Story three part (I): condition 

 There was a wood in front of them, a nice chance to mislead them. "Oh no, couldn't you find another plan?" Rushen growled and Oria sneered at that, "do you afraid of wood?"

Jack was scanning around, seemingly, Eden had lost six men and his face was showing unpleasant feelings. He took out the paper from his boot and read it then approached Asaya and whispered something in her ear. 

"Don't make a plan to deceive me little leopard, you are still my slave". As Eden finished his men sieged them and placed swords on their necks.

Anahid coughed, "give us to my brother and take as much gold you want".

Eden seemed to be temptation but swallowed it, "how should I be sure that you are telling the truth, little lady?"

She nodded and continued, "You are that much fool to prove it, even didn't notice my Sword made of pure gold, and look at the engraved sign on its hilt".