The Doctor

When I opened my eyes, I was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I looked around and there was no one around, just me. There were other beds as well but they were empty.

If I were to guess, I'd be in some kind of infirmary.

I tried to get up but there was pressure on my arm. I looked down and Aurelia was lying there.

I kept on staring at her sleeping face and didn't even try to look away. She was... so cute...


Though as much as I want to gaze at her beautiful sleeping face, I need to ask what's going on.

"Hey, wake up."

Aurelia rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

"Y-you're awake."

Hmm? What's going on? Why does she look like she's about to cry? We didn't separate for that long. Why does she look like she just saw someone die in front of her eyes?

"Hey, what's wro-?"

But I was cut off when she wrapped her arms around me. She began to cry and her tears dripped onto my shoulder. Wait a minute, why am I wrapped around in bandages?

"Au-Aurelia what's going on?"

I was really confused. What is going on?

There was chatter coming from outside and Ordos, Mia, Marth entered.

"Seiya, you're alive," Ordos said as he looked at me with wide eyes. What's he so surprised about? Of course I'm alive.

"I knew my potion would work," Mia smirked. What potion?

"What a relief..." Marth said as he crosses his arms.

"What? Can someone tell me what is going on already!?" I yelled in frustration.

Minutes later...

So it turns out, I was out for a whole week. After the duel, I had fainted and even after a day passed, I was still out. Then they found out I didn't have a pulse. They also discovered the centipede in my body and attempted to take it out. When they did, the centipede was already dead.

At least that would explain why I don't feel a lump in my chest anymore. But that still doesn't explain why everyone is so worried.

Even after the centipede was removed, I still didn't have a pulse. They tried healing magic, potions, anything to try to get me to wake up. Ordos said he even tried electrocuting me to wake me up, that would explain why I feel a little shock. But even after all that, their efforts were in vain.

I placed my hand on my chest. I could feel my heartbeat, so I'm still alive.

"Then how did I come back alive?" I asked.

"A doctor came to help you and he managed to bring you back. Even when you were bedridden for a week, he managed to bring you back. He is also the one that removed the centipede from your body." Aurelia answered as she held onto my hand.

A doctor managed to bring me back to life? I was out for almost a week. It's impossible to bring someone back to life after their heart stops for a long time. How the hell was this guy able to bring me back?

Suddenly, one man popped up in my mind and I immediately clenched my hands. No... it can't be, he's the only one I can think of that can bring someone back from the dead.

"Bring me to him."


I was led to a small tent in the middle of the camp. It took a while to navigate through it because it was so brain. I had to actually stop and remember what was what.

"Wait here."

A guard said and entered the tent. Huh, this doctor, he even has his own guard.

After a while, we were allowed in. When I entered, there was a man sitting down, using metal tools to fidget with a centipede. I immediately recognized that the centipede was the one clinging to my heart.

Aurelia was about to talk until I opened my mouth and spoke.

"Hello... Uncle."

The man froze. He'd drop his tools and slowly turn around to look at me. Sure enough, he was exactly how he looked like a year before he died.

He was short, not the same height as me though, about 145 cm. His white hair made him look old, but he was actually only in his 50s.

"Seiya..." he said as he inspected me from head to toe.

"Umm, you know him?" Aurelia asked. I turned around and the others looked at me curiously.

"Yeah... he's my uncle."

I glared back at him and he just stared at me as if I was uninteresting. I noticed that his eyes were kind of different. They were a horizontal slit with a yellow pupil, almost like a goat.

I felt the urge to stab him in the chest. Images flashed in front of my eyes, images of him mentally torturing and breaking me.

"Can you guys leave for a minute? I just want to have a talk with... him." I said with a serious tone as I turned around.

Everyone looked at me and nodded. Aurelia looked at me with worried eyes and I gave her a friendly smile. When everyone left, I turned back and dropped the smile.

"How the hell did you get here?" I asked my uncle who resumed dissecting the centipede.

"Reincarnation. What do you think?" He said, "Hand me the scalpel, will you?"

He pointed and I turned. I reached for the scalpel but upon touching it I had the sudden urge to stab him and I went for it. However, he caught it before I managed to get him.

"Thank you."

I gulped and slowly pulled away.

The man that made me what I am now, who died 3 years before I did, was reincarnated into the same world I was.

"So... how is it here?" He asked me as he reached for another scalpel.

"Everything is alright. Up until I saw you."

My uncle stopped and stood up. He then picked up the centipede and tossed it in the fire.

"Don't worry, I'll be gone soon. Not like I live here."

"Where do you live in this world?"

"Lusitania. Neighbors with Priden."

"So why are you here exactly?"

"I was offered to work here to help anyone with severe injuries. Maybe bring a few people back to life. Like you."

Then he stared at my neck.

"Nice scar."

"Where's yours?"

"I don't have one. I died from bronchitis."

My uncle died from bronchitis. I remember when he was an assassin before he retired. He used to blend in with the crowd and would always get away with everything. He'd always use a scalpel and never a gun or a knife. He's basically me, just better. Well, not anymore at least, I think.

"So, you're better now?"

"Cured by the one who placed me in this world."

"And who can that be?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you. That goes the same for you."

"Hmph, guess we all have secrets."

"You should go rest. That wound of yours won't heal so quickly." He said pointing to my chest.

"I don't need to wait."

I took off my bandages, revealing a line full of stitches down the middle of my chest. That is either the hole created by Marth's sword or my uncle made the wound larger so he can remove the centipede out of my chest.

I pulled a shadow down from the ceiling and placed it on my chest. I could feel my body slowly returning to its normal state and all the bruises on my body faded away. The pain I felt also went away as well.

"I hope I don't see you ever again," I said coldly to my uncle and began to walk away.

"I'm sorry."

My uncle apologized and I turned around.

"All those things I did... I'm sorry. Your parents, before they died, they promised me that I wouldn't turn you into what you are right now. But I was tempted by my own rage and look at you."

I stared at him as he kneeled onto the ground and bowed his head. The man that has tortured me for most of my life... is now apologizing... to me.

I had the feeling to punch him but I knew I wouldn't get anything out of it.

So I just turned and ignored him. But before I left I said-

"Thank you..."

As I got to the exit, the last thing he said to me was-

"Good luck with the girl."


I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.

I returned and reunited with Aurelia. I asked her where the others were. Ordos had left to go back home, Mia went to help the others that were still injured, and Marth- wait a minute why was he with them?! Ah well, whatever.

"So then, since I didn't have a bracelet, I guess I'm not getting a score."

"Well actually, you are. You survived against a Lulator and they automatically said that you passed as you were able to defeat it."

"Ahh, I see. Well then... I guess I should go back now. I feel all better. I'll see you at the academy, Aurelia."

But when I took a step forward, Aurelia hugged me from behind and I stopped.

"Let me stay like this... for now," Aurelia whispered into my ear.

I felt tears streaming down my back. Guess she was still worried about the previous thing.

I guess I should thank my uncle. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here right now.

At least he's done one good thing in his life.


