
"Miss Mary! I don't get it."

"Miss Mary! What do mean by that?"

Both twins spoke at the same time after being stunned for a good few moments, they ran towards Miss Mary, who was already seated beside Alex patting his back.

"Ask Cris to come back, we won't have to arrange the donor now." Instead of replying to twins, Miss Mary spoke to Ray.

Ray silently nodded and made the call to Cris.

"Come back. Miss Mary has arranged everything." Ray said. His tone didn't sound happy at all.

Cris brows formed a knot, ' Why is he not happy if everything is arranged for Richen's operation. Isn't it a good thing?'

"How come Miss Mary can arrange everything?" Cris asked.

"Just come back to the hospital, we all are in front of OT. We will talk once you get here." Ray said and ended the call.

'How could I tell him that Richen is in such critical condition, and save him we have to use the bastard's money whose kid caused all this in the first place. Above all, we can't even get that spoiled brat punished for causing such a big accident that put Richen in a place where he could be disabled forever.' Just the thought was making Ray's blood boil, his eyes turned bloodshot, and his fists again clenched, nails digging in his already bleeding palm, but his face instead of showing any expression pain was showing his fury. He wanted to just grab that brat and beat the living shit out of him right now.

He was even contemplating on the fact whether he should start mixing up in the gangs those has invited him due to his fighting skills. The only thing which was keeping him from accepting now inciting offer was words he spoke to Miss Mary in the taxi on their way to the hospital.

One the other side Cris was dumbfounded that Ray hung up on him without even answering his question. 'This is so not him, even if Richen accident has affected him he wouldn't behave rudely to anyone. What is actually going on there?' Cris thought for a moment more and decided it was best to check what is actually happening at his side and got into the first first bus to the hospital route. He was sure that something was bothering Ray.

Unlike Ray, who was cheerful personality and extrovert nature and athletic hobbies and had a toned muscular body, Cris was the complete opposite, he had a cold personality and didn't like to speak much and was literally a book worm and tall, thin and graceful body.

Because of their difference in personalities, it was always Ray who initiated conversations, which to an outsider will make Cris look arrogant. But Cris was still analysing everyone, he now after living in them for 16 yrs could already pick slightest emotion change in these roommates of his.

He was also the first one who noticed Richen's weird behaviour the first time he met him when Miss Mary bought Richen to there room and how he got scared just by someone speaking loudly. Later he was also the first one to notice similar weird behaviour of his for almost the whole of December month.

He still remembered how easily Richen mixed with them after living with them for a week. He was closest to Alex, which was not unusual due to given Alex's personality and nature, he was like a natural leader, he was compassionate but also reprimanded when needed. Thus, in the start, Cris thought reason for Richen being close to Alex was his personality, but as they stayed in the same room for almost a year, he noticed it was not Richen going close to Alex instead Alex trying to get close to Richen. It was very intriguing to Cris, as Alex was like an idol in most kids heart whether it was in orphanage or school, he was also wardens and teachers favourite, while here was a kid younger than Alex. The latter didn't idolise him at all and it just the other way around.

Cris later couldn't stop his curiosity and asked Alex directly. Listening to Cris's question Alex started scratching his head then with a goofy smile he said it was because Richen was really good in math and was able to do sums from our grade as well as our senior grade easily.

Cris always "no expression" face couldn't help but change, showing how much Alex's words stunned him. His mouth hanging agape in disbelief. 'Was this for real, just because of math Alex behaved like Richen's assistant?'

"You don't need to react this way. If you had talked to that kid more, you would know why I behave like this." Alex replied, seeing his roommate's reaction.

Cris was in no mood to say anything any more, he just shook off his hand, signalling him to leave it. He couldn't get his mind around the fact Alex told, neither he could control his laugh imagining Alex Begging Richen to teach him math, he didn't want to embarrass Alex by laughing on his face.

But Cris didn't get much of this opportunity as December came and Richen started behaving weirdly.

Even though Richen wasn't much of talkative person but he used to play and joke around with everyone when playing. He started eating less and less didn't talk much, if someone spoke to him, he didn't reply. One could say he was in daze almost whole time.

When other kids prepared for Christmas, Richen tried to stay more and more alone. Everyone in the room was puzzled, they tried to talk to him out of worry and curiosity, but all in vain. And then on 24th Richen disappeared. After searching from morning to afternoon, they, at last, found him. He was sitting in the corner on floor in the storage cabinet in the "Wing A" which was for kids below age 4.

Richen was holding a scarf lightly in his small hands. He was curled up with his head on his knees.

All 5 of them ran to him and asked him if was alright and why was he here, why didn't he inform any of them if he was feeling bad and whatnot. Richen didn't even look at them, instead tried to curl himself more. Cris felt his behaviour was similar to their first meeting, so he pulled the Yuan and asked Yujjin to bring Ray and Left Alex to get Richen.