Commotion in the Market

"Finally arrived!" Xing Chen muttered in low voice.

"Xiao Ye, lets enter the market." After looking at the archway for a while, he patted Xiao ye's head and said him in low voice.

"Neigh..!" Xiao Ye nieghed while rearing and ran like a gust of wind towards the market.

After arriving in front of paifang, Xing Chen instructed Little night to slow down his speed , because it's village market and only village people here, so there is no guards in front of archway.

After he passed the archway entrance, he saw entire market is bustling and full of people who are buying and selling things and making noise and screams of all kinds, like the sound of young and old calling and shouting attracting the attention of people towards their stalls, shopkeepers who are introducing items on their shops, aunts who are bargaining with clothes merchants or in different kinds of stalls, some fruit and vegetable sellers shouting loudly their slogans and selling vegetables and fruits etc,.

As Xing Chen entered inside the market it attracted the attention of many peoples, after all there was no one near the entrance and what's more he is riding a big black horse, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Af first when people saw such a handsome uncommon young man who is riding a big black horse they startled and stunned for a moment, but soon someone from these people yelled causing a commotion in the crowd.

"Wow! It's Young master Chen!."

"Where? Where? let me see!"

"Really so it's true! Young master Chen arrived in the market!!!"

"Haha..., today finally saw Young master Chen, really hasn't come white here!"

"Lao San is right, today is really an auspicious day"

"Hey! let me see my dream prince, you ugly fat women get off from front!"

"Little bitch! Whom you are calling ugly?"

"Whom you said bitch? Ugly women!"


"What you!! Me!!"

"You two go away fight somewhere else! Don't let Young master Chen hear your ugly voice!" A women next to them said in annoyance.

"Yeah! Yeah... let us feast our eyes." Another young women said.

"Kya! Young master Chen accept this girl to be your maid or slave and warm your bed!"

"Young master Chen accept me I want to live monkeys for you!!"

"Humph! You shameless women's, you really think you are qualified to be Young master Chen's maid let alone live a monkey for him!! Dream.." A middle aged man with muscular body said in disdain.

"Did we asked you? Lao wang shut your mouth, what can you do except for being jealous!" An aunt holding vegetable basket said in fierce manners.

"Yes, yes! Madam ma said right!, Lao wang shut your mouth"

"Yeah! Shut up"

" Yes!...."

Soon other women who gathered to watch Xing Chen also begun to scold Lao wang whose face already red and blue with anger, but he didn't dare to say anything because he knew these women's better, if he dare to talk then today he has to go home with some broken bones and ribs.

On the other hand Xing Chen already regretting not to wear a mask or hood to cover his face, because last time he came in market he wore a black gown, a wooden mask on his face and also didn't brought Xiao Ye so no one recongnized him back then but now he came directly without covering his face and caused such a commotion.

"Hu..!" Taking a deep breath Xing chen calmed himself somehow.

Looking at the village people who are screaming and arguing with each other, he decided to stop their commotion first and then at the fastest speed leave here and enter Uncle Ding's shop as soon as possible. Otherwise these women definitely swallow him alive, thinking of that a chill run through his spine.

"Uhmm! Cough cough!... Dear villagers please stop arguing each other and listen to me for a moment!" Xing Chen first cleared his throat and coughed to attract the attention of people and he really succeeded.

"Hey! you women stop fighting, didn't you hear young master Chen want to say something!"

"Yeah! You guys listen to young master Chen, he has something to say."

"Yes! Yes! You are all bothering Young master Chen!"

"Ok! Who said we are not listening to young master Chen."


Finally after a minute, everyone stopped taking and their eyes completely focused on him, watching so many people looking at him although he felt a little uncomfortable but soon he regained his composure.

"Everyone it's nice to meet you all today and I'm very happy to see that everyone is so united and full of enthusiasm, our Qinglong village always need to be such united and lively so that it could become more prosperous and a better place to live. Today I came market with some important purpose so I don't have much time to spend with everyone which is regrettable so hope everyone forgive me." After saying all of this in one breath Xing chen stopped talking and secretly begun to observe villagers reaction.

On the other hand when those villagers listened to Xing Chen praising and encouraging them they felt happy and excited at the same time, and when they listened him to say he has something important to do, they become a little ashamed afterall young master Chen came for important matter and they surrounded him without caring about his feelings, so their faces become hot.

"Many thanks young master Chen to praise us, although we don't deserve it. we are ashamed that we wasted your precious time hope young master Chen forgive us!." After a short moment of silence, an old man whose age seventy or eighty years old went farword, cupped his hand and apologized.

"Yes! Forgive us for being rude."

"Yeah! Young master thought so good about us, and we should be ashamed." Another person said.

"Grandpa, everyone, you are embarrassing me, please be at ease, I'm happy enough that everyone in village cares so much for me how can I be angry with everyone, also I did not praised you in truth I stated the fact moreover my time is precious then isn't everyone here's their time is precious, so please be at ease." Xing Chen stunned by old mans action and replied as he landed down from his horse and held the hand of old man in a hurry.

"Many thanks young master Chen" the old man also surprised by Xing Chen's sudden action and the same goes for surrounding villagers.

"Grandpa,you're just like my grandfather how can I accept 'young master' these words from your mouth please you call me by my name or Xiao Chen." He said while shaking his head.

"Many thanks Young Young master Chen, it's an honour for us to call you young master Chen so please try to understand us" the old man first thanked him then shook his head firmly.

Looking at the stubborn look of old man and nearby villagers he sighed; " As you wish then grandpa, i should also be going, see you everyone."

As he said, he let Xiao Ye to lower his body so that he could sit on his back. After sitting on the back of Xiao Ye he instructed him to run without looking back. No way if he dare to stay any longer he might really not be able to get away.

On the other hand those villagers saw young master Chen has gone, many of them are a little disappointed but soon the crowd dispersed again.