
(Warning: Gore and distasteful scenes.)


I heard countless serpents hissing at me. That look in their eyes was definitely hungry for something to eat, and it looks like I'm on the menu.

I slowly drew my Katana and faced forward.

"It's just some snakes, nothing to be afraid of. All I need to do is take out the heart," I'd say to myself to calm me down.

But how the hell am I gonna get through these things?

A serpent hissed at me and I flinched. Crap, why am I so scared all of a sudden?

My arms began shaking as one of them headed straight for me.

I wanted to swing, but then a voice echoed in my head.


I followed and the snake's head zoomed right past me.

Who's voice was that? It sounded like a man's voice. It was distorted and deep. I don't recognize it but it sounds familiar at the same time.

Another snake's head came darted towards. I thought of dodging but the voice spoke again, this time it said-

"Sidestep… and Slash."

I did exactly what it told me. I stepped to the side and swung the Katana. The head was severed from the neck and it rolled across the ground.

I did it… I managed to take a head out.

But it seems I was celebrating too quickly because when the neck recoiled, two heads sprouted out from the neck.

"Are you… fucking kidding me?"

The heads managed to regroup and they all glared at me.

Crap, what kind of immune system is this? A very hostile one if you ask me. A snake hydra to protect the heart? I have to say that is kind of smart not gonna lie.

The serpent heads began coming at me in a group. I waited for the voice in my head to give me an order, but instead, images flashed in my head.

After those images finished, I began drawing mana into my back.

Then I turned around and my wings shot out, shooting a powerful force that blew all the heads away.

A hostile humming sound came from the wings.

These things belong to me...

But... I still don't know my name...

But at least I know I can use powers. Or magic.


The hydra serpent rushed towards me. My arms immediately became dragon claws with arm blades.

I evaded most of them and slashed their heads off. But every time I beheaded them, they would just regrow another head.

A feeling inside me felt satisfied, but also irritated as well. My bloodlust is slowly being fulfilled, but I'm getting annoyed because this thing is still alive.

I ran forward and attempted to hack my way through towards the heart. I slashed, dodged, punched, cast spells, but nothing seemed to work.

By the time I reached the heart, there were a hundred more heads awaiting me. Together, they knocked me all the way back, returning me to step one.

When I got up, there was a legion of sharp serpent heads, staring at me with their bloodthirsty eyes.

I was already tired, I couldn't move anymore. My arms felt tired and my knees buckled.

I was on my knees, I eventually let go of my weapons because I just didn't have the strength to even hold them in my hands anymore.

Shit... this is not how I wanna go out.

The hydra serpent slowly closed in on me, surrounding me so I wouldn't escape.

Heh, not gonna attack one at a time now, huh? Guess monsters do have the potential to become smart.

I knew I was about to be devoured and I had no choice but to accept it. But...

"I'm not gonna... go out without a... fight."

I managed to stand up and raise my fist.

"Come at me you... sons of bitches."

All of them hissed and charged towards me.

I managed to stop one with my bare hands but then two of them bit my arms, my hands losing strength and the one I just stopped biting my chest.


I attempted to fight back, but it was like fighting ten wrestlers. The weight of every snake biting my arms, my legs, my sides, the pain made me weak and I was eventually on my knees.

Then I began hearing tearing sounds and I lost the feeling in my left arm.

I was being eaten alive, and I could feel the blood inside my body leaving me.




Blood splattered on the floor and my weapons tossed aside.

Right now... all that was left of me was my chest and my head. That was until they bit my neck, which separated my head from the rest of my body.

I rolled across the floor with only a head and a spine. Pain was the last thing I felt.

I watched as the serpents devoured my body and munched on my bones.

Why... do I still have the energy to even watch? Shouldn't I be dead from this?

I laid there as blood dripped from my eyes. So this is how I die, huh?

My vision was already becoming blurry and I could almost see the light...




I saw a figure... not human... more... serpent-like...

It wasn't large, but it was almost the size of... a centipede...

Wasn't this the centipede I saw...?

The centipede eventually reached me to the point where I could see it clearly. It was jet black and I could almost see some kind of face on the silvery tip.

It was almost like... a dragon...

I realized it was dragging something behind it. When the centipede finished inspected my face, it went towards my spine and crawled around it. The thing it was dragging was left behind, right in front of my face.

Isn't that...

It was some sort of amulet. It was golden and there was a white gem carved in the amulet.

This amulet... didn't it...

Faint but also clear memories slowly passed my mind.

I could hear voices talking to me now.

"Oh Sei--, you're here!" a man with cyan-colored hair yelled at me while waving his hand. Then the image vanished.

He looked familiar... but I don't know who he was at the same time.

A new image was then presented before me.

"Sei--," this time a man with blonde hair spoke.

That man... I also remember him... but I was only familiar with him because... his face kinda pisses me off.

Then lastly, the face of a familiar woman spoke to me.

"I love you too."

The beautiful woman spoke, but my mind was slowly becoming darker. Who... was she...? Why do I feel a pang of overwhelming guilt running up my spine?

They were trying to say something but it kept getting cut off. Sei... who is that?

Whoever it was... they must sound familiar...

I used my remaining strength to use my tongue to grab the amulet. Then I held it with my mouth.

I think... I remember now.

She was Aurelia... that was her name...

Ah... that's right. I promised I would return alive.

I looked down at my spine and the centipede looked like it was chewing something. I realize it was chewing on the bottom of my spine and it was forcing itself to enter it.

I felt my consciousness slowly fading away, but a feeling was keeping me awake. I tried letting go of the rope that still held me from the mortal world, but that feeling was grabbing onto me, preventing me from biting the dust.

I could see someone crouching in front of me. It was that same boy with the white hair and violet eyes. He opened his mouth and spoke.

"Wake up..."

I can't... can't you see my state? I'm going to die.

"Dumbass... you die when the underworld feels like taking your soul. But you can't. Not now. You have a home to return to."

A home? But...

"Yes... you have a home. You have friends to return to. You... have her to return to."

Then the boy shoved his face in front of mine.

"Now wake up... Seiya."



That's my... name...

My name is... Seiya... Seiya Gekiryu.

I felt a massive wave of memories returning to me and after that, I felt intense rage waking me up.

"Die? I'm not dying... not to this shit... not to anyone..."

The centipede was now in front of my face and it forced open my mouth. It crawled inside and I could feel it. This 10-foot centipede was literally entering my mouth. But the effect it did was unexpected. My vision was suddenly dyed in crimson and my fury was boiling even more.

"I won't die... I won't... I'll die when I want to die... and I won't... not to you."

I was choking on my blood as I spoke but the anger inside me was overflowing. I was looking at the legion of serpent heads and lastly the heart.

My entire body or what was left of it began to glow scarlet red. I felt my body slowly rebuilding, but it didn't feel like I was regenerating human parts. When I lifted my hand to see it, it was Draconic.

I could feel as my body began to heal and change. My legs... my arms... my entire body... it was all changing.

I stood up from the ground and glared at the hydra serpent. Then I felt my head change forms. A feeling in my chest was trying to burst out. I could feel energy overflowing inside me.

I wasn't even attempting to hold the energy inside; it was just doing it, waiting for me to allow it to burst.

I looked down at my body and there was a torn angel wing pattern glowing on my chest. It glowed violet. That's when I realized the cracks in my new form were glowing violet as well.

Then my vision cleared and I was ready...

I was prepared... motivated... concentrated...

...and mad...

I wanted... to kill this fucker.

I then opened my mouth and a booming sinister roar radiated from the deepest parts of my lungs, thrashing every ounce of my rage through the room.



