Xing Mu

Let's get back to the topic, after Xing chen left the garden he first went out of his courtyard, Xing Mansion is very big and the courtyard of Xing chen is located in the centre of mansion only next to his gradfathers courtyard while on the left side is his Uncle Lei,s courtyard and the remaining courtyard and houses build around these courtyards.

Also there are many gardens with beautiful flowers and trees grown in them and fish ponds rockeries of different size and designs filled with beautiful fishes and other aquatic animals, surrounding these courtyards creating a breathtaking scenery.

On the other hand places like martial arts arena, Guest house, Scripture building, kitchen, Meditation hall, servants buildings etc., are build far away from main courtyard and without the permission of Xing Clan members no one allowed to come near main courtyard.

After Xing chen left his courtyard, he first went to find Uncle Mu, like his Uncle Lei who is one of the Xing family member, similarly Uncle Mu is also the Clansman but he in age and rank higher than the Uncle lei, afterall he is the older brother of Uncle lei.

The reason why he went to find Uncle Mu because his gradfather told him since he was young, that whenever he want to go out for a walk he must inform him first and if he is in not in clan then he must inform his Uncle Mu before leaving the Xing mansion.

At present his grandfather is not in Xing Clan and it's almost past a month since he went out, so he can only inform Uncle Mu before leaving, as for why not inform other clan members because except for Uncle Mu who usually have to take care of him when his grandfather is not here and Uncle Lei who must always be with him ever time he leave the Xing mansion, remaining elders are always in seclusion majority of time so he could only inform Uncle Mu.

Soon as he left his yard and after walking for some minutes he arrived at the 'Xing Mu's' courtyard, after that he entered the yard and knocked the door of his living room, next, in less than ten seconds the door of the room opened by a middle-aged man in his forties,

The middle-aged man wore a blue long gown, tall and healthy figure with black short hairs, handsome yet fresh facial features, broad forehead, straight eyebrows, black Swift yet deep as ocean eyes, straight nose bridge, rough chicks and a bit curved chin with small beard covered the whole face, maybe when young should be a handsome man. This middle-aged man naturally is Uncle Mu.

"Early morning Uncle Mu!" Just as he saw 'Xing Mu' who opened the door Xing chen cupped his fists and send greeting to him.

"little Chen, Early morning you too" Xing Mu also responed his greetings.

"Well! Xiao Chen what brings you here such an early morning?" Xing Mu asked him causally as he let him enter the room.

Xing Chen also impolite, entered the room and sat down on the big sofa which is next to the door, the entire room is spacious, neat clean and tidy, on the roof of room, a crystal chandelier hung down emiting a soft bright light, a big bed in middle of the room a side table on the both sides of bed a sofa on the left side of bed while a wooden cupboard fixed on the wall of right side of the bed, a window on the front wall facing the bed and a painting of Sunrise and mountain hanging on the back wall of bed.

"Well it's nothing special, just that I wanted to go out for a while in village market so I came to inform Uncle."Xing chen shook the head and explained his purpose of coming.

"Oh, it's just this, well no problem, you should go out once in a while regularly, after all you little leave the mansion, which is also not good and it will limit your growth." He replied positively and encouraged Xing chen.

"Here's some money, buy anything you like or need and don't worry to save them if finished ask me for more."After that he took a red leather bag/sac full of gold coins out of nowhere and handed it to him.

"Uncle I don't need it, I have enough money on me for now."Xing chen shook his head hastily and refused him.

"Why don't you need?"

"Didn't grandpa said if i need anything, i should first earn money myself and also, he told me not to ask for money from anyone lest it spoil me."Xing chen said innocently.

Xing Mu was speechless for a while, then said in serious tone "Don't worry take it, althrough patriarch said, not to spoil you but it does not mean that he said you do not want to take this money from me moreover it's not much to spoil you anyway so take it." then forcefully thumped the small bag of gold coins in his hand.

"Well, then thanks the Uncle."Xing chen reluctantly accepted the bag of money and thanked him.

"No need to polite with me."

"Ok, you wait a little while here, let me inform Xiao Lei and he'll go with you for your security." Xing Mu said to him as he went out of his room.

"Uncle Mu you don't need disturb Uncle Lei, I just want to go to village market not the City market, also it's not far away from mansion and i'll come back before, after noon so don't worry." Just as Xing Mu was leaving, Xing Chen stopped him in a hurry.

On the other hand Xing Mu after being stopped by Xing Chen, hesitated for a while, then nodded his head in yes;" Ok then you go but come back before evening. "

"Many thanks Uncle Mu." After saying thanks, Xing Chen left the courtyard in a happy mood.