Are you really my grandmother?

Dina continued to sleep for several hours and even the sky outside had turned dark long ago. The clock in the living room showed that it was already way past dinner time.

When the aroma of the freshly cooked food hit her nose, she sniffed and walked like a Zombie towards the kitchen.

"Mom, what's so special today? This smells awesome and I feel like I am in paradise." She inhaled deeply and continued her journey towards the kitchen.

"Ahhh… The aroma that surrounds my body had tied me with an invisible rope and pulled me towards the kitchen." She mumbled and stomped her feet loudly to notify Kara that she was awake.

"Look at me, it's still hauling me deep into my mom's kitchen to eat the tasteful dishes that she prepared just for me… Oooooooooooo… Zoooom mmm…. Woohoo…" Her body swayed from one direction to another as if her feet couldn't bear her weight. 

"Even my feet are not listening to the instructions given by my brain and it keeps pulling me towards the yummy dishes. Mmm… if the smell itself is so aromatic then think about how delicious it would be when I wolf down all the food?" Dina kept on blabbering and moved towards the place where the dishes were kept.

She put her hands in front of her and walked with her closed eyes while making lots of 'oooo...' sounds just like a living dead. She also put her tongue out and licked her lips from time to time.

"I did not cook anything today but your grandmother did…" Kara's voice came from behind her.

Dina opened her eyes instantly and turned around. 'It is true! Whatever happened a few hours earlier was not in my dreams but real life.' She blinked her eyes.

She stared at Millie, who stood with gloves in her hands and tried to pull out the chocolate cake that she baked out of the oven.

"You… You… You are real! Are you really my grandmother? I thought everything happened in my dreams," Dina mumbled and looked at Millie with big eyes.

Millie put the cake on the table and said, "Yes, I am."

"Where were you until now and why did you come here now?" Dina inquired.

"I… I…" Millie stuttered. 

She did not know how to explain the situation. She looked down and felt her heartache. How could she tell her that they had abandoned her in the hospital? And now she was back because she was the only person who could save them!

"It's ok! If you cannot explain those details to me, grandma. Come on, Let's eat. I am super hungry," Dina exclaimed and ran towards the dining table.

Kara smiled and finally felt that the blocking in her chest got removed. As Dina became cheerful once again, she was sure that she could handle the situation easily now.

"Wash your hands before you sit down to eat your dinner," Kara urged her and pushed her towards the washbasin. Then suddenly she pulled Dina aside and stopped her.

"Be careful. Walk slowly and do not jump around so much," she warned her as she was worried about the child inside her.

Dina rolled her eyes as she could not understand why her mom said that. Still, she smiled at her mom and walked carefully. She thought maybe the floor was wet and so her mother said that. After dinner, Kara took Dina away and stuffed something into her hands.

"Do not ask me any questions. Just go inside and get me your urine samples." Kara said.

"Ok," Dina agreed and walked inside the bathroom.

She squatted on the commode and collected her urine samples. She then washed her hands and left the bottle on the bathroom sink.

"Mom, I left it on the sink as usual. I am going to check on Mike now," Dina said and rushed out of the house before Kara could stop her.

Kara looked at Millie, who sat on the dining chair with anxiety and nervousness.

"I am going to check the pregnancy kit now. I hope whatever I thought must not be the truth," She said and entered the bathroom.

Millie couldn't sit on the chair anymore. She stood up and rushed behind Kara. She entered the bathroom and closed the door. Kara wanted to stop Millie but couldn't. So she let her stand in one corner.

Kara took a syringe and extracted some of the liquid from the bottle. Then she poured a few drops on the kit and waited patiently. The first test result was confusing as it had one proper line and the other one was there but it was very minute to consider as two lines.

"So what is the result?" Millie anxiously asked, holding her chest.

"I am not sure. Let's test one more time," Kara said.

This time, she immersed the test kit completely into the liquid. They waited for ten seconds before taking it out. The kit had two lines indicating that Dina is pregnant. 

"What should we do now? What should I do? She is pregnant! No…" Kara leaned against the wall and closed her mouth with one hand.

Millie pulled the test strip from Kara's hand and looked at the two dark red lines. She became speechless. They were all doomed. There was no way out of their trouble now.

Millie immediately dumped the test kit into the dustbin. She pulled Kara out of the bathroom and said, "We need to talk."

When they came out together, they saw Dina's horror-stricken face.

"What are you both doing inside the bathroom together?" She inquired.

"I fell inside the bathroom and your mother came to help me up," Millie lied and leaned towards Kara for support.

Kara came out of the daze and held Millie instantly. She helped her to the couch and made her sit on it. When Kara noticed Dina's doubtful eyes, she immediately asked,

"Didn't you go to meet Mike earlier? Is he not at home? I have asked him to get his phone charger as your grandmother forgot to bring her charger."

"He did not open the door after I rang the bell for a long time. I guess he must have gone somewhere nearby. Let me see the phone, I might have it," Dina said. 

Millie took the phone out of her bag and showed it to Dina.

"Oh! This one. I have the cable for this model and you can use the power adaptor..." Dina continued to explain.

But when she noticed the blank expression on Millie's face, Dina took the phone from her hand and walked inside her room. She brought the cable and attached it to the power adaptor. Then she connected it to the socket.

"It would take an hour or so to get fully charged," Dina said.

After saying that it became awkward as neither of them knew what they should talk about anymore. Millie couldn't bring herself to say what she came here for; while Kara didn't know how to inform Dina about her pregnancy. 

Dina was confused as she was unsure of what she should do now. She did not want to talk about the topic where she would need to leave her mother and go stay with a family whom she just came to know.