
Angel Keen, the new member of the guardian's tower had to take responsibility. She wished to help her during reading her diary so now as a guard had to go under the duty, whether this world was still unfamiliar. A world she belonged to and now returned home in a new shelf.

She wanted to go wherever Asaya aimed to. Even if the angel could get involved the much she got permission. To try to protect her exactly like what a daughter does to protect her old mother or unlike that a mother's responsibility against the child.

She rushed down the sky as she saw the castle that greedy eyes were after it. She landed in front of the bridge. Walked further a few steps. There could be an appropriate clue to guide her. She had limitations and yet needed to discover them herself. If she takes steps overboard may lose the wings. And this weakness was bothering her like a noisy fly buzzing over her head it didn't let her concentrate.

Her glorious black wings overreached. She stopped across the gate and got glided up to the sky. Then like an arrow which got released from the string aimed to get inside. But an invisible vigor kicked her back. It was mighty, the much that she countermarched and fell off to the woods. She got up quickly.

"I underestimate this". She cried out and again attacked, this time used her Crystal blade and thought to rip it. But it made a red flash inside the black cloud and roared. She got pushed back for the third time and knocked on the ground gasping.

The castle was protected by a murk cloud. She guessed there must be a dark wizard behind all those plots. Anyways Pouyeh couldn't do it all alone, but having someone strong to cover his back was another possibility to clean up the path for him. Someone who is evening his bumpy road. Not a regular one he could be. Maybe a Pro one. One of those who came from the north. An immortal!

She rose. If she was a human couldn't tolerate that mighty lash and no longer was a dead, laid on cold wet mud.

"Not a fair game he had begun. I can't get in so if something happens inside I'll be out. I need to find a way to break this cloud wall and make them all cry." She knew that this case in one hundred percent is related to that Gem. The wizard may have taken it already. But on the other hand, if he did so why he didn't use it yet?

"Asaya we must talk". Angel Keen said without using his tongue.

Asaya was sitting near the window. After all, she experienced sleeping was at least she could do! As the voice whirled over her head jumped up on the chair.

"Where are you?" She shouted.

"Oh sh*t, Why are you screaming I'm in your damn brain, we can talk this way, be happy because this way people won't think that you are a psycho". Angel keen said while staring at the castle from where she landed.

"I'm not sure if I'm not getting mad! What do you want from me?" She murmured this time.

"Wrong question Asaya! I'm here to help but you are treating me so rude, go on the roof if you want to see who I am". She Enunciated and rushed back to the sky.

Asaya wore her buffalo leather coat, tiptoed in the corridor. Sneaked up the stairs on the left end of there and stepped on the roof. The raindrops lashed her face. She ran under a wooden leaf Ceil and ambushed. Rain already drenched her hair.

"I've become mad certainly". She whispered.

"No, you didn't, I'm close".

Angel Keen flew down. Now that she learned how to have a fantastic landing on her feet did her best to not subvert that effort. For a moment her eyes met hers.

Asaya's jaw dropped. Her feet went over her brain order and she walked to the glowing creature. Ignored the cold and rain both. A brightening star was right across her sight, the same as one of those she used seek in the night sky. If that light could make her blind she didn't care. The light petered slowly and the girl with golden eyes appeared. Asaya's gaze scanned the wings. Deep black and big.

They are supposed to be very strong. Her eyes rolled to her dress and armor. She wore thin white silk. Silver stamp-like words that she didn't know what they were laid and sparkled on it. The golden armor already covered her whole upper body, but the hands were bare and ornamented with unique jewels. Her dress skirt covered her bare legs and her shoes were made of gold and amaryllis flowers illustrated over them. A golden crown with a familiar shape had laid on her forehead. The stick in her hand was marvelous itself. The Crystal blade was glowing. Seemed they had made it from moonlight.

"Auriga!" She whispered while remained thunderstruck.

Angel Keen's feet kissed the roof. The wind made of her wings blew and the stray of her dress dangled under her feet and she smashed down.

Asaya stepped back, "Oh".

The angel clenched her jaw. All the glory she was serving went puff all of a sudden by a pesky wind!

"All thumbs I am", she said growled while arising by leaning on her stick.

"Angel Keen?" Asaya said.

"Yes, I am. I just received this title", she excused.

"Did you ever carry a sword?" Asaya seemed to be disappointed and doubtfully asked.

"Of course I did, I used to hold Katana," She grinned.

"What?" As the angel expected she didn't know what it is. Maybe a heavenly weapon holding by angels, it could be.

She coughed and got a noble face and said, "Anyways I'm here to be your light. A moment ago I was flying over the castle of Sheed kingdom. There is a dark cloud that surrounded the castle. I attempt to get in, but the devilish force pushed me back and I couldn't enter in, do you know if there is a wizard there?" She didn't reveal the details that had happened there.

Asaya felt the chill and paused for a moment and then went on, "Yes, there is one person only, but why did you go there?"

"The Gem, I must take it to where it should be".

Asaya closed her eyes for a moment and heaved a sigh. Finally, someone to carry that heavy responsibility had shown up.

"I can't bring it to you because the previous king had stashed it in somewhere safe, but maybe prince Shaya can help and he is out of reach now", she walked forth and approached her.

She was curious if she is so reached a hand to touch her, but Angel Keen stopped her, "No don't touch me!"

"Why? I need to make sure you are real".

She smoothly tapped on her shoulder by the stick and said, "Look it bruised quickly, if you touch me I'll turn to a human shape till the next midnight. Tell me the wizard name."

"Osla, a favorite person to minister Pouyeh who always glued to him", she was pressing each word out of her mouth. Grudge could push her to inject her venom and cut their throats off herself.

"Is he an immortal?"

Asaya froze, this angel was an armature without enough information. She thought they know everything.

"How should I know when an angel doesn't know either?" She blurted and still wasn't sure if it is the fact. But the pain on her shoulder used to kick her brain and force her to believe.

"Alright let's skip this, we can talk over telepathy so when you call me I'll be there".

Since Angel keen was on helping a human many of the information was locked to her. She was a guard, not a data angel who dockets races documents. She had to clean up someone else's mess. She needed to find the banished angel Kev. His experience could help her. And at the same time, she could blame him for all her bad past life experiences.