Who is he?

The next evening arrived the way in a blink. Girls reviewed their plan for another one more time. They have decided that Asaya walk to meet their fathers first. Although entering those dark cells was the hardest part of their plot. Then she would go after Anahid and bring her back down to the river where Oria will be waiting with a fast boat called Eagle by Asaya.

She had to wait there beneath Anahid's room, which had way out from the window side down to the river. Then they could move out from the passage under the mountain to exit Persis. Dana will be there waiting with horses. The minister already had changed her room on purpose believed that she never dares to risk her life on escaping.

The only way she had was jumping to the river beneath that high pinnacle. He made her pick between death and that forced marriage. But he didn't know that she has some loyal friends who are not afraid of water and height. So they will turn the mountains to dust in order to help their sister.

The plan seemed good but Asaya didn't like to foresee it. She decided to get ready for any surprise that might happen. As the angel, Keen warned the castle got an invisible devilish shield. She sneezed and Oria shook her head. The previous night she caught her drenched while tiptoeing in the corridor to her room. She was more like growling Nan who's blaming her daughter for being careless.

But yet she couldn't tell her about the help coming from heaven court. Still, this case was complicated to herself why would they get involved? Was is it only the stick?

The entire day she was busy with creating the escaping rope, just like the one Nickbones used! She had bought that rope on her way up chasing after prince Shaya. The trader used to say there is no better than this rope. Light, thin and strong. The materials were handmade and unique which scared her more. But to save their head she had to give it a chance. She made the hook herself because she wanted to be assured that they will work properly and hang on her weight.

She used three small light flukes, one had three feathers and the other four, and she put the biggest one under all of them. It had a crooked blade to dangle the wall margins and cracks. They were all in the center of a hole then she used a special gear crafted and forged, in order to attach them all. So they shaped as a layered blade only after giving a single swirl to the string and finally, it would be released quickly.

She has made sure that it can handle someone's weight so knot it around a stone and pulled it. The examination succeed. She already had made a spool thus she could collect the rope faster. However, she received help from a Rimon blacksmith to forge all needs. She was able to collect the rope with a button located on the spool and then rapidly throw it where she wishes again. It wasn't used before and it made Oria worried so she stated, "You hadn't test it in fact, how can you be sure it's going to work? It isn't a joke. That tower is huge!"

"Blades are working just fine and I will use them tonight if I have to". Asaya smiled and replied.

Oria remained quiet for a while. She was nervous and playing with her fingers watching her braiding her hair, "are you certain that you are not going to get caught tonight?" Asaya was treating that it is easy as pie, but it wasn't.

"I wish I was amount to give you more hand", she mentioned and picked up the hook.

Asaya got back to her grabbed the hook and placed it on the table and said, "You, by my side, it is worth a life to me. I'm not sure about anything, death and fear are brothers, sometimes. Future is not predictable, however, you shouldn't waste your time with negative thoughts whether you are in a palace or a cold cave because it will just make you weak! Death is not the end! It's like a bridge to the other side and who knows, maybe it's better and even if it wasn't then that doesn't mean you lived with fear and weakness because you are the same person just in a different place. So if you move correctly on this part you don't have to be worried about the other one. You won't regret the life you went through. Tough or simple anyway you enjoyed it. If you don't allow yourself to live then you have tyrannized over yourself in any way you see it, life goes on with movements, not with prediction and frozen steps. We shall do something or wait till they come and put their daggers on our throats."

A smile appeared on Oria's face, "your courage and spirit always make me feel strong however this two years after Zia's death I was overwhelmed by fear, but now I feel I'm stronger, unlike others who don't know you and judging you. I know how kind you are. They are all drowning in the ocean of misjudgment by considering you dangerous and that your desires are unknown and unstable, those gossips I hear about you in bazaars make me laugh and also sad at the same time, now that you are aware of what you want and you are after it, I'm happy that you don't care about meaningless words. By the way, I couldn't ask you about that love affair before, do I know him?"

Asaya felt embarrassed and her cheeks blushed. She had never talked about her feelings before. She tried to escape from it, but Oria smiled in a naughty way and stood up then in a charming way whirled and said, "Asaya always tells us love stories but now I want to know her own love story so please tell me".

Asaya walked to the mirror, picked up a comb, intended to help her brushing and tying her hair up. "You don't know him so what's the point?"

Oria was so eager and excited she was jumping around when she said, "oh god, please tell me I don't like to be drowned in a swamp full of unanswered questions. Listen I'm your sister put yourself in my shoes if I don't feel that he is good for my sister and may harm her I may kill him!" Her cute face changed to a wicked expression.

Now she was like the hectic girl she used to be before, Asaya smiled, because of her childish reactions, and just felt that she missed them all.

She nodded and then her head lowered down and said, "Oh I know if I don't tell you, you won't leave me in peace, well his name is Paya! I traveled with him for a couple of days when I was looking for the king's son, first I thought he is a pirate …"

Asaya dragged her to have a seat. While combing her hair and dressing it up like a bun, told her the whole story of getting sea illness. And what happened afterward. As she finished stood up and put back the comb down on the table. She stepped near the window for watching the sun setting down to shine up in other places.

"I have no idea if I can see him again in this vast world", she was extremely disappointed.

"He is unaware of your feeling, you are a hard girl and a dream to him obviously, but I pray for you two meet again". Oria hugged her from behind and rested her head on her shoulders.

"I can feel you, my beautiful warrior sister, our life story is a tale which is going to be told by others one day. Take this counsel from me, in this issue be tough as nails". She added and let out a sigh.

Asaya looked at her by the corner of her eyes while wishing so, "It supposed to say someone else here is also flaring in this fire, carrying a torch for who then? And for how long?"

Oria moved away and said, "I also have a heart!" She frowned like a child who someone took away her doll.

She raised her brows, made a face, and asked again, "So who is this poor guy?"

"You know him." Oria shrugged her shoulders responded.

"Come on, who is he?"

Oria bit her lips and closed her eyes and confessed, "Subaru".