Arrived at Qinglong Village Market

Leaving the main courtyard, Xing Chen walked towards the front door of the mansion, while walking he also begun to think about, what type of things or items should he buy?. At present, he has more than four thousand gold coin counting the thousand gold coins that Uncle Mu has given him just now.

These more than four thousand gold coin are enough for him to buy many thing but he still didn't plan to spend all the money at most spend thousand gold coin first, although uncle Mu has given him thousand gold coin but the remaining coins are his hard work over the years he collected by selling the beasts he hunted or selling those spirit medicine from the Qinglong mountains forest.

Ever since he was a child his grandfather taught him that no what he want, he must do enough hard work to obtain it, rather than snatching it or by other foul means.

Same for if he wanted to buy something he must earn the money himself instead of relying on his clan or grandfather.

What his grandfather taught him over the years he always remembered and did the same, if he wanted something he 'll struggle for it, same when he is short of money, he will go to forest and hunt the beasts or search for spirit medicines and sold it in village to get the money he wanted, instead of he ask it from his grandfather. That is why he was not accepting money from his Uncle Mu at that time.

But it doesn't mean that his grandfather told him to never take money from his elders, so long as they are willing to give themself, then just take it just like uncle Mu has given him.

Just as he was thinking about the item or things he needed and so on, he arrived at the front door of mansion.

Look at the Big metal door guarded by four guards holding Silver spears and clad in silver armour, Xing Chen Dispelled the distracting thoughts and walked towards them.

These four guards out if which two are standing at the inner side of door while the remaining two are standing at the outside of the door in allert state, excuding swift and solemn murderous aura.

These guards are personally trained by Uncle Lei, in truth there are not many guards or servants in the Xing Clan, as for reason, his grandfather told him that they doesn't need many and those guards also just in case, so that some small problems could be solved without troubling them.

Just as Xing Chen approached those guards, they also saw their young master coming towards them so they respectfully greeted him.

"Has seen young master!."they bowed a little and said loudly.

"Has seen several brothers, Please be at ease big brothers."he said to them hurriedly.

"Many thanks young master" seeing his action those guards flattered, in truth they already knows the nature of their young master but still every time he responds them in courteous manners, it make them flattered and excited too.

Looking at their happy and excited faces, he is totally helpless because he know they since childhood and even played with them as he little went out of clan so for him they are the part of family and for this reason, don't know how many times he had told them not to be so formal but they just won't listen. Anyways since he can't change their decision then get along with it.

"Brother li, I'm going outside for a walk, can you help me bring my horse from Stable?"Xing Chen said to one of the guard with tall and slim body and clever facial features.

"Naturally Young master, you wait a while with other brothers I go as fast as possible and bring your horse" As he said the guard named Li ran towards the southeast direction in mansion and in a blink of eyes disappeared in front of them.

While the guard named Li went to bring his horse, Xing Chen begun to talk with other guard brothers happily and time passed very quickly.


As they were talking and smiling, a sound of heavy footwork came from the southeast direction, when xing chen and remaining three guards turned their heads and saw, a person was pulling the reins of a big sturdy Black horse runing towards them.

The big black horse behind the man, looks extraordinary at first glance, pointed ears, light silver coloured eyes, entire body from head to tail is covered with pitch black hairs, tall and sturdy body and almost a time bigger than normal horse with silky black hair big mane and long silky hair tail. Simply is a handsome steed that every Young man wished for in his dreams.

The person who is pulling the reins of horse, who isn't brother li who went earlier and that handsome black horse naturally is the personal horse of Xing chen, which his grandfather gifted him on his fourteenth birthday.

"Xiao Ye! come here." Looking at handsome black horse Xing chen swinged his hands in the air and called the black horse. Xiao Ye is the name Xing chen given to his black horse.(Xiao=Small Ye=Night)

"Neigh!"Just as the black horse(Xiao ye) saw Xing chen, he pulled his reins from guard li's hand and ran towards him excuding excited moans.

After running for less than ten seconds, Xiao Ye stopped in front of Xing chen and started to rub his head on his chest in affectionate manners.

"Ok, Xiao Ye stop it now."Xing chen petted his head and said in helpless tone. After past several minutes Xiao ye who was still rubbing his head reluctantly stopped. It's already more than two years since Xiao Ye with him and now they have tactic understanding for each other and could understand each others meaning. Moreover, for Xing chen he is already a part of his family.(BL lovers please clean your dirty thoughts/imaginations...)

"Many thanks brother Li." Xing Chen nodded and thanked guard li when he saw him runing back.

"Where, where! young master please don't embarrass my old li, I didn't done anything much."Guard li listened Xing chen saying thanks to him, he is both flustered and flattered and waved his hand embarrassingly.

"Well, big brothers I have to go, see you after noon. Let's go Xiao Ye! Run towards Village market." After saying this, he sat on the back of Xiao ye and instructed him to run outside of Xing mansion towards Village market.

"Niegh!" Xiao Ye is also a clever horse beast and because he knows what his owner is saying so he nieghed and ran towards the village market direction.


A sound of horse's running on a paved road, could be heard from afar, on the both side of road tall trees are grown forming a natural archway which looks extremely beautiful while beyond the area where trees are grown is covered by tall grass and plants in several miles on both sides, creating a peaceful and beautiful natural scenery.

And in such a beautiful natural scenric environment a black horse with silvery eyes running wildly in the middle of the road, on the back of horse is sitting an extremely handsome young man, with long black hairs floating in the air and an indifferent charming smile hung on his face which could charm and let any women to lose control, unfortunately there is no one near the road to see such a beautiful scene.

The handsome young man and black horse naturally is Xing Chen and Xiao Ye who has left Xing Mansion already for a while on the road towards Village market, and now Xing Chen is almost several minutes away from his destination. so long as he pass through this road it will take less than five minutes for him to reach the market.

Soon, Xing chen who is riding Xiao Ye stopped on an open land area and several hundred meters away from him, in front presented a grand paifang entrance archway of village. On the middle upper area of paifang is written 'Qinglong Village Market' in extra large letters with black Ink.