Weapon Analysis

My weapons were finally delivered and along that the school uniform which was delivered in some kind of suitcase and an envelope was delivered as well.

Now I decided to open up the envelope first. Inside the letter was the acceptance letter and a sort of ticket. I'm guessing it's to enter the opening ceremony, gonna have to put that somewhere safe.

I read the letter thoroughly and it was just like any letter that you get from a school. I just threw it in the trash since it didn't have anything important on it.

I opened up the suitcase and took a look at the uniform.

I'm not happy with the white uniform. If it was black then it would've been much better. The uniform came with a red tie. From the letter, I heard that the ties represent what year you are in. Since I'm going to be a freshman, a red tie represents that. Second years get a blue tie and third years are purple.

The suitcase that this thing came in is to store our combat outfits. Of course when we do training or sparring, we are obviously not going to be doing that in our uniforms. This suitcase can also store our weapons(if they are small enough). Weapons bigger than the suitcase will be hung on the waist or hip which will be tied by the belt that came along the uniform. It was a red belt, guess it's the same as the tie.

Well enough about the uniform, I want to see how my weapons turned out.

As I unwrapped my weapons, I inspected each and every one of them carefully and thoroughly.

My daggers as requested were exactly how I wanted them to be. There was a hole next to each of the dagger's handle for me to place my middle finger through. Sometimes it's easier to use one finger to adjust your weapons. The blade of the dagger was of course black. The handle had a pretty comfortable grip. I sliced the air for a few times and it was pretty light.

The ninja sword was the same as my dagger. Same material for the grip and same black blade. There were three blood grooves that ran down the middle of the blade. The reason why I wanted these holes on the blade is so that the weight of my blade is reduced and so they can cut through easily. Don't ask what they are suppose to cut through.

And now my Katana. Slowly unsheathing the blade, I can hear the blade making ringing sounds as I slowly took it out of its scabbard. The scabbard was midnight blue(Not black this time since the blade would obviously be black) and it was made out of Hydrangea trees. The red sageo tied on the kurigata matched greatly with my uniform belt.

Now onto the real deal. The black handle which was made of cord wraps, was the same as any real Katana(Aka the diamond shape). Underneath the black cord wrappings, there was a golden snake ornament. There was an eastern dragon pattern on the guard. Since my Spirito is a dragon, there must be dragons in this world, right? So I'd guess there were going to be all kinds of dragons, aka the eastern dragon. The dragon on the guard was gold, though I originally wanted it black but that wouldn't really stand out much. The rest was similar to my other weapons. The blade had a wave-shaped Hamon on the edge of the blade, like how Muramasa makes his weapons.

Man, looks like reading all those books and those weapon sites really got me going.

Now that I've gotten everything, I'm basically ready. I just need to find a way to kill some time till that day comes. Maybe go out of the city and train with my new weapons.

Hmm, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Besides, I have something that I want to test with my brand new weapon.


I was now in the same field that Ordos brought me. As usual, nothing but the sound of trees and the bright sunlight pouring down on my skin. I decided to move under the shades of one of the trees as I couldn't bare it.

Now, to what I was going to do.

I unsheathed my Katana which was on my waist and held it in my right hand. The weight of the Katana was perfect. Swinging it, it didn't leave any drag or resistance; it was the perfect weight. The Katana was about 65 cm so at first sight it would look heavy but it's really light. I'm glad I'm not shorter than what I am now or else this sword would be taller than me.

Looks like Henry did a great job on making these.

I looked at my left hand and transferred my mana into it, transforming into a black dragon clawed hand. I want to see if this Katana… can cut through my hand in this state.

I slowly raised my sword up into the air and got my left arm into position.

Then I swung the blade.

I didn't hear a sound. I didn't even feel any resistance. The blade just slid through my arm as if it never existed.

No blood, nothing.

I looked at my arm and it seemed to still look attached, that was until I tried to move my fingers.

My arm just disconnected from my body and dropped onto the floor. That's when I felt the agonizing pain rush through my body from where my arm was.


Blood gushed out from my open arm and poured onto the ground.

I'd drop onto the floor and held where my left arm was supposed to be. I looked over at my sword on the ground.

That thing is sharp… maybe too sharp. It could probably sharper than any razor blade I have seen on earth.

I'll have to be careful when I use that thing. One false move and I could cut off somebody's head with that.

I'd pick up my arm and sink into the shadows. The shadows would reconnect my arm to my body. For a few seconds I couldn't feel anything but eventually I could feel my left arm again.

Once I emerged from the shadows, I'd sheath my Katana and placed it back on my waist. I'll have to watch myself when I use this thing. Who knew it could be so sharp?

I played around with my daggers a bit and I eventually cut down a tree without knowing. Looks like these things have the same sharpness as my Katana. I don't think I'll even need to test my Ninjato out. Well… I did request for all of them to be superlatively sharp.

Now that I've tested their sharpness, let's see how hard they are.

I placed my Ninjato on a smooth rock. I'd transform my left hand and prepare to strike it. If it breaks, I'll have to ask request for another one but this is the only way of testing how hard it is.

I would do a karate chop on my blade and the only thing I felt was the force bouncing back into my arm.


My left arm felt a bit numb but it eventually settled. I took a look at my Ninjato and there was not any sign of a scratch.

This thing really is strong. I guess I can use these things defensively. For all my life I've always gone offense, now I think I should change my fighting style. I know that when I fought Marth.

I'm going to have to learn some spells for all the other types I have. I believe I can do fire, lightning, wind, and dark magic.

Now that I think of it, those sound like offensive-type magic to me.

After testing out my weapons and throwing some magic around, it was getting late.

"Guess that'll be all for today."

As I returned to the Golden Inn, I decided to make a "gone until six o'clock" sign. I can finally get some rest. Making sushi is hard if you didn't know. Not only that, I decided to add ramen.

Hmm, maybe I should create a shop of my own. Nah, that's too much work. I could never handle my own shop.

I need to take a shower, get some rest, I think I'm getting bags again.

After I took a shower and ate some dinner, I went to my bed and fell asleep.


