Story three part (II): Dark globe 

The minister dismounted from his horse. Grass under his feet was as white as his hair but you could see courage in his dark eyes, without showing dread got close to them and immediately said, "What brought you here wicked hearted demon? You must know that I'm not afraid of you". 

Demon like dark smoke whirled around him. Exactly such a nightmare. He stood right across him and glanced into his eyes, "I see you are like your pious king, strong and brave". He was right enough strong to face his enemy eyes in eyes.

 "I'll keep you alive, when the cold entered your men's soul shivered but I sensed nothing from your soul even I felt a warmth of self-trust so you shivered me. But you should know I won't keep you alive as mercy but I let you see how I break down your loving king and how he will become mad walking to deserts, homeless and poor. That day I'll make you bow to me".