Dina forgets about Adrian and their encounter

"Wear these when you are going on your date. The lady would be impressed and jump on your the minute she see you. Also, do not forget to get flowers for her. Most importantly, make sure to lose your virginity tonight. Because, I already…" Dina stopped in the middle and gripped her bag tightly.

She could not believe what she was about to share with him. If she had balabbered what happened yesterday night to him, then he would definitely tell mom. She can't even imagine what would happen next. But she was sure that it would be horrible than seeing these shadows around her.

'Be careful, Dina. Think about what you speak twice from now on. If I keep on having slip of the tongue all the time, I would get caught sooner. And then…' She shivered and shook her head in her mind.

"What? You already what?" Mike looked straight into her eyes and asked.

"I already started planning on how to celebrate your, tonight's success. I think we should do firecrackers and decorate your house, have a barbeque party…" She started to list a few things that came into her mind at that moment.

"Stop it. No one celebrates after doing... such things... They would enjoy the moment and continue to enjoy it in the future by doing more enjoyable things. So, you do not have to plan anything for me and make me lose my face in front of Aunt Kara." Mike uttered.

He held her by holding her dresses collar, he brought her out of the store.

"I meant to ask you from morning. Where did you buy this dress? Don't you hate his brand? You always said that they copy designs from upcoming artists and steal thier work." Mike asked while glancing at her from head to toe.

"Oh! Did I? I didn't knew that it belonged to that brand." She shrugged her shoulders and ran away from there to avoid answering his questions.

Mike rolled his eyes and slowly, followed behind her.


Days passed very quickly and it had almost been a month after that incident. By then, she had completely forgot about the encounter and the guy she met on that one nightstand. After Mike's persistence and his begging her several times, she had even completely stopped drinking from that day onwards.

But to be frank, it was after that night, she understood her mistake she made because of her drunken stupor. As she did not want to continue doing it anymore, she stopped drinking or even going to bars altogether. Instead of using alcohol as her helping support, she started to sleep in Kara's room for a change.

Even though it was of not much help; Dina found that it's better to have one more person with her, rather than sleeping alone in her room with fear of shadows.

Everything was smooth flowing until one day, an old lady appeared on their doorsteps demanding to meet her granddaughter. When she went home after working tirelessly for the whole day, she noticed a new face sitting on their living room's sofa.

Her mother's face was not bright and she sat on the sofa opposite the old lady with her head lowered down.

"Mom, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Dina ran towards her mother and checked Kara's forehead.

She was worried that her mother was feeling unwell as her face had turned pale. She looked very sick. As she couldn't find any difference in the temperature, she ran inside to get a thermometer. But before she could check the temperature, Kara stopped her.

"What are you doing, Dina? I am fine. Please sit here, next to me. We need to talk," Kara said and forcefully made her sit on the sofa.

Millie could not believe the similarities between her granddaughter and the girl sitting in front of her. They looked exactly the same. Maybe a few slight differences because of the way they dressed, but they had similar face. They were identical twins.

If Dina cut her hair short and took care of herself a little more, or at least if she applied a light make on her face then she would look exactly like Tina. Still, their character difference would be difficult to hide but it is not unmanageable.

"Dina, this is your grandmother!" Kara introduced the lady in front of them.

"Mom, you found your mother, at last? Or did your mother find us? Hello, Grandma," Dina's face brightened and she jumped on Millie.

With a wide smile, she gave Millie a tight hug. Millie shivered when the girl embraced her. She could not believe the smile she was seeing on Dina's face right now. She finally understood what Tina was lacking. The perfect smile that could reach her eyes and not just stop only at her lips.

"No! She is not my mother, Dina… She is your biological mother's mother!" Kara explained to her.

"How can that be? I have seen Emma's mother! She is not her…" Dina moved away from Millie and looked at her with a confused expression.

"No, Dina! You are not our daughter! You are adopted and she is your biological grandmother. I took you away from them. So, now they finally found you and want to bring you along with them." Kara tried to explain it to her.

Dina's face changed and her smile froze. She did not want to hear it what her mother wants to say. She knew for sure that there was some mistake and she was definitely her mother's child. And not some random old lady's grandchild.

"Stop joking! Do you even understand what you are saying? Are you drunk?" Dina moved towards the kitchen to get some water as she suddenly felt her throat dried.

She then brought one more glass of water and handed it to Millie. She looked at Kara in understanding and said,

"If it is about sending me to a mental hospital because of my health issues, I totally understand that. You can talk to me directly regarding that. Even Mike handed me some brochures a few days back saying that I have become an alcohol addict and I need help. I understand how you feel, mom. And I know I should have gotten cured by now after all the treatment you and Emma tried to take me to. But I don't know why, I still could not get away from these illisuions, I see around me. I am sorry…"

Dina looked down and tears overwhelmed her eyes. But she tried her best to not let it flow down her cheeks. Kara's heart ached to hear her speak like that. She wanted to rush towards her and embrace her tightly.

She wanted to say that it was not Dina's mistake but its hers. She wanted to comfort her so badly and say there was nothing really wrong with her. Dina is perfectly alright and if it is anyone who has an issue in this home, then it must be her.

'What have I done!' Kara's chest hurt and she found it's difficult to breathe.

"Mom... Please... Please... I beg you... Don't do this to me..." Dina mumbled in a broken voice.