''Popular Girls''

Tuesday morning, I looked bling as always. I took my things and rushed to school. But I had to ease myself, so I went to the girls bathroom or ''toilet''.

As I went in to ease myself, I heard clamping footsteps and I knew it was the heels of the popular girls.

The popular girls in Newcastle are rich, spoilt, greedy, extravagant girls.

The first of them all is Diamond. She is the daughter of Mr. King McCarthy and Mrs. Rose McCarthy, they make, import and export jewellery. They sell gold, silver, diamond, and name all. They are the most influential jewellery sellers in the whole United States.

Diamond is a player, leader of the cheerleading squad, dates the hottest guy, Caleb and wears short, skimpy and expensive clothes even clothes that are not yet in stock. She's been the prom queen of Newcastle since she arrived and she doesn't settle for less.

Secondly, there's Ruby. Ruby was an orphan and was in a motherless home until a royal new wedded couple picked her up when she was just a year. Ruby is the smart one, kind but spoilt, she also dresses up like them but with more decency.

And there is Trisha, the one I met in English class who is supposed to be my project partner but walked away. Yeah, that one. Trisha's parents are south Asians but they moved to America when she was young and since then, because of her beauty, they entered her into most of the beauty contest in L.A. she gets all she wants because she made her family with all the money she made. She is the worst of them all, she is proud, elegant, spoilt, she uses guys as her puppets. She goes for parties, drinks, smokes and even does coke and weed.

They are the trio of Newcastle and they rule Newcastle.

As I heard them step in, I became silent as possible.

Diamond: Jesus!! My makeup is a mess.

Ruby: yeah, let me help.

Diamond: ok.

Ruby: (starts to do Diamonds make up)

Trisha: you guys know that new girl!!

Diamond: that black bullshit.

Trisha: yeah.

Ruby: what's her name?

Diamond: I think Emily.

Trisha: yeah!! That's it.

Diamond: I don't like her.

Trisha: me too…

Ruby: but you guys don't know her.

Diamond: you don't need to know a person before you dislike the person.

Ruby: but she looks ok to me.

Trisha: don't you just like to see the good in others.

Ruby: that's why I really don't support this.

Diamond: but since you're part of us you have to darling.

Ruby: whatever!!

Trisha: I've got a plan to disgrace her and make her a laughing stalk but we can't say it here, you know what they say, walls have ears.

Diamond: that's true.

Trisha: we should probably talk about it when we get to our dorms on phone.

(Then they all walk out)

I was worried, really worried (I wish they had said their plan). I would need to talk with Alex and see if he could find out what they're planning. I come out of the toilet after 5 minutes to make sure the coast was clear then went to class.

(During lunch)

I texted Alex to meet me at lunch during physics class.

Alex: hey, lazy pants.

Emily: watsup, avatar.

(I start whispering)

I heard the popular girls talking about me and how they plan on dealing with me but I didn't hear what they plan on doing so I need you to find out for me.

Alex: really!!

Emily: yeah, and the other day I kind of got on the wrong foot with Trisha.

Alex: that's bad, really bad!!

Emily: yeah.

Alex: but you will do me a favor in return. (Raises an eyebrow)

Emily: and what might that be?

Alex: come for my soccer game!!!

Emily: when?

Alex: tomorrow.

Then some guy comes and shakes Alex then sits beside him on the table.

Alex: umm…Emily this is my (bestfriend Trace.

Trace: hi, Emily. Alex has told me all about you, he keeps going, on and on and on…..

(Alex gives him the ''shut up your mouth'' stare and he understands)

Emily: it is really nice to meet you Trace and your friend here has never told me anything about you, isn't that sad.

Trace: pretty much. (Winks at Emily)

Alex: whatever!!!

Trace: so basically, I really want to know something.

Emily: and what might that be?

Trace: how did you manage to get this guy wrapped around their fingers?

Alex: (chokes on his food)

Emily: really? (Laughs)

Trace: yeah, I mean…. He hasn't been with his soccer team for weeks and he texts you way more than me.

Alex: I really do?

Emily: (laughs) we're just friends you know, nothing much of a big deal.

Alex: yeah!!

(Trace raises an eyebrow)

Trace: but your eyes are saying a different thing.

Alex: when did you start reading eyes?

Trace: the day I met you!! Come on! I know you so well.

Alex: (laughs) you're not serious.

Trace: oh well I know something is going on between the both of you and it's pretty obvious you guys have feelings for each other.

Alex: (laughs)

Emily: if we do, you will be the first to know.

Alex: yeah and there is nothing going on for now….

Emily: (gives him a weird look)

Alex: all I'm just trying to say is that we are just friends.

Trace: yeah right!!!

Emily: really Alex!! (Still looking him dead shot in the eye)

Alex: ok I'm sorry!

Trace: aww!! You guys are adorable I would have loved to make this a triangle but I've got a girlfriend and I know she would not like a foursome.

Alex: ewwww!! What the hell guy.

Emily: (laughs) you're crazy Trace.

Alex: how did we even become bestfriends?

Trace: aww!! Little lexy doesn't remember when I he fought a boy who bullied me for my ice cream when we were in fifth grade.

Alex: hmm… I don't know what was wrong with me then I should have probably allowed that boy to have beaten your ugly ass up.

Emily: that was harsh lexy, don't be a cry baby…. (Teasingly)

Trace: (laughs) I love her already, you have my blessings!

Emily: okay! So… I have to get to class.

Alex: me too.

Trace: yeah.

Then we all go to class.