
'It's cold and painful. Too painful.'

"Ugh." The bystanders could hear a groan. They saw a striking face, frowning in pain, lying in a pool of blood. Seeing him like people felt pity, but no one dared to step forward to help, knowing the person was alive, they even started leaving the site, so as not to get into trouble. All of them saw how an expensive car knocked into this teen, throwing him away so far and instead of checking on the injured speedily left.

On the other hand, the boy had blurred vision. He was trying his best to feel different parts of his body so he could find a way to call for help from these people or his friends.

But 'I can't feel my legs. I don't even know now if my phone is still with me.'

After a few more tries, Richen knew he couldn't help himself. He could feel his consciousness losing.

'Why? Why does it have to happen today of all days?' Richen wanted to shout, but it felt like the body no more did what he wanted.

"What the hell! Why is no one helping him?" Came a voice in his ears after a screech of brakes.

"Man! Man, can you hear me????" Richen could hear a girl's voice and see a blurred image of her shaking him.

'I cannot feel her touch. But, But I can still feel pain by her shaking, it means I'm not in that terrible condition isn't it.' Richen tried to think as much as he can so to not loose consciousness. He knew once he lost consciousness in his present condition, it can be harmful. Very risky too.

Not getting any response from the man the girl bent closer to his face and held her fingers below his nose. Feeling faints breaths, and she knew the person was alive.

"Don't worry. We will call an ambulance right now." The girl's voice was appealing.

Richen tried to remain conscious, but now his energy was drained out. Everything was getting more blur and slowly turning black. Sounds were getting fainter and fainter with each second. Even pain was getting lesser, or one should say his body was becoming numb.

'Am I, dying? I cannot.' Was the last thought richen had before loosing his consciousness.

"Uncle, Let's take him in our car. We can't wait for the ambulance. God knows since when he is in such a state." The girl said, turning to the man looking in his 50's.

"Miss, I don't think you should get into all this. If you want, I will take care of this. It was our bad luck that you saw all this on your first visit to our country." The man in his 50's looking in drivers uniform said.

"I can't do that. Please take him to the hospital now, his breathing is getting slower.

"Miss Sanders...."

"Drive William." The once appealing voice suddenly became oppressive and intimidating."

Williams knew he could do nothing to change the young lady's mind anymore.

He went picked up Richen and laid him on the back seat. White leather turning red, the girl went and sat beside his head. She tried to find where he was bleeding from so she can stop his bleeding till they reach the hospital.

Seeing the young lady doing this, William almost wailed "Miss Sanders, You don't have too.."

"Drive the damn car, William." The girl spoke, gritting her teeth.

William shuddered and hurriedly got into the car, and took the last look at girl on the back seat concerned about the young man beside her, before starting the car and driving towards First Hospital.

The girl started going though Richen's pockets so she can ask William to contact them. She found his phone in his pants pocket, but the cracked screen was no help, and above all, it was not even starting. She kept on going through his pockets to find some ID; at last, she found his id in the inside pocket of his jacket.

"Richen Helen Morley, age 17, Nevaeh orphanage, Guardian Mary Jones ." The girl read his details printed on the ID in a low voice.

'I hope you recover.' The girl said in her heart as she looked at Richen's pale but alluring face.

"Miss! we are here. Please let me carry the young man." Williams said, standing by the open car door.

The girl nodded and got down from the car, making way towards the reception while William took Richen straight too ED block of First Hospital.

"Excuse me!" The girl spoke to the receptionist.

"Yes! Miss, how can I help you?" receptionist spoke.

"My driver and I just bought a patient; he probably got into an accident. This the ID he was carrying, please let his guardian know and start his treatment." The girl explained while handing over Richen's ID.

"Sorry miss, but we cannot start the treatment without payment, also if you said his injury is caused due to accident, we are unable to begin his treatment till police arrives." Receptionist spoke.

"I will pay for the starting of his treatment, and I will also call the officers and let them know all that happened. Start treating the patient." The girl said, this time, her tone getting domineering by her last sentence.

Receptionist flinched, then regaining her composure she said, "Very well. Please allow me to do his paperwork. I would need your and your driver's name."

"Evelyn Sanders and you don't have to add the name of my driver. If needed so badly, you can just put his relationship as my uncle. Is that clear?" The girl said in domineering tone while keeping a blank check at her desk.

"Put the amount on it right now, which is needed to start his treatment and call his guardian."

The receptionist put the amount on the check and told her paperwork is done so now treatment will start..

"Great! I will talk to the officers" Evelyn turned while dialling a number on her phone.

"I guess I don't have to tell you what happened. William must have already told you, if not him those hidden bodyguards. So, I will come straight to point; I wanted to help, and I did. If it's a problem for you, take care of it yourself." Evelyn smirked and disconnected the call before calling the officers.

"I would like to report an accident."