New kid

Sitting in the taxi he was anxious, scared. He couldn't help but be nervous, thinking what could have happened to Richen. 'Did he get sick due to storm or got into an accident! Did he got into fight with bullies? What the heck happened with you Richen?'

Tang Yujin saw Alex rubbing his sweating palms together, his face has gone pale. He could see Alex was loosing his calm, he always did, whenever Richen was involved.

"Alex, don't worry. I'm sure he just got cold or something, after all this whole month he didn't eat much as usual. He must have been tired and because of cold weather got sick. We will reach hospital soon anyways." Yujin tried his best to sound optimistic and give a valid reason for this sudden news.

But to Alex it was as if he heard nothing. His mind was full of Richen, memories of past.

"Oye Alex, Miss Mary said some new kid is coming in our room." A kid looking not more than 5 yr came inside the room where 3 kids of same age as his were were playing board game.

"How old is the kid, i don't wanna babysit anymore." A kid spoke who was sitting on top bunk bed munching his chocolate.

"Ah! I knew someone would come in this room, after all we still have 1 empty bed." One of kid playing board game groaned and laid down on his back on floor itself sounding irritated.

"Yuan! How can you say something like that. You haven't even met the new guy." Kid looking same as Yuan said while kicking Yuan who was now pulling his hair while laying on floor. 'Drama queen.' Kid thought.

"Aye! Just because you get more marks than me doesn't mean you can beat me Yujin." Shouted Yuan and kicked back Yujin who was sneering at him.

"Ray, when is the new kid coming?" Asked the thin kid, he was wearing glasses and was still engrossed in the board game, while the twins were wrestling.

"I don't know Cris. Miss Rose said the new kid was very scared when found, and was sent by police uncles."

"Take me there." Alex said after coming down from his top bunk.

"Alex why do you want to go?" Asked Yuan who was on top of Yujin now, one hand slamming Yujin face down to floor while other paused in mid air in form of fist.

"If he is younger than us, I will ask Miss Mary to arrange other room for him. I don't want to babysit, I told already." Alex snorted and started walking to Miss Mary's office.

Reaching Miss Mary office Alex was going to knock on the door but noticed the door wasn't closed. Through the crack he saw a kid looking 3 or 4 yr sitting silently on stool in the corner, with his face down, his forehead was covered with jet black bangs. He had bandages on his right knee and ankle, He was covered in a big black blanket but was still shivering. A coffee mug was kept on the small vase table beside him,

Alex was unable to see the figure on stool clearly, before he could look at the kid's face Ray barged in Miss Mary's office and shouted " Miss, brother Alex said he won't babysit a kid anymore."

The sudden opening of door scared the kid in blanket so much he almost fell off the stool, luckily he was near wall so he just bumped back a little hard. But the scare was enough for him to loose all his strength.

Miss Mary and Miss Rose the two women in their 30s glared at the intruders before running to the kid on stool and started patting his back comfortingly " It's ok Richen, nothing just door. Just door." Miss Rose kept on repeating it to comfort the kid who sacred but didn't make a sound, neither cried.

Alex looked at the kid's dark green eyes, widened due to the scare looking at them.

Miss Mary went to Ray and Alex and reprimanded them " Is this the what you are being taught here? You too Alex? How could you say something like that in front of a new kid. He was already scared, he doesn't speak or cry. Here i was trying to send him in your room because i thought you are best among other kids your age and would at-least be friends with him. Also since when I being warden have asked you to baby sit anyone?"

Alex wasn't reacting to her scolding. Thus ,she noticed his gaze was on the kid, before she could ask why was he looking at the kid while she is talking to him right now. He spoke.

"New kid can stay with us Miss Mary, it's not a problem. We are sorry for misbehaving."

Ray's mouth was left open, it looked like he just saw something unnatural. Miss Mary looked confused on the other hand, before she could've even form a sentence he went past her, and stood before the kid smiling.

"Hey New Kid! I'm Alex your roommate, maybe friend too. But that's only if you would want to be my friend"

"Alex! Alex! Bro, are you listening me. We reached hospital."

Alex snapped out of his trance hearing Yujin calling him repeatedly. ' Be alright Richen, I can't bear to see you in the same condition as i when i saw you first time'. Alex thought while hurrying to the reception.