Twenty-seventh Entry

Congratulations, this strange world I have found myself in. Even your ridiculous internal logic cannot explain the recent event that happened. No amount of fantasy BS could ever excuse what just happened in the middle of archipelago.  A rocket launch. A freaking rocket launch.

I have no words how to describe how I felt when I first heard this. They say it took me minutes to get me back to reality. Yeah, I believe that. I still can't believe, despite all the reports coming. At least I can take solace in the fact I am not the only one puzzled as what happened. Everywhere I had asked, no one had any clues or possible explanation to give.

In fact, this thing was so out of ordinary, after only a week the people are already starting to forget about it. After all, it had no actual effect on Metzaca and it came immediately after more interesting news so it got little attention. That is, excluding some certain individuals.

Of course, engineers and most certainly the governor Arcadion have gained major interest in this incident. Sadly, they can do little at present time as no one knows where the rocket is headed. At least this confirms that the rocket isn't of Metzacan origin or most likely any of the colonial powers' ones.

The real question is who built it though. It can't be in testing phase as it suffered no visible malfunctions. Even for vast country like Eastern Commonwealth and geniuses like Korolev and Braun it took over a decade until the rockets became truly reliable. And that was achieved with superior technology than we currently have. So who or what built that rocket and for what purpose?

I did ask Rigurd on if he had any clues or ideas on what the rocket might be. His guess was that it was an ICBM, being launched at currently unknown target. While I do have some suspicions, so far, it is the most likely scenario. I am just worried as to what target it could possibly be.

In the meantime, while we wait for more information on this, other interesting events have happened. Up in the north Cass made quite an interesting decision. A kobold tribe appeared from the mountains west from Ermendal and went straight for the city. They were starving because their own settlement got flooded and so they wished help from Frostlings. They didn't even know that we destroyed them and resettled the city with dwarves.

So, when she heard that, Cass made quite a controversial decision. She let them stay and settle down in the city. Of course that caused quite a commotion and demand for answers. And yet, in the end the decision stuck and now Cass has a kobold tribe under her command. It will be interesting to see what happens there.

Now, I know only a little about that race. They fall under monster races and their technology is at level of Bronze Age. By now, they are mostly, if not entirely, exterminated from the continent so they are more likely to be found here. In fact, they had been behaving like pests here on New Sathen. Several incidents had happened, even one with the colonial army after Prince had arrived. So, what will be their fate in Ermendal, it's up to anyone's guess.

And the last major news was related to the war effort. The colonial army had achieved their first major success. The new Frostling capital of Kairdon, safeguarded by the Emerald elves, fell under our control after a gruelling siege attack. The reports stated that there were a lot of casualties and that civilians in the city managed to escape into the deep cave system below the city. Not much else is currently known.

Among the casualties were the members of the Wolvenguard, the colonial penal unit under the command of Cass' cousin. The unit was essentially wiped out and officially dissolved as it is no longer up to battlefield standard at this point. I wonder what will the survivors do once they return back to Metzaca. Rejoin the army? Return to civilian life? I have no idea. Probably Cass knows something as her cousin did survive. I will probably ask her one of these days.

That's it in terms of major news for now. The rocket incident did make me wanting to try a risky attempt to learn more about our Governor. Let's see if I will still be around to write down the result of it.