reach iron gate and see Miss Mary, " Miss....Miss Mary, wh..what hap...happened to ric.."

Before he could finish his sentence with all his panting, Miss Mary said "I, don't know clearly either I got call from First Hospital. You all get in the taxi first, we will go there and see."

All of them got in the two taxi Miss Mary called.